Blacktail Deer Plateau [M]aybe I'll be your witchy woman
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Conception, Suggestion,

I cannot promise that any pups that are conceived in these open threads will be viable. I am trying to do this as ICLY  as possible and this is my first time, without having an established relationship or set plan in place for breeding season at least with this little wolf here. So please bear with me.

Dawn's early light broke across the icy encrusted land she called home. The rays pressing hard into her tapestry of Tawny, Black and White. Warming her, flitting along her creases and dips. The valleys of feminine grace and wile. 

She twined and twisted through the trees of the plateau. A scent of womanhood heavy on her skin, her fur. The fire burning, twisting there deep in the recesses of her insides. A all consuming need to fix the pressure of hundreds of years of instinct pure and simple.

A low keening whine found it's way deep in her throat and danced through the still air. Puffs of cool air, coming across her dipping along her spine, easing some of the heat, but hardly none. She would ask for Atka's guiding light as she moved throughout the pack lands. After all, was not conception, birth and children from the  mother goddess herself.
"I've fallen in love and it's changed everything"
420 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
The scent coming from the small brown white and black girl in the nearby distance caught his nose sharply. He’s smelt it before, this season and last, but he’d fucked up then being a young boy stuck in his full of himself state. He wouldn’t do the same again. Spreading his genes and expanding his bloodline was important to him so he had to do this right because it wasn’t like he could just spawn young by himself.

His voice rumbled in his chest. Soothing but also dominant. His stance was relaxed but he held himself strongly. He wanted to be in charge but not controlling. He would submit if it took that to get the girl to accept him but he had to show what he was capable of first. Which meant starting off strong
Void is Alfa of founding pack Midnight Scar. Interested in joining? PM me!
Health (90/100)
Void is physically healthy, just a little tired and unkempt
Mental Health (100/100)
Void has a mate and pups, and despite his exhaustion he is beyond happy
83 Posts
Ooc —
He had never before considered himself a dominant man when it came to fighting for a woman. But today, things changed, and may later cause a sharp turn in certain events.

After having patrolled the territory near all morning, Sanguinex grew weary. But something in the air kept him moving, and alert. It attracted him like a an enticing surge, pulling him closer, even if against his own will. 

Further and further he walked, until eventually the pitched sound of a whine caught his attention. Tongue lolling, the beast pushed onward, gaining on the location of both the scent and the sound.

To his surprise, the form of one of Basilica's own was what came into view. Ash Paw. But she was not the only one. Another approached, slow and cautious — same as he.

But unlike them, the deathbringer had no sense of gentleness nor an ounce of submission within him. 

Quickly, his steady pace turned into an intense gait. Directly passing the mage, he was headed straight for the stranger. They too appeared interested in whatever smell lingered upon Ash Paw; but something within denied Sanguinex any intention of letting him near her. 

Halfway between the two, whatever the distance may have been, the pale dagger forced himself to a stop. His stance was directive, blatantly showing off his mass as both a challenge and a shield, preventing him from taking any closer steps. The beast's gaze was lit with rage; teeth were bared and saliva hung like a string from his pulled back lips. 

In near silence, he now waited. Only the sound of low snarls could be heard — that aside from the soft whimpering behind him.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
For a second time in as many days a stranger came to their borders because of Ash Paw. She was immediately on guard. Unsure what to do. He was pleasing to look at sure, but young. However, in her haze of seasonal bliss age really didn't matter much to her.

However, before she could decide if she would lead him from the territory or attack him upon sight another pushed his way inbetween. A softer croon left her maw at the sight of someone she knew. Despite that deathbringer was not her friend, they were packmates and he was certainly not one of her fans she was certain. Unless he just hated everyone equally.

She however, noticed the overtly dominant display and a soft warmth began to expand. She shifted and curled her tail around her haunches and watched with blue eyes what  might happen.
"I've fallen in love and it's changed everything"
420 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Void turned to face the male who was threatening his chances in this with a sharp growl. He would attack if the opponent did not back down. He bared his teeth and let saliva drip. He was a massive thing though the same could be said about the other man. He was not afraid though
Void is Alfa of founding pack Midnight Scar. Interested in joining? PM me!
Health (90/100)
Void is physically healthy, just a little tired and unkempt
Mental Health (100/100)
Void has a mate and pups, and despite his exhaustion he is beyond happy
83 Posts
Ooc —
They did not back down, in fact pressing his challenge.

The deathbringer made a step closer, tightening his stance. You are trespassing here. This is the land of Basilica. Leave now, or be removed by force. Sanguinex played it off as border defense with ease; but in reality, keeping trespassers out wasn't in interest at this time.

A deeper snarl built within, shoulders rolling in preparation for anything. This is your only warning, He added sharply, snapping his teeth towards the man with an additional signal to suggest he wasn't at all joking.
"I've fallen in love and it's changed everything"
420 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Void looked at the woman. "You want to come with me? So we can do this somewhere safe, outside of the borders? I will otherwise fight this man for you." Void said to her, his tone relaxed and calm. Then her turned to the man. "If she agrees to come with me I will leave passively. But if she stays, I will fight. If she wants me to leave, I will leave though. I will respect the wishes of the woman I came here for." He said coolly.
Void is Alfa of founding pack Midnight Scar. Interested in joining? PM me!
Health (90/100)
Void is physically healthy, just a little tired and unkempt
Mental Health (100/100)
Void has a mate and pups, and despite his exhaustion he is beyond happy
83 Posts
Ooc —
Our order got jumbled a bit, but Danni has given permission for this post to follow. Ryder, please do not skip over Danni's turn again, and allow them to get back in the original posting order.

