Arrow Lake ≡ I Had Some Help
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
All Welcome 
  It was out of the forest and into the sunshine. Evening was settling and the warmth of the summer sun was likened to the warmth of a hug from an old friend. There was a spring to his step. Perhaps because he had done something at least mildly useful. Lips were curled into a soft smile and he drew to a stop to breathe in the rich smell of the earth and the soothing freshness of the nearby water.

His nose quivered with anticipation as the obvious scent of fish flooded his nose. His mouth began to water terribly and he carried himself, cautiously, to the general source of the smell. Among the banks of the water laid a single fish. While it appeared mostly fresh it wasn’t vacant of flies that dared to land on the skin. Should he?

Regardless of the should–he would. Collision was a poor hunter. He had always been aware of it. Being terribly slow in comparison to his fellow predators he didn’t do well as far as feeding himself. Scraps were a necessity and a whole unbothered meal was a delicacy. He licked his lips and moved closer. The intention was to take it and disappear. No one would miss this and he would make use of it.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
Swiftcurrent Creek
69 Posts
Ooc — Laur
She was loathe to leave Swiftcurrent for too long, eager as she was to be nearby when Arlette finally welcomed her babies into the world. Although Pukei was still quite new to the pack, she assumed – either rightfully or not – that she was trusted enough to help out with the process. Besides, she had offered to be of service, and even knew a little about herbs and plants that could help with the whole ordeal!

And so she headed towards a lake nearby to collect such herbs, eager to prove her worth.

However, the girl moved with an uncharacteristic sluggishness, and had had difficulty rousing that morning too, though she paid little mind to it. She had no idea that in a few days that feeling would flip, and she'd feel positively electrified as the season took its toll.

For now, Pukei lazily ambled towards the base of the mountains, slowing to a stop as the scent of a male hit her senses. Strange, she felt oddly drawn to it, and her cheeks flushed as she spied a large man up ahead. His attention was on the shoreline, prowling forward as if stalking something, and so the Zeta ducked out of sight, suddenly feeling bashful. Though kept her gaze upon him through the tree line, admiring from afar.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Teeth held fast to the scaly flesh he had claimed as a meal and he withdrew from the waters. Ears were reclined backwards as he scanned his surroundings once more. His abdomen roared to life demanding to be filled. Tongue danced over the skin of the gift another had left for him and he found himself pleasantly sprawling into the nearest shaded spot he could find.

There Collision laid and he wished he could savor this meal--alas he devoured it. Surprisingly, though, such time without a proper meal left him satiated quickly. A sigh as he stared at what was plenty of remain. He had no wish for it. Perhaps he would carry it with him once he moved on. It would suffice for this evening.

  Comfortably he stretched beneath the sun. The gentle sound of the occasional bug were his only audience. The cool of a breeze and the ambiance of quiet waters beckoned to him. Today was rather lovely. Each strand of the grass he lay seemed to welcome him to it. Unaware of his observer; Collision continued to bathe in the sunlight and lazily admire the way the horizon stilled. Days like today were worth their weight in gold.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
Swiftcurrent Creek
69 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Lilac eyes continued to watch as he moved forward, revealing a fish, its scales flashing in the sunlight as he scooped it up from the ground. His gaze then surveyed the area, no doubt looking for a safe place to enjoy his meal, and she ducked again, worried she'd be caught. What was she even doing, hiding like a child? Butterflies fluttered about in her stomach but nerves were not reason enough to spy on this innocent stranger like a creep, Pukei.

She remained crouched upon the ground, hidden from view, but the sound of soft crunching told her the man was now digging into his snack. Quickly, it sounded like. She lay, waiting for him to finish and trying to think up a non-weirdo reason as to why she was observing him from a distance like he was some zoo animal.

Wait, was a zoo?

No matter. With a shake of her head to ease her nerves, the girl then slowly exited the undergrowth and sauntered forward with a forcefully polite smile, hoping he thought she had just coincidentally came upon him while she was out for a stroll. The leaves that had entwined within her fur told a different story.

"Hello, mister! What a wonderful day, right?" she greeted, noting now up close that he was far older than she realised. Hm, did that make him less handsome or more-so?
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision likely could've examined his surroundings better and caught some sign of the female that lurked, but once he had begun there simply existed him and his meal. Now, he only had but too lazily be embraced by the sun and earth.

The gentle beat of paws against the ground forced his eyes to widen. Muscles tensed and he forced himself to his feet in a form that could only be described as oafish. Ears pressed against his head as a soft voice filled the dead-space in the air.

A pale girl, gentle eyes, and a voice that incurred no threat. Perhaps, on occasion, he were more graceful, but having been caught unaware he was certain the quick movement would be misconstrued--initially.

Dirt and leaves clung to her body. Enunciating the lower portion of her body. Either she had been laying somewhere among the foliage for some time or she was at least a moderately messy individual. She appeared healthy--a pack?

"Uh," He shook his head and made an attempt to relax his body. One alarmed muscle unwinding at a time, "Yes, I mean, I suppose it is...Can I help you?" He tried to soften his eyes, to offer them some kind of concern. He had referenced her as a girl, and while young, she was a woman and deserved to be regarded as such.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
Swiftcurrent Creek
69 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Her ears fell back in embarrassment as her greeting seemed to suddenly snap the man out of his trance. He haphazardly scrambled to his feet with a start, and Pukei's own form lowered as she backed up out of respect. He had seemed so peaceful with his meal she had assumed he would be equally as easy-going with company, but strangers were always just that – strangers. You could never know how they would react.

Thankfully, he settled quickly and she didn't have to worry about fighting off an aggravated beast of a man. Pukei in turn perked up again, shooting him a smile in response to his somewhat perplexed query.

"What, can't a girl just say hi?" she teased with a playful lash of her tail. Any other time, she might have apologised for interrupting his peace, but today she was feeling mischievous.
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
She seemed the playful type. Certainly, Collision could not refer to himself as such. He couldn't really think of ever a time in his life he was playful. He was good and painfully dutiful. Honestly, it was a good thing--but he regarded that he could be labeled as boring for it. Especially to the younger 'crowd'.

She smiled proudly whereas his always looked forced--much of what he attempted to offer her now to appear more welcoming. A girl [woman] should just be able to say hi. There shouldn't be a prerequisite for it, but that was the world they lived in. His company was a safe one.

  "I'm sorry--I just thought I was alone," Which was a mistake of his own, "My name is Collision. What can I call you?" He wasn't so quick to learn names most of the time, but he felt inclined to try. Usually loners just drifted in and out past one another, but he wanted to attempt to do better than that. Someday, he'd find a home and he would mean something again.

  Slowly, and respectfully of her space, Collision straightened himself and drew closer. Just close enough to be a respectful speaking distance apart.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.