Lost Creek Hollow The Marks of men, the fortune she had won
719 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw smiled. She was happy to see that Silvertongue, was happier in this pregnancy than she had been. That perhaps she was truly mending and healing. This was good. It put Ash at ease.

Ash Paw frowned in thought. I do not know that I could bow down to a man now. I don't know much of Kvarsheim, and I have not gone since we lost Gunnar.

There was a small sadness there. For the man had been a constant in her life. Not many knew. Her aunties son, always stalwart. There when she had been born. Like a father or an uncle really.

Should we go to them? Or would you like to look for other's in other territories? We could send Ksura to scout possibly.
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The Marks of men, the fortune she had won - by RIP Ash Star - February 19, 2024, 05:23 PM
RE: The Marks of men, the fortune she had won - by RIP Ash Star - March 21, 2024, 08:46 AM