Ankyra Sound port of call
472 Posts
Ooc — anonymous
that's why you're here.

the listener nodded once. she beckoned with one dark-robed limb for veran to follow her, and led him along the shore in the manner of a shepherd with her flock.

what do you seek here, veran? she cast him a knowing look, as if his secrets and his sins were all on display for her to see. what do you hope our magick will bring to you?
Messages In This Thread
port of call - by Veran - January 10, 2022, 06:53 PM
RE: port of call - by The Listener - January 10, 2022, 07:01 PM
RE: port of call - by Veran - January 10, 2022, 07:05 PM
RE: port of call - by The Listener - January 10, 2022, 07:19 PM
RE: port of call - by Veran - January 10, 2022, 07:27 PM
RE: port of call - by The Listener - January 10, 2022, 09:55 PM
RE: port of call - by Veran - January 10, 2022, 10:20 PM
RE: port of call - by The Listener - January 12, 2022, 11:26 PM
RE: port of call - by Veran - January 13, 2022, 11:58 AM