Emberwood I can't Stand it they always leave
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Amalia had tracked him as far as she could and then his trail went cold. No idea where he was. It was as if he had just disappeared. At the spot where she found a tuft of fur, a drop of blood and something tangy that made her tongue feel funny when she licked it. That was all that was left of @Atreus. She determined that his cousin had returned to finish the job. And she hadn't been there again.

It was there that she had wept, and now she had pushed her way further into the emberwood. She Knew these grounds well. She had lived her for almost a whole season before she had gone on her way with the remnants of Natigvik.

She took a deep breath and kept walking.
29 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
Elphie enjoyed hunting. As much as she hated that it often took her far from Nox, she found peace in it; hunting was a purpose without end, a routine to fall into when she didn't know what else to do. It gave her meaning when she found that nothing made sense, not even her own thoughts.

But she loved company too, and when she crossed the same trail of wolf scent for a third time, found her attention finally diverted from hunting. She was curious. Elphie pursued the trail until it turned fresh, until she could hear the pawsteps of the other woman, until she caught glimpses of her through the trees. Hello? She called out amiably, trotting forward to meet the stranger. A dark-furred woman; she looked as if she'd been crying recently. Oh, are - are you alright?
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Another was coming and Amalia lifted her head hopeful that it was Atreus only to be disappointed that it wasn't. She was black like Amalia, but her eyes more vibrant than her own.

She smiled despite the heaviness that lay on her. You have sea tide eyes.

Amalia shifted and shook her head. My little brother is missing. He was recently hurt pretty badly by another wolf and then he disappeared. I was trying to find him.
29 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
Elphie was shocked, honestly, that anyone could be that smooth while grieving a missing brother. She could respect that. You're cute, but I'm married, she almost said, but that felt like a jerk move even for her. No doubt the woman didn't mean anything by it.

What's he look like? My husband and I are traveling, we can keep an eye out for him, Elphie opted for a more subtle way to bring her relationship status into the conversation. Better safe than sorry, after all. The last thing she needed was to be awkwardly hit on and then probably cried at when it didn't go well. Grief did things to people, she knew.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia had meant nothing by her initial greeting. IT was simply how she was. She always commented on eyes when first meeting wolves. At least usually. It was just a small quirk of her's to let them know she noticed them.

Are you and your husband looking for a place to settle? There are many beautiful places around here and some very nice packs.

She wrinkled her nose and furrowed her brow in thought. He is many colors. Red with black stripe to tail, white tip. Black ears and nose. White belly. Two colored eyes he has a sunset eye and and an eye the color of gray river rock. He is smaller than me but stockier. He answers to Atreus, Bear, Scout and Icarus.

She shifted and pressed a paw in the dirt. Her ears to her skull. He hasn't had an easy life and especially not now. Oh.

She frowned and sniffled, but she didn't cry.
29 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
That was a lot of information. Elphie shifted awkwardly, grateful that the woman added more to the conversation than her grief but still unsure what to say. That sucks, She said after a moment. I'll let you know if I see him. She would probably forget all about it the second they parted ways.

We are looking for a place to settle, though, Elphie added, unabashedly taking advantage of the hint at greater knowledge of the area. What do you know about this valley? I'm Elphaba, by the way. She hoped fiercely that the woman wouldn't start crying on her.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia wasn't sure about this wolf. Her sorry felt forced. And she supposed she couldn't blame her. She was here crying all over herself. But the woman Elphaba had asked her why she was sad. Or more so if she was okay. If she didn't want to know she shouldn't have asked.

Amalia blinked and then shifted. Lifting her head. Taking the hint. Her voice was a little tighter now, but she answered all the same.

There are three packs in the valley. Riverclan run by Ashpaw, Crowfeather and Silvertongue, they are primarily healers. Swiftcurrent Creek it is run by Arric and Akavir they are mostly warriors. And finally Kvarsheim. It is run by Gunnar, Taktuq and Tauris. They are more a familial pack. Gunnar is more into loyalty and kindness.

This was all information she had gleaned in her few short days in Riverclan. But it had been nice to know some of it. SHe pointed towards the mountain with her nose.

On the mountain is Moonglow, Moonspear and Brecheliant. Moonglow is run by Moonwoman Kukutux and Sunman Aiolos. And Star hunter Shikoba. Moonspear by Sialuk. They are mystics, hunters and healers mostly. But they have warriors, bards and storytellers among their lands. Brecheliant is run by Maia and Teya, both sweet and peaceful it is where i make my home.

She turned towards the coast. It was so far away, but she nodded. That way is the coast. There are a few packs there, but I couldn't tell you what all their names are. I only know of Moontide and Sapphique. Moontide is hunters and Sapphique is mostly woman. They do not think fondly of men unless they are born to it.

Amalia sighed and lifted her head. I am a scout. It is my job to know the packs of the area.
29 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
You do a great job, then. Thanks for all the info, Elphie's smile came more easily now, relieved by the shift to a lighter topic. She shot a glance through the trees then beckoned to her, inviting the woman to walk with her as they conversed.

You mentioned a few names, but not yours. Mine's Elphaba, She continued, head dipping here and there to nose among the undergrowth and take in the scents. What's up with Moonglow and Moonspear? Mystics, you said? Her eyes flicked briefly to Amalia as she questioned her. She was thinking of Nox. He would be interested, no doubt.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia didn't know what else to say. She smiled, but it wasn't as bright as it usually was. Her mind on other things. She always tried to help others. And she realized that many were not like that. She walked beside the woman. Her mind still on Atreus. But she did try and listen, really.

Amalia. My name is Amalia.

Amalia felt suddenly itchy. This wolf was a little bit nosy. Nothing terrible, and perhaps she was just curious, but she thought of what to give away.

Moonwoman Kukutux can speak to spirits and sometimes make predictions. She also love matches, not that you need that of course. Her daughter Sialuk who runs Moonspear is similar in the regard to spirits.

They also read things in the weather patterns, and such things.