Sadey felt it was high time to pull her own wait. She chuckled look at her being all nice and genteel like. Then she felt her face fall as she also felt a quick layer of disgust. Imagine her a pack wolf all smiles and sunshine and roses. Blech.
She shook her head and headed towards the river. Her side scarred and puckered as it would always be.
She shook her head and headed towards the river. Her side scarred and puckered as it would always be.
June 02, 2023, 12:11 AM
Ines was in a foul mood. Ever since Iseul had come up with the idea of moving to Moontide, the sun seemed a bit less brighter, and the days, a little darker. How could she even think about making them leave the Isle! This had always been there home - with their den that still smelled like mama and papa, and Ever and Manias, and the clearing they had once played in together.
Stupid Iseul. Stupid ocean. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
She kicked a rock, but as she sent it soaring, the stone cut her paw and she let out a,
Ines squeezed her eyes tight, and wished mama and papa were back, and that this would all go away.
Stupid Iseul. Stupid ocean. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
She kicked a rock, but as she sent it soaring, the stone cut her paw and she let out a,
AAGH! STUPID ROCK!!and kicked a whole handful of little pebbles into the tranquil river bed. The water blurred, and so did the trees - no, she was NOT crying! - and fat tears splashed her paws.
Ines squeezed her eyes tight, and wished mama and papa were back, and that this would all go away.
As fate would have it. She wasn't going to be alone at the river. A sour feeling rose up in her stomach, made larger by the fact that the girl was crying. Buckets of tears at the riverbed. She sighed, but continued forward.
Sadey settled beside the girl, within striking distance even and looked her over. Eyes peering over the trees.
You know tears are all well and good, but you better make sure you get your ass up after you cry 'em all gone.
Sadey settled beside the girl, within striking distance even and looked her over. Eyes peering over the trees.
Tell Ole Sadey about it. Or we can sit here and you can wallow in your tears and irritate me either way.
June 13, 2023, 12:26 PM
When Sadey plopped herself down beside her, Ines felt a frazzle of embarrassment and wiped her paw aggressively against her face.
Ines knew it wasn’t becoming of a princess to cry. No one had told her this, but after Iseul had been stern with her for complaining about moving to the ocean, that must have been why.
She did think it was stupid that someone as small as her could irritate someone as big as Sadey, though. She rather likes the idea of ruffling her fur. So rather than run away crying some more, she sidled closer with another sniffle.
I’m not crying,she grumbled,
it’s nuffin, just a bug in my eye.She sniffled again to pull back the snot that dripped from her nose in an ugly way.
Ines knew it wasn’t becoming of a princess to cry. No one had told her this, but after Iseul had been stern with her for complaining about moving to the ocean, that must have been why.
She did think it was stupid that someone as small as her could irritate someone as big as Sadey, though. She rather likes the idea of ruffling her fur. So rather than run away crying some more, she sidled closer with another sniffle.
What chu doin, anyway?
June 13, 2023, 05:30 PM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Swearing
Sadey snorted.
Helluva big bug to make your eyes water like that. I hoped you killed the bastard.
Well I was gonna do some fishin'. Figured it was high time I got my useless ass into doin' some work aroun' here. Don't yew think? But then i came across alittle princess who likes to lie and decided to see what she were doin'
A soft smirk colored her maw, and her grey eyes looked cooly at the girl with a small sparkle of amusement in them. SHe knew she'd rile the girl, but she needed to work through her emotions or she'd be a ticking time bomb some day and that just wasn't good.
June 24, 2023, 09:30 AM
Nah, it got away,Ines said, playing into the tale. The threat was still out there, wasn’t it? Of leaving the isle? She knew she should be practicing hunting or fishing instead of hanging out by the river like a big crybaby, but ooooh!! She didn’t want to do anything but scream whenever she thought of moving somewhere else!
Ines crinkled her nose as Sadey’s words turned into a smirking accusation, and Ines stomped her forepaws on the ground.
I’m not lying!she retorted,
there’s a big ole bug an-and her name’s Iseul! I thought she was my friend but she said we should leave the isle and go somewhere else! Some stupid ocean or something, I dunno,she mumbled off and cast her narrowed gaze aside. Kicked a few more stones away with a halfhearted scuff,
it’s dumb, anyway.
June 27, 2023, 05:25 PM
Sadey didn't say much. Let the girl work through her own stuff for a moment. She was young and most often than not they came to their own conclusions with only a little bit of guidance.
Sadey shifted and settled her paws.
Sadey shifted and settled her paws.
Well.She drawled.
The ocean is might purty yew know. Real big and blue and theres these fish that are bigger than yew and me. But I have a feelin' it has nothin' to do with the ocean and more to do with yew not wantin' to leave home. Am I right?
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