Redsand Canyon If you don't learn it young, it's hard to get the trick of it later.
my monsters are real; they're trained how to kill
660 Posts
Ooc — Tasha
Recovering from her spar with Towhee, Aquene had chosen a quiet day. She had sent out Malila in search of more prairie crocus. It was proving invaluable for the soreness that often came with the strict training regiments of Mereo but she was running lower than she would like on the plant. The other woman, Qiao, had been around too but Aquene had kept many of her trades close to the chest. She had not yet had the chance to discuss with the Lady Ruenna what her role was there… but there was just this creeping sense of dread to share any information with her because of where she came from: Akashingo. She did not know everything, clearly, but she knew enough to set her on edge.
The Matrona herself arrived, the hushed tones causing her eyes to widen before she nodded, guiding the Lady towards the back of the den where Aquene often tucked away for her rest. “Of course, anything you need.” The others were not present and that was all that mattered to her. She frowned as she started to listen. It certainly sounded like the startings of a heat. Aquene had only experienced it once, and hers were typically mild at best due to the dominant energy of her mother being around… but the symptoms fit, especially for a leading lady of grace and poise.
“It is not as uncommon as you might think, Ruenna.” She assured her softly when she insisted that she had never had a true heat. “Many women suppress their heat without realizing it… what you describe, it does sound like the beginning of the cycle. That stirring will grow into more of an itch that you desperately will want to scratch.” There was no better way to word that, truly. “Some women suppress due to biological reasons, but if you are starting to feel it now, then it is unlikely the cause… others due to pack laws that might dictate only alphas may conceive or the presence of dominant women around them that subconsciously intimidate them out of the season.” In her home, it had been the latter. Despite all of the wives being healers, very few conceived due to the domineering nature of the Ravyne family. The question fell from her lips. “Are you looking to conceive this season? If so… I can put together a tincture to aid if you are worried… sometimes the first heat after suppression can struggle with conception.”

Yes, always! Gib ALL the Ruenna threads
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