Dawnlark Plains Fishing for ya
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
All Welcome 
Need one more Voucher!! :D :D

Sebastian kept his promise to Pema and stuck close to Aviana. He was planning on doing that either way since they had a lot to catch up on. He hoped to meet the father of Aviana's litter but it seemed that he wasn't in this pack. Something that Sebastian slightly frowned upon but he would never say that to her face. She was his sister and she seemed to want these pups badly so he would be there for her. He stuck to Aviana as he got to know the territory better. A few days after he got accepted he went towards one of the main waterways. He hoped that it would be okay that he was not with Aviana, at least he was far away from the rendezvous site.

Sebastian was still limping but the gash on his shoulder was closed up. The big greyscale male stepped into the water. He instantly felt more at ease with the water cooling his paws. The male scanned the water for any slivers of silver. At least standing still he could do well. Sebastian wanted to prove to the pack that he would work for his food even though he had a limp. He might always have a limp. His docked tail stood up, mostly because of concentration. He kept his light colored eyes on the water. When he spotted movement he dashed forward with an open mouth. His jaws closed as soon as he felt something against his teeth. The male had not forgotten how to fish. The male grabbed the decent sized fish and placed it on the bank. He made sure the fish was dead before heading back to the water with full focus.
1,330 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
aditya liked to walk the streams; as a child of the coast, it made him feel more at home in the vast plains. dawnlark could be considered a sea of its own, but of land, not water--which he ultimately preferred. the burly male padded slowly along the shore of the meandering creek, eyes peeled for anything of interest. as he came along a bend, he saw a grayscale male he'd not noticed before.

his hackles raised momentarily, but relaxed as he remembered they had invited someone new recently. aviana's brother, he thought it was? his golden eyes surveyed the man from a distance. good size, the marks of battle marring his pelt. . .no tail, which adi found intriguing. he was fishing, and so aditya waited from a distance until he had seized his quarry, not wishing to disturb him.

once the fish was dead and gone, placed on the shore, adi gave a gentle chuff of greeting, trotting slowly toward the man with his head raised. he hoped he was a little more friendly than aviana had been, upon their first meeting.

"well caught," he remarked warmly, nodding toward the fish on the ground. "i don't believe we've met; i'm aditya. nice to see a new face around here--it's been a while."
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Sebastian had been rather focussed on the water that he hadn't seen the other approach. When he heard the chuff the male turned to face the other male. The large grey tank wiggled his docked tail in greeting. He instantly pushed his head down low out of respect for the other male. Sebastian glanced up when the male seemed friendly enough. "Hi, Aditya," he smiled kindly and dared to lift his head since the male greeted him on a friendly matter.

"I'm Sebastian, Aviana's brother," he explained quickly. "I hope it is okay I am without her... I wanted to make myself useful." Sebastian then looked at the fish on the bank to then move his gaze back to the male. "Thanks! I've learned fishing from a young age." Sebastian wanted to add how he couldn't really hunt other game at the moment, or maybe forever, but then he might put himself in a bad light. Perhaps the big scar on his shoulder told the male enough. "I'm glad to be part of this pack. Glad to unite with my sister as well," he added to make the conversation.
1,330 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he felt a small twinge of guilt at the mention of aviana, but smiled, nodding. perhaps being friendly to her brother would get him in her good graces, at last. (well, perhaps actually talking to her would, too. aditya needed to bother emily more about starting a thread for that.) he shook his head at sebastian's worry of being alone.

"no, you're making yourself useful; how could i not be okay with that?" adi said warmly. he grinned. "i'm terrible with the fishing, myself. we'll need fishers. lots of fat, good for pregnant women to eat. strong pups, and all that."

aditya's eyes wandered to the scar on the man's shoulder, his docked tail. he'd clearly seen combat, and was likely a competent warrior, as well. they needed those, too. "we're glad to have you here. say, how did that war turn out?" he asked, eyes gentle. "you don't have to answer if you feel uncomfortable. it was just. . .such a big thing, and now it's all over, and i've barely heard anything about it."

indeed, while the conflict had rattled the lives of all involved, adi had barely felt a ripple, and that seemed strange, in the wake of the build-up. he knew relocation had insulated them from the war, but he didn't think it would do this much to quiet things.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Sebastian offered a soft smile in relief that the male wasn't mad at him or anything like that. Sebastian just wanted to keep his head down. He was just glad that he was accepted into the pack even though he was injured. Sebastian dipped his head in reply. "I've heard about the pregnant women. If I catch more maybe you can bring them to the mothers? They say I am not allowed yet. Which I totally understand," he spoke kindly. "Fishing can be hard if you don't have the right technique. Do you want me to teach you?," he offered.

Sebastian's ears fell back when the male asked about the war. Flashes of the combat in the dark smelly forest were envisioned for a moment. The male looked pained, most of all because Andalusia's face came forward as well. Sebastian tried to shake the thoughts away and then glanced at Aditya. 'Well, good for the Caldera wolves, which was the side I was on," he explained but looked saddened. "Not so good for me though. I am not the best fighter, I'd rather hate it. I've lost my tail and will probably have a permanent limp," he spoke a motioned to his scarred shoulder.

After a brief pause he continued. "But perhaps worst of it all was that I've lost one of my closest friends," he ended in softer tones. It had been awhile since he heard her howls or saw her. Which made it all more likely that Andalusia might be gone forever. "Though, I guess what I've learned from this all, is that I am a very loyal wolf," he spoke, though the male looked rather like a kicked puppy at the moment he said that.
1,330 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
"yes, of course, i will," he said, smiling. "cat and pema have both helped me learn how to fish, but i've never quite gotten it down. lack of practice, i suppose." he settled back on his haunches, content to learn. "maybe i'll watch you for a while and then give it a go."

aditya's ears flattened slightly as sebastian went through describing everything that had happened; it seemed that even victories had consequences. blow after blow after blow had befallen the male, and adi marveled