Firestone Hot Springs Just when you think you’re alone, you’re not….
246 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
All Welcome 
@Mag let do this thing. ;D

Raindrop had found herself roaming the Kintla flatlands, although she did not know the name. In her wandering, she came across a group of hot springs. They were enticing, their warmth, she could already feel. She walked over to the edge of the largest hot spring, and dipped her one paw into it. Ouch, she pulled her paw out, the heat surprising her, but she continues to wade into the heated water. 

Her muscles instantly relax as she lays down in the shallow portion, almost melting. She also kept in mind, that too much of the heat could render her weak, but she wouldn’t overdo it.

Raindrop laid her head on the dry ground near the side of the hot spring, and closed her eyes. She was in a vulnerable state…. Had someone decided to sneak up on her, she wouldn’t know.
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8 Posts
Ooc — Jenny
*Cracks knuckles and rubs hands together*

Somewhere in the cover of the Neverwinter Forest a family of crows scavenge from an unidentifiable corpse. Picking what little meat there is left off of it’s bones. It’s not long before rooks, the most opportunistic and competitive of all corvids, join the frey to squabble over the sparse remains. The raucous cacophony of caws echo loudly through the trees, disrupting the peace. But, unbeknownst to the preoccupied corvids, there is a much bigger disturbance on the way.
A lone male wolf, new to the territory, makes his way through the forest. Tracking scents in hope for a meal to sate his empty stomach. It’s not long before he comes upon the gathering of birds, startling them enough to cause them to disperse in a flurry of wings. However, they don’t go far and come to rest on the bows of the trees nearby. A few are even too bold to move at all, being used to the presence of wolves in this land.
He bows his head to inspect the carrion. It’s not much but it’s something and that’s always better than nothing. He has been tracking food for the entire afternoon after all. He plucks a bone from the skeleton and takes it between his paws. Using his spur claws as grip so he can gnaw at it until the protein and nutrient rich marrow is exposed for him to enjoy. His tongue licks the spongy center of the  bone clean and then discards the rest, repeating this until most of the bones have been destroyed. It would tide him over, at least.
No longer a point of interest, he is quick to move on towards the clearing. Never one to loiter for too long. From the copse he surveys the land outside the forest, spotting a series of hot springs ahead that piques his interest. A scent rises to his nostrils, causing him to pause. Another lone wolf. And she was close. Still, he crept onward, making sure his movements were stealthy. Without the cover of the trees he could be spotted.
246 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
(May 24, 2023, 01:20 PM)Mag Wrote:
*Cracks knuckles and rubs hands together*

Somewhere in the cover of the Neverwinter Forest a family of crows scavenge from an unidentifiable corpse. Picking what little meat there is left off of it’s bones. It’s not long before rooks, the most opportunistic and competitive of all corvids, join the frey to squabble over the sparse remains. The raucous cacophony of caws echo loudly through the trees, disrupting the peace. But, unbeknownst to the preoccupied corvids, there is a much bigger disturbance on the way.
A lone male wolf, new to the territory, makes his way through the forest. Tracking scents in hope for a meal to sate his empty stomach. It’s not long before he comes upon the gathering of birds, startling them enough to cause them to disperse in a flurry of wings. However, they don’t go far and come to rest on the bows of the trees nearby. A few are even too bold to move at all, being used to the presence of wolves in this land.
He bows his head to inspect the carrion. It’s not much but it’s something and that’s always better than nothing. He has been tracking food for the entire afternoon after all. He plucks a bone from the skeleton and takes it between his paws. Using his spur claws as grip so he can gnaw at it until the protein and nutrient rich marrow is exposed for him to enjoy. His tongue licks the spongy center of the  bone clean and then discards the rest, repeating this until most of the bones have been destroyed. It would tide him over, at least.
No longer a point of interest, he is quick to move on towards the clearing. Never one to loiter for too long. From the copse he surveys the land outside the forest, spotting a series of hot springs ahead that piques his interest. A scent rises to his nostrils, causing him to pause. Another lone wolf. And she was close. Still, he crept onward, making sure his movements were stealthy. Without the cover of the trees he could be spotted.

The morning had been quiet, she had all the time in the world all to herself. Although after sometime, she would take breaks from the heat of the water, and roll in the cool grass. It felt good to go from warm, to cool, and back again. But just as she turned around to get back in the water, she paused. Her keen nose picked up a scent on the wind, it smelt of a wolf,  but she could not spot anyone on the horizon. She shrugged and stepped back into her spring, however, she was on guard more than she was before.
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
8 Posts
Ooc — Jenny
(May 24, 2023, 02:10 PM)Raindrop Wrote: Lol. You write amazing. :O (Putting text in bold because I don’t know how to change text size and Times new roman is small.)

