Blacktail Deer Plateau sunrise in the eyes of a flower
awake my soul
99 Posts
Ooc — Chan
All Welcome 
anyone welcome, but hoping for a family member <3

Lavender sat and stared out at the sunrise, her icy blue eyes blinking slowly. She felt very peaceful here as she always did. It had slowly become home, though it had taken some time. After her mother’s departure she’d felt a bit forlorn, as if she wasn’t there all the way. A dream almost. But that feeling had drifted away from the young girl, as bad feelings usually did in youth. She was back to her normal, happy, dreamy self. 

She enjoyed the always enjoyed the sunrise, but it was a known fact that moments were better shared. The girl tilted back her head and let out a howl, calling for anyone who would hear and would care to join her.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy's fluffy pelt was poofed out in all directions that morning, courtesy of her father's impromptu grooming. Although she felt she was getting a little too big to be given baths without any say in it, she did appreciate the way Daddy made her coat puff up and feel all warm and toasty. It would wear off throughout the day, but by the time that happened, she could usually generate enough body heat on her own to get by.

"Hey, 'rushi," Easy greeted, going to sit next to her painted sister. She leaned against the smaller girl, sharing the warmth their father had provided. She looked up at the sunrise, tail wagging at the gorgeous view. "Dawn's so lucky. I wish I was named after something pretty like you guys," she sighed, still admiring the sunrise.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
awake my soul
99 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Lavender turned her head when she heard the voice, and her small bunny tail began to wriggle. She smiled at her sister and smacked a paw on the ground, playfully but also to usher her over. Easy did so, sitting down and leaning against her, even though she was bigger. Lavender snorted at her comment, finding it silly. What do you mean? Ishara is a gorgeous name. And it prolly means somethin pretty. She said, still looked forwards but letting her head fall against her sister’s shoulder.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
"Daddy says it means 'desire'," Easy said, giving Lav a lick on the cheek. It was sweet of her to try and make Easy feel better about it. "But I mean - you have two pretty names." Idly, she wondered why Dawn only had one. Maybe she had another name, and they just didn't know it? That would be weird.

"I don't really think about it. I was just trying to say something nice to you," Easy went on, nuzzling her sister once more. They didn't always get along, but Easy cared deeply for her painted sister, as well as for her earthen brother. All her family were beloved by the dark girl. "What are you doin' out here all alone, anyway?" she asked, wondering if Rushi did this very often.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
awake my soul
99 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Lavender smiled at her sister and gave her a lick in return, thinking briefly upon the name Ishara. Desire was a pretty cool meaning, and she wondered what Arushi meant. Hopefully something nice, she’d be very let down if it turned out to mean duck or something like that. Anyway the girls quickly moved on from the topic of their names, and Arushi nodded her head side to side. Eh, I don’t know. It’s just pretty out here. I like the colors. She replied.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy could've told her the meaning of Arushi - red - but she assumed that Lavender would know the meaning of her own name. Easy had been curious enough to ask, so why wouldn't Lavender have been? But the conversation whiled away, and Easy was quick to agree with her painted sister.

"I like sunsets better," she admitted, although there was something secret and spectacular about a sunrise that she couldn't quite put her paw on. The air was always crisp and cold, and her breath came out in pearly clouds that turned into dew on her whiskers. "But this is nice, too." A pause. "Do you do this a lot?"
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
awake my soul
99 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Easy commented that she liked sunsets better, and Lavender rolled her eyes. It was just another way the two were different, and there were many. But none of their differences would ever stop Lavender from loving and cherishing her sister and their moments together, especially not a difference as minuscule as preferring sunrise over sunset. I try to get up and do this when I can. When you look at a morning sky you can kind of see how the day is gonna turn out, weather wise. Today looks like it will be sunny, there isn’t a single cloud. She said, a hint at the true fascination that the small girl had with the world.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
"Oh," said Easy, surprised by this bit of info. It made good sense, she supposed, but it wasn't something she'd heard before. Probably because her father didn't spend much time looking at the sky - couldn't, actually. But there was a good reason for that, and it was one that Easy couldn't claim for herself. "That's really cool," she decided, peering up at the sky to see exactly what Lavender meant. The sky was completely clear, just as Lavender had said.

"So, what do you want to do with this perfect day?" she asked, turning her attention back to the painted girl.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
awake my soul
99 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Sorry for the wait!

Lavender nodded warmly at Easy's reply. It was cool, definitely. The painted girl was glad to hear that Easy thought her observations cool, because she had many yet to come. Someday Lavender wanted to know everything she could about nature, and she planned on sharing every bit of what she learned with her family, as they obviously should know too! It was truly unbelievable, the planet they lived on, and utterly gorgeous.

She turned her head from her lilac and orange skies to look at her sister. Her tail began to wag and a mischevious grin spread across her face. Oh nothing really, but OH WAIT! What's that? She said, suddenly looking behind Easy with a surprised expression. There was nothing there, but it was a funny prank and Lav loved playing jokes. Hoping Easy would look and see, the red merle launched herself from where she sat and tried to tackle her sister to the ground, initiating a spar. Lavender kind of sucked at fighting, even play fighting which didn't involve much skill, but she could still have fun and try.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
"What?" said Easy, her eyes darting toward whatever Lavender had pointed out. Her killer instincts were quickly developing, and she'd yet to learn when and where they were unnecessary. "Oof!" she grunted when Lavender slammed into her. The girl was smaller than Easy, but she still packed a punch!

"Hey!" she giggled, trying to shove the painted girl off of her with her hind legs while they jaw-wrestled. Vicious growls came from the dark girl's chest, but her wagging tail made it clear that she was still having a good time. "You're such a stinker," she taunted, trying to wrestled Lavender to the ground along with her.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier