Stavanger Bay drip drop
2,684 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Astronomer
Master Guardian
Master Warrior
AW, but I'd like if @Levi could join :D

Charon looked up at the clouds from the clearing where Thistle and Ragnar's den was at. "Look, Drake," he said, briefly looking to the empty spot on his right as he addressed his imaginary furry Lauren friend. "It's low clouds, which could mean rain or snow." Well, he thought they were low, anyway. Charon always thought it was really hard to see whether clouds were up high in the sky, or hanging lower. It was only the low ones that brought rain, usually. He wasn't very good at telling temperature from clouds at all yet, or telling what weather would come tomorrow, but he could tell why it was raining or not by the shape of the clouds, at least. He supposed that was the first step to predicting the weather; knowing why the weather was as it was.

Losing his interest in the difficult art of weather-predicting for now, the aspiring Naturalist got up and trotted over to the den. The weather was still good — cloudy, but dry — as he shouted into the den's mouth, "[size=large]Levi![/size]" He was eager to tell his brother about his Naturalist trade, although he didn't quite have it yet, and maybe inspire or help Levi to find a trade that he wanted to pursue.
even if we survive
82 Posts
Ooc — Ash
Levi had spent some time with Thistle the other day. He had wanted to learn about trades and which one might be good for him, silent as he was. He definitely didn't want to be lazy and not contribute to the pack, especially since Thistle and Ragnar were so nice to take them into their den after everything had happened.

The youngest Ostrega was cuddling with his favorite stick when his brother yelled for him, causing him to jump. Wiping the slobber from his chin, Levi returned his toy to its hiding spot and loped outside, bumping into his brother on the way. With a squeal, Levi fell down onto his butt and blinked in surprise. Then he shook himself off, nudged his brother playfully, and turned his head as if to ask, What's up?
crash down like an avalanche
2,684 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Astronomer
Master Guardian
Master Warrior
The wait for Levi's response was long and tedious in Charon's young mind, and he almost decided to give up when he finally heard scrambling from inside the den as Levi made his way out. Since Charon had been smack dab in the entrance to the den, so his brother bumped into him. Charon, though startled at this, didn't fall over, but watched Levi fall backwards on his butt. Charon let out an amused chuckle at the sight of it — well, it was pretty funny-looking — before addressing more important matters.

"Guess what I can do!" he excitedly said, and continued before allowing Levi time to respond: "I can predict the weather! How cool is that, right?" Charon's tail wagged lightly as he told his brother the cool news. "I'm gonna be a Naturalist. I'm learning to predict weather and read stars and about plants and trees and berries and all sorts of Naturalist-stuff." Charon looked to see how Levi would respond, figuring he would probably stare at his brother in awe at the amazing stuff he discovered. "And didya meet my Lauren friend Drake yet?" Charon glanced to his right, to the empty spot where Drake was at, before looking back at his brother.
even if we survive
82 Posts
Ooc — Ash
Levi listened to his brother's ramblings with a grin on his face, picking himself up from falling and dusting himself off. It was alright to fall, as long as you picked yourself up. He learned that the hard way, through months of agonizing living without his family. The only one he had left was Charon, and Levi hoped he would never leave him, no matter how silent he could be.

The things his brother were learning were cool! He wagged his tail and smiled even more broadly, proud of what his brother had learned. He hoped that someday soon he would learn a trade, too, but for now he was content simply learning to live after the rocky start of their childhood.

Then his brother turned to an empty spot in the air and asked if Levi had meet his friend Drake yet. Levi's green eyes turned toward the spot and wondered what on earth Charon was talking about. With a laugh, he said, "No Drake." He hadn't realized he had spoken that until after his rough voice sounded. Levi's eyes widened with shock, then after a moment he burst into giggles. He sounded so funny!
crash down like an avalanche
2,684 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Astronomer
Master Guardian
Master Warrior
Since his brother hadn't spoken yet at all (well, not that Charon could remember, anyway), a reply wasn't necessary not expected for the freckled boy. He looked expectantly at his brother after he'd told his whole story, waiting for him to acknowledge and greet Drake. Even all the adults he had met so far had acknowledged how very real Drake was, so it did not even cross Charon's mind that his brother might deny the existence of Charon's imaginary friend.