The man's words were spoken all too coolly for Sanguinex' taste. But then, his suggestions were far more irritating. 

Snarling again, this time out of contempt and annoyance, the pale beast took a few paces backward until he had nearly reached Ash Paw. All the while, his hard stare never left the trespasser. With such closeness, he could easily intercept the man if he decided to persuade her by force. 

She is not your property, mutt. The deathbringer seethed, now, saliva continuing to drip from his blood eager jowls.

I will not say it again. Leave! If he refused again, he would soon be faced with more teeth than the dagger's own.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The simple fact was Ash didn't know the wolf in front of her, but she did know deathbringer, she also feared for the young males life. Deathbringer was a wolf forged from blood and war, and he'd have the boys throat before he could think. 

She pressed softly against the leg of deathbringer nearest her. Showing with actions rather than words her choice. She was far too gone at the moment to be able to speak. She tilted her head. 

Then she waited, blue eyes on both males, her scent pervading the area. Her own needs pressing hard against her.
"I've fallen in love and it's changed everything"
420 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Void never backed down from a threat. But based on the look on the womans face he knew he should back from this one. He had to assert some sort of dominance though. He turned to the girl and whispered, "I will be by the Whitefish River bank. Find me there if you please", before turning to the man and saying, "Fine. Just don't hurt her." He growled and stalked past the gigantic man into the open world. He raced out of there to get distance in case the man would give chase.

sorry!!! I did not realize! also this should be last for Void unless he is chased. Then I may post again
Void is Alfa of founding pack Midnight Scar. Interested in joining? PM me!
Health (90/100)
Void is physically healthy, just a little tired and unkempt
Mental Health (100/100)
Void has a mate and pups, and despite his exhaustion he is beyond happy
83 Posts
Ooc —
They would not fight today.

But when the man declared he would wait for her elsewhere, the measure of the dagger's fury rose. It was only the touch of Ash Paw that soothed his anger. Such was a feeling that said, "no", then to say "stay here". He wasn't sure if she simply felt safe in his presence given the situation, or if there was another reason behind it. But, nonetheless, he would stay.

The mutt should have been grateful, he thought. If not for the mage, his life may have been put to risk.

If I catch one glimpse of you here again, you will not be leaving unscathed. A solemn promise; a vow he intended to keep.

With cold, steady eyes, Sanguinex watched, waiting for them to disappear from view. Only when he did, would the dagger turn to look at the crouching frame of his packmate.

You shouldn't be out wandering about so aimlessly. Immediate scorn. It was what his nature demanded. Though, he couldn't help but detect a bit of concern flowing through his tone. Was it that he cared for her safety, or didn't want another man touching her in times like these? Even he didn't know.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
If he were to ask she'd have said both reasons.Even she couldn't fully fathom this burning need to be near. Or what her heats would entail she had always surpressed them before. Deathbringer for all his clear irritation with others and his droll tones,  she did feel safe with him, a bit fond of him even. Liked him.

She heard his words and were it any other time she'd have glared and berated his tone soundlessly, but an instinct pressed close to her that told her no. And a small wave of absolute gratitude. She wouldn't like others to touch her at these times, except the wolves in this pack. Wolves that in a way she belonged to. Ingram, Deathbringer, Syrax even the females the precious nightwife, Almalexia, the seer. 

She lifted her head haughtily as she always did, but her voice when it came forth soft, a croon.

I  aware, but i thought I'd be safe in the pack lands. Which you have proven I am.

Blue eyes met his, soft and warm. Normally she wouldn't have been so bold with this one. He hated being touched.

She moved forward and if he'd allow gentle nudge, a brush of head then body against his. She was grateful, ecstatic even. He had bested an opponent in a way, had fought for her in a moment most impressionable. And she still had a deep seated need burning deep within.

he can absolutely turn her back to her den if you'd like. Or he can he accept her advances. :)
83 Posts
Ooc —
Only a few words, did she speak. They were not spiteful, nor angry due his scorn. No, they were soft; a caressing whisper through his ears.

She came closer. Too close. Cheek against cheek, body against body. In any other occasion, Sanguinex would have immediately pushed himself away, maybe even leaving a mark of warning upon her. But here, now, he didn't even budge, nor flinch.

Warm sparks fluttered through his body, as if he were being electrocuted. Except, it didn't hurt one bit. He enjoyed it, even, wanting to feel it again and again.

Circling her slowly, his body still pressed as closely as was possible, the man's chin trailed her spine. The inviting scent upon her overwhelmed him. But he didn't want it to cease. It had to stay, and so did she.
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Heavy suggestion, mature speech, etc

The gentle pressure of his chin on her back and she purled deep beneath his ministrations. It was like a dance, he moved she followed the press of his muzzle the pressure of paw.

Blue eyes upon him, caressing, gazing, halting. 

Teeth and small paws she would gently preen and purl. Press against him, to have him press against back. 

She teased and flirted pressed her body to his. Where she was soft gentle feminine curves, he was sturdy strong. More than enough for what she needed, wanted, waited for.

Fade with your next post or we can possibly do one more.
83 Posts
Ooc —
last from me! feel free to post again, or you can archive it here.

The two waltzed in a slow dance. They moved together, as one.

Occasionally, her chin found him. He was doubtful she would, but in any moment that she got too pushy or aggressive, his teeth would be ready to snap a few nips. A show of gently enforced submission.

Larger than she, he practically buried her between him. Then as he curled back towards her quarters, the beast would have her trapped beneath him as the dance continued, feeding the desires of which they both shared.