Two Eyes Cenote Rumor has it
73 Posts
Ooc —

Daddy was home. 

She had hoped to have a little more time to explain herself before waltzing over to the red palace, but Gucci was much too doting of a father to leave more space than was already granted (…sure, by her own fleeing, but semantics shmemantics). 

With a groan, Medusa trailed the Neb @Gucci that same evening she heard the fellahin gossip about some precious, paunchy little creature. Who else could it be? Medusa had seen a million wolves in her lifetime now, but only ever one of her dear ol’ da—and that was for the best, because he was adorable (except for when he went bug-eyed when she or another incensed him) and honestly, in her cold dead heart there really could only be one. 

Dragging her feet, Medusa continued to skulk in his direction.
Messages In This Thread
Rumor has it - by Medusa - August 07, 2024, 10:25 AM