Wheeling Gull Isle where the wind’s like a whetted knife
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@Adeline @Anatha @Aria @Axolotl @Calypso @Cipactli @Faeryn @Ixchel @Kalika @King @Komodo @Morrighan @Nova @Ondine

This thread is MANDATORY for characters wishing to join Undersea.

Your character does not need to be on Wheeling Gull Isle to participate.

This is a roll call thread that takes place on May 22, 2017. Feel free to post with a snippet of where your character is and what your character is up to. You can reference any time of day, and if your character is inland, it’s likely the weather pattern is completely different.

I know some of you are away and that’s okay. ♥ Please message Coelacanth if you absolutely can’t post.

Miles off the northern coast, a hurricane brewed.

The misty blue of the horizon line bore a subtle smudge of pewter to the east that, in all likelihood, was virtually unnoticeable to anyone who wasn’t looking for it — but the sea noticed. Her creatures noticed.

The churn of the waves was just a little rougher than normal. A new high tide line had been drawn several inches further inland from its usual place, and although it was technically low tide now, a good portion of the Oystercatcher Tide Pools was still half-submerged by the surf. Driftwood and seaweed, shells and pebbles, were thrust upon the sand with little ceremony.

By midafternoon, large schools of bluefish and bunker had begun to swarm the shallows near the northeastern crags of Stavanger Bay, threatening to blitz and bloody the water, and the larger predators were starting to notice. The sea lions became particularly active, incensed by the sudden upsurge of easy, unsuspecting prey, and their raucous barks took on a sharp new intensity. Ominous dorsal fins of varying shape, size, and color sliced through the choppy surface, intermittent and insidious. They grew nearer and nearer to the shoreline as the hours dragged on and the swarming schools of fish reached fever pitch.

High above the Dragoncrest Cliffs to the east, a heavy rain began to fall, and the fog rolling in from the sea assumed a more sinister air. Wet and chill and heavy, the winds picked up to carry the rain clouds further down the coast.

posted by coelacanth.
Messages In This Thread
where the wind’s like a whetted knife - by ThE nArRaToR - May 22, 2017, 09:53 AM