Emberwood we used to shake the beehive
47 Posts
Ooc — siv
All Welcome 
Athens rested by the side of a small brook, the fur of his maw still damp from his recent drink. It was a sunny midmorning, with only partial cloud-cover, but beneath the evergreen canopy the pale wolf was cast in shadow. It had been a long night. Unable to sleep, he had traveled off and on instead, but now it seemed that exhaustion had caught up with him.  Despite his weariness, his mind remained loud with thoughts of his siblings: worries for their well-being, doubts about whether or not he had a chance of finding them. He was not certain that Reverie and @Tybault would accept his presence even if he did manage to locate one or both of  them. Athens had never been Tybault's favorite brother; he knew this. And Athens had no idea what was going on with his pale sister, for the manner in which she had departed was strange to him. 

He rested his head between his front paws and closed his eyes, though he dared not hope for sleep. Instead he relished the feeling of the soft, cold earth supporting his tired body, as the brook babbled pleasantly beside him.
114 Posts
Ooc — Van
River returned to the valley beneath the mountains to continue her quest to better acquaint herself with the territories and packs within a readily traversable distance of Arrow Lake. She skirted her way along the border belonging to the creek wolves but had so far not crossed paths with a patrol there, and she was too impatient to wait. Carrying on, she followed a stream of snowmelt which pooled into a wider brook that was more water than it was ice in these early spring days.

It was in these woods that she discovered a prone figure beside the stream, its body only slightly darker than the snow and the pale aspen tree trunks. He might have been easy to miss for someone with duller eyesight. A younger version of herself would have gladly disturbed the resting wolf, but she was of a different mind these days.

Content to let sleeping dogs lie in this neutral space, River changed her trajectory so that she might travel past the stranger at a wide circumference in an effort to go on without rousing them.