Quote:Thank you ! I'm a bit rusty but I do try ':)

It's not long before he spots her. There just beyond the slope of the hill, relaxing in the hot springs. Paws come to a stop to observe her for a few moments, humming to himself before trudging on towards the springs. His head was lowered, tail somewhat perked up as if to flag that he knew she was there. However, he doesn't engage just yet and seems to sidestep her and the springs altogether with apathy.
246 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
(May 24, 2023, 02:35 PM)Mag Wrote:
(May 24, 2023, 02:10 PM)Raindrop Wrote: Lol. You write amazing. :O (Putting text in bold because I don’t know how to change text size and Times new roman is small.)

Quote:Thank you ! I'm a bit rusty but I do try ':)

It's not long before he spots her. There just beyond the slope of the hill, relaxing in the hot springs. Paws come to a stop to observe her for a few moments, humming to himself before trudging on towards the springs. His head was lowered, tail somewhat perked up as if to flag that he knew she was there. However, he doesn't engage just yet and seems to sidestep her and the springs altogether with apathy.

She had completely relaxed once more, but then as if with instinct, her ears perked forward and swiveled, catching the sound of a low humming. She sat up in the hot spring, turned her head, and finally, in the near distance, she spotted the source of the scent from earlier. Aw shoot, she thought, just when I thought I had all this wonder to myself. 

She stayed put, deep down she was nervous, but she wouldn’t let her fear show. She pinned her ears back, her hackles raising despite the wetness. “Are you friend or for?” She called to him.
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
8 Posts
Ooc — Jenny
Quote:”Are you friend or foe?”

Her words bring him to a stop, back facing her but he turns to face her after a pause. Revealing a heavily scarred face and one slightly blind eye. A pale gaze stares unblinking at her with aims only to unnerve. His head is slightly lowered and he begins to pace, almost as if sizing up prey. “That age old question.” Is what he offers vaguely in a monotone. “It’s one I can’t answer, yet.” The ghost of a smirk traces his lips. But, in the next second his expression changes back to his baseline. The truth was both and in varying degrees.
246 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
This wolf appeared to be as unnerving as his very words. His response sent a chill up her spine, and she shivered even in the warm water of the hot springs. She began to be more wary, fully turning around where she was sitting “Are you a pack wolf? Cause I sure hope this isn’t an ambush.” She inquired.
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
8 Posts
Ooc — Jenny
(May 25, 2023, 07:32 PM)Raindrop Wrote:  “Are you a pack wolf? Cause I sure hope this isn’t an ambush.”

"If it were an ambush from me we'd be at each others throats." He mused, noting the change in her body language. "If I ever become a pack wolf, kill me and put me out of my misery." He jokes. However, his attention drifted back to the path ahead. He began to wonder if he had anything to gain from her company. "Are you hungry ?" This wasn't a question being asked out of genuine care for her wellbeing, rather for his own. She might be some use to him on a hunt.
246 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
“Ah, I see.” Raindrop listened intently on what he had to say, she could actually use a bite to eat,. Although, she remembered back to her childhood for a moment, her mother would always tell her not to go with strangers.
Mother isn’t here now…. “ Alright. But I hope you’re just a fine hunter as I am.” She smirked, and got up out of her hot spring, shaking off the dampness.

She walked with her head held high, to show confidence through posture.
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
8 Posts
Ooc — Jenny
(May 26, 2023, 07:09 PM)Raindrop Wrote: "Alright. But I hope you’re just a fine hunter as I am.” 

"Who said anything about hunting ?" Came the response with intent to disarm that newfound confidence. A smirk of his own traveled across his lips followed by a light chuckle as he passed her out, almost bumping into her as he went. He was heading in the direction of some contested territory. It seemed he had changed his mind about hunting. Lazy as he was, he usually favored scavenging or stealing kills. They would just have to see how things would go. Convenience was key here.

Quote:At this point I welcome anyone else who wants to join in the RP with the aims of either conflict over a kill or grouping up for a hunt. My PMs are open for some plotting !
246 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Quote:[size=small]A smirk of his own traveled across his lips followed by a light chuckle as he passed her out, almost bumping into her as he went. He was heading in the direction of some contested territory. It[/size]

How rude! Raindrop, thought to herself. Being that she was not familiar with the rest of the territory, and that she was hungry, she followed him. When they got to where they were going, she stopped to sniff the air. No scent on the wind, but then she checked the ground.  When she discovered an older scent trail, she questioned this wolfs judgment. “Do you know if this is claimed territory —“  she paused quickly, realizing that she had an asked his name. “I believe we forgot to introduce ourselves. I am raindrop, what is your name?”
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)