Moonspear and if that's not enough, let me ask
Sun Mote Copse
131 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
All Welcome 
Tag is just for reference! Anyone who'd like to explore with Ray welcome, preferably just one joiner please!

Upon waking, Stingray decided he was going to climb all the way to Moonspear's peak. He was lucky to find a muskrat buried in the soft loam near the family den and consumed half of it for breakfast, bringing the other half for @Meerkat to enjoy. With a promise to find something to replace it, he set off up the mountainside.

Stingray started out strong, but he wasn't even beyond the treeline by the time his lungs and legs began to burn. The combination of uphill climb, rugged terrain, and thin mountain air did a number on the young coastal wolf, and his persistent puppy fat certainly didn't help. Ray couldn't take another step.

He slumped against a nearby tree, panting heavily, and craned his neck to look up at the peak. It soared over him, still so far out of reach. He would not be climbing to the top today, but maybe he could find something interesting around here where the trees began to thin and the ground was more rock than soil.
172 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
Keen's wandering days were long behind her, but occasionally she still felt the itch to discover something new. That itch came in handy at a time like this, when newness was the only thing around her. There was nothing familiar about Moonspear or its inhabitants; it was best that it didn't stay that way, so she picked a route and resolved to walk it until she stumbled across something or someone interesting.
A young blonde panting against a tree won that prize today. Blue-eyed and boyish, and perhaps not entirely suited to mountain living. He seemed exhausted. Keen chuffed as she approached to announce herself, but said nothing for now. She only followed his gaze toward the mountain's peak, studied it for a few seconds, then looked back to him and waited for him to catch his breath.
Sun Mote Copse
131 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
He was a little out of shape, sure, even Ray could admit that... But it shouldn't be this hard to catch his breath when he had spent every day of his life swimming in the sea! With no knowledge of how altitude affected respiration, Ray could not understand why it was taking so much longer to steady his breathing.

Long enough for someone — a girl! — to arrive and see him.

Between her tapered physique and the long fur of her ears, Keen looked about two years younger than she really was to Stingray. If he had known she was even older than his mom, it may not have changed how instantly star-struck he was, but it might have helped quell some of the machismo that followed.

Heeey, he said, clamping down on his heaving lungs in an effort to appear unfazed. They screamed in his chest and made his throat burn with the desire for air. Just uh... Y'know... Goin' to the peak. His ears flinched back at the way peak came out with an audible squeaking crack right in the middle.