Lion Head Mesa rises the moon
330 Posts
Ooc — siv
One young woman whispered in her ears, words of an offer.

Jakoul could not fathom the concept of food, of anything beyond this moment. It was a terribly unhealthy way of living. Her dry lips pushed together tightly, before they drooped once more.

The princess spoke, commands given in a divine way of kindness.

Her tail offered a sweep across the ground in what could only be assumed as acceptance of it all. Slowly she rolled her head towards the young princess and awaited whatever may come next.
Messages In This Thread
rises the moon - by Jakoul - September 17, 2022, 05:25 PM
RE: rises the moon - by Nazli - September 18, 2022, 12:15 PM
RE: rises the moon - by Toula - September 22, 2022, 01:26 PM
RE: rises the moon - by Jakoul - September 23, 2022, 07:31 PM
RE: rises the moon - by Nazli - September 23, 2022, 07:38 PM
RE: rises the moon - by Toula - September 23, 2022, 08:53 PM
RE: rises the moon - by Jakoul - October 12, 2022, 01:00 PM
RE: rises the moon - by Nazli - October 16, 2022, 10:56 PM