Levi said 'No Drake', though Charon was not sure why, considering the fact Drake wasn't doing anything that should illicit a 'no' from Levi. "You said something!" Charon gasped, his tail wagging in excitement at his brother's words, which were followed by giggling. "Drake's excited too. He says he's sorry if he did anything you didn't like." Even though Charon knew Drake didn't do anything, but oh well. "Do you wanna learn how to predict weather too? I'm not super good at it yet but I think it's gonna rain soon. Or snow if it's cold enough, but I think it's on the edge." Looking up, anyone could probably predict the same, considering there were many thick clouds overhead and the skies were grey and angry-looking, even though no rain was falling yet.
even if we survive
82 Posts
Ooc — Ash
"'Course," he whispered in reply to Charon's observation that he spoke. Levi wasn't dumb or mute, though there was reason enough to believe that he couldn't speak. After months of saying nothing (at least after his parents and brother disappeared), to finally utter words was almost a miracle.

Charon insisted on talking to this invisible Drake, for that was all Levi could imagine was happening, and Levi decided to play along. There wasn't anyone there, but he didn't want to tell Charon that and break his heart. It was clear his brother enjoyed pretending, and Levi wasn't going to stop him. He'd said his piece and would let it rest. "Sure," he said, his voice still rough from disuse. It became easier to speak as he used his voice more, but it was still gravelly, like he was an old man.

Levi looked up at the sky and wondered, "How d'ya know is gonna snow?"
crash down like an avalanche
2,684 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Astronomer
Master Guardian
Master Warrior
Levi said 'course' when Charon was excited about his talking, but Charon still thought it was pretty extraordinary. He didn't remember ever hearing Levi talk, so it was special to him. Levi didn't say anything more about Drake, which was sort of weird since Drake had just apologised if he had said anything weird. Charon decided to let it slide, though.

Charon was excited when Levi said he wanted to learn how to predict the weather too. Then Levi asked how Charon knew it was going to snow, and Charon started to explain. "Well, the sky is grey and the clouds are looking pretty low to the ground, and 'cause it's cold it means that it would —" At that moment, a snowflake drifted down onto Charon's nose. "Look, Levi! I was right! It's snowing!" Charon looked super excited at the one snowflake dropping on his nose; this was the first time he had predicted the weather successfully!
even if we survive
82 Posts
Ooc — Ash
As Charon explained about the dark and heavy clouds, Levi turned his gaze upward, studying the sky. It didn't take long for his brother to pause as a snowflake drifted onto his nose. Levi giggled at his brother's excitement. "You right! Is snowing!" Though Levi understood what others were saying, he was still in that stage of having a hard time stringing words together in proper sentences. Maybe that would come with time. The more he spoke, the more he would get used to it. Levi still felt very strange about it.
crash down like an avalanche
2,684 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Astronomer
Master Guardian
Master Warrior
do you want to wrap this up & have a newer one? :D

Levi shared in Charon's excitement at his correct prediction, and Charon's tail wagged excitedly. He felt like he had to be the very best Naturalist ever alive to be able to predict the weather. This was a cool day: Levi was speaking, and Charon had predicted properly that it was going to snow. Well, so far it was only sporadic flakes and not proper snow yet, but he was getting there.

"Do you wanna go play on the beach?" Charon asked his brother, because he was always eager to visit the beach and look for treasure or snap at the waves (and then find something proper to drink), or just stare out towards the distant horizon. Better yet was to do it alongside his very real brother rather than 'just' his imaginary friend Drake.
even if we survive
82 Posts
Ooc — Ash
Yes please! :)

Levi grinned, happy that Charon was learning to predict the weather. Maybe he'd learn, too! "Who teachin' you?" he asked, pointing toward the sky with his muzzle. Levi would like to learn about being a naturalist from whoever was teaching Charon. When his brother suggested they go to the beach, Levi nodded and bounced down the sandy grass toward the beach and its welcoming waves. This would be fun!
crash down like an avalanche
2,684 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Astronomer
Master Guardian
Master Warrior
i'll archive :D

Levi asked who taught him, so Charon said, "This wolf Saena who's from another pack." He emphasised that she was from another pack, because he thought that was a pretty cool thing! "And I watch the clouds like a lot so I can see what they look like and then I look at the sky to see what weather it is."

With a wag of his tail Charon bounded after his brother as they made their way to the beach, ready to play with the rolling waves together.