Boartusk Heights Sky on fire
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Tags are for reference and slight PP that was already established in linked thread. Up to four babies available!
They were finally safe.
She was finally safe. 
And, thank the skies for that—her babies were coming. 
The shadow had accepted the nest so graciously offered to her by @Reyna, @Paloma having set it up with immaculate taste and care. She had settled herself amongst the bedding the night before, the stress and anxiety to find somewhere safe to have her babies finally releasing her. 
It seemed that almost as quickly as the comfort had settled in, however, it dissipated, leaving her empty for a moment before replacing itself with that of restlessness, driving her to pace. Soon, she felt the beginnings of labor—and it was difficult, far more difficult than she had realized. The sudden onset of cramping seized her belly, her back, her thighs, all coming in waves with building intensity, causing her to moan, groan, and pant heavily. 
She had cried out for @Hashut, letting him know his prodigies were coming and—she needed him. She had never needed anyone, but the older man had changed that; the care he showed her had changed everything for her and it was what she needed now. The night had taken forever to turn into morning, the pain distorting time and space, but, eventually, she reached the height of it all. With a strangled yell, her first was born.
This character conducts herself in a manner that may include vulgar language and violence. By interacting with her, you are doing so at your discretion.
83 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
He had been staying near the den mostly, hunting and gathering herbs for her as he could tell; time was approaching for the arrival of his children and as he heard her call. He ran to the entrance of the den; stopping shortly before entering not sure if she just wanted him near or if she wanted him by her side. He waited patiently for an invitation if one did not come he would simply guard his new family.

She seemed to allow him to enter and he went and laid by her side as he licked her head.

While he did so he noticed serem also lurking outside.
“Common” ”Spanish”
10 Posts
Ooc — Anon
Her labour had been long and unrelenting for no fault of her own, but for the life which fought within her. Though he had been last, the smallest one began to move at the onset of contractions, a reaction to some primal need. The space within was limited, but he struggled past his siblings - however many, he could not say -- climbing over head and heel until he pawed the first in the face with a shove and felt empty space before him.

Unimpressive in size and stature, the boy began to slide from the womb, tiny paws reaching and perhaps even attaining that crown of firstborn he so desperately fought for - if the sibling he'd punched didn't stop him first.
A Handmaiden's Tale
46 Posts
Ooc — Vamikins

Paloma's nose wrinkled to the stretch of childbirth, ears turned back to the mothers cries and pup's high-pitched squeals. Yet, the smell of blood had drawn her near. Licking her maw, she watches at some distance. The father there, herbs at the ready. Paloma turned to leave before the next child arrived, making her way to inform @Reyna of the news.
17 Posts
Ooc — orion
Scoria's second son was much, much bigger than her first. In all fairness, he should have been first into the world, had a certain someone not beaten him to it. In a way, it almost felt like he'd been robbed of such a special achievement. And so, once he had been dutifully washed and dried, he marched his way to the milk bar with a raucous battle cry.

In reality, it was more like a crawl and a loud string of grunts and squeaks, tiny paws battering his brother as he reached for a teat and began to suckle.
I use this website to translate Emilio's speech
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She lurked outside the woman’s den bringing a fresh kill of hers to the new mother and set it directly outside the den as she watched her brother go inside to comfort his woman. She hadn’t felt any changes in her womb and she assumed the mating of hers didn’t take which was a shame but her children weren’t going to compete with anyone.

She noticed the other woman watching the den and she was skeptical; the dark woman hadn’t met this one yet so she remained cautious as she stood guard outside. She knew her offspring were still lurking outside the territories borders so she wasn’t worried.
”Common” "Spanish"

189 Posts
Ooc — bon

informed of the birth by her maid, the queen emerged from her castle to observe the new little ones. she steps inside the den with little hesitation, craning her head over to steal a peek of the beastlings. they take far more to their mother than their father, and the queen has yet to decide if that is a good or a bad thing. already she's deciding who would be a fighter and who would be a servant once they'd grown old enough to become useful. the big fat boy is a promising guard, for sure, though she is less impressed by the other boy. yet she hums with a smile, nodding somewhat excitedly at this addition to her kingdom.
congratulations. she remembers to whisper to the pairing briefly before returning all of her attention to the children.
nivis is welcome in all threads
reyna is rated mature
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Two boys! 

The first, small and unassuming; the second, rotund and boisterous. As the vice grip of labor lessened, Scoria took a moment of respite, taking in deep breaths to slow herself down. The new mother took the chance to clean and dry the two and, once done, guided them both towards her belly—though, she didn’t have to do much guiding with her second-born. A small huff of a laugh escaped her as she watched him squirm and crawl, forging his own path.

The arrival of Hashut shortly after she called for him had not gone unnoticed for she had leaned into him as he had placed himself beside her, his silent encouragement bolstering. She sighed as her forehead pressed against his shoulder when the adrenaline from birthing faded, her body shivering and shaking. Mismatched eyes found his as she gave him a tired, yet elated, smile. “Two boys, Hashut! Aren’t they just beautiful? What are we to name them?” She hoped for strong names.

The scents of Serem and Paloma were distant, signaling they had remained outside of her nesting den. She was glad for it; the only one allowed inside was Hashut, the father of her children, no others. Scoria was still in the throes of labor, not quite finished, and any one else would suffer her ire at being disturbed.

It was unfortunate, then, that Reyna had entered unannounced. The growl emitted from the new mother was deep and threatening as she watched the woman close the distance to peer at the boys. Much too close for comfort. Before she did something rash, she took a deep breath before speaking, her words stilted. “Reyna. With the utmost respect, I thank you, but—leave us. I only need Hashut. You are…too close to my babies.”

Suddenly, she was seized, once again, her cries of pain echoing within the den walls. “It’s happening, again! There’s more—argh!” 
This character conducts herself in a manner that may include vulgar language and violence. By interacting with her, you are doing so at your discretion.
83 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The leader had no senses of general respect it seemed as she came into the den without invitation to look at their young and it seemed to upset Serem as well; though she kept her poker face going Hashut could see through his sisters facade.

What pitted him the most was how she was looking upon his children judging them. Serem seemed to have the same feeling as he watched her stand up and go closer to the den once Scoria voiced her concerns.

The woman left after congratulating the pair and Serem now was inside the den. Still a respectful distance from the pair and children. She laid inside the entrance now as though to guard her newest additions to her brothers family.

She looked back to her brother. “Ella me recuerda a nuestra madre. no me gusta este lugar.” She whispered to him.
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
She could not hear anything past the rush of blood in her ears as she felt the need to bear down, expelling not one, but two, sleeping babies. Conjoined twins, connected at the head, one eye shared by both faces. One look at them and she couldn’t help the guttural scream that echoed within the nest.

Whatever happened after, she would not remember, the trauma from giving birth to what she could only describe as spawns of hell burying everything deep into the farthest reaches of her mind. The shadow became a shell of her previous self, autopilot turning on to tend to her living children.

Fading here! Welcome to the world, Emilio and Diego, our beautiful boys! <3
This character conducts herself in a manner that may include vulgar language and violence. By interacting with her, you are doing so at your discretion.