Northstar Vale There's a lot of things runnin' through my mind that I don't say..
Ghost in the woods
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@Chey / @Vangard I know you've been busy recently so please don't feel rushed to respond to this, some shromance

The woody fibers gave way under the force of her claws, shallow scars lining the trunk as splinters fell free to litter the forest floor. The gouges clustered the trunks of many of the Vale's trees at eye level - typically centered to the right given her bad leg. A unique brand that, along with her scent, clearly stated who had passed by and laid borders for the world to see (smell?). 

Liri dropped down onto three paws nimbly, shaking the wood chips from her pelt. The soon-to-be Iratze padded into the forest, ears shifting to catch the call of the overhead aviary as she meandered. 

A hoarse croak startled her from idle thoughts - dark eyes raising to the raven perched upon a nearby branch. It turned its head to the side, allowing one beady gem of onyx to fall upon Leea as the wind stirred softly, questioningly. 

"A raven is sometimes an omen of death - one will see them linger over a battlefield after the fighting has ceased, aiding the Valkyries in gathering souls to take to Valhalla. Some even say they are the Valkyries given corporeal form," Vangard's low timbre rumbled, one gunmetal shoulder brushing against hers slightly as they patrolled. 

"Is that all they're known for?" 
Liri questioned, sensing there was more to come, as her head turned towards the pagan and a mahogany gaze sought his mismatched eyes. 

"They are also symbols of power - one of the few creatures with the ability to travel between Midgard and Asgard."

"Heil, messenger of the gods," she whispered softly, an awed smile breaking across her features, lest she frighten the corvid away. 

It's glossy black head turned, examing her even more intently as another rasp left its gleaming beak. 

Liri's lips parted. 


The raven visibly startled as an imitation of its call left her mouth - a skill she had developed in isolation after Pip's untimely passing - causing a delighted chuckle to escape her lips not unlike the soft tinkle of a windchime in summer.
"i'll keep you here when I lose my mind."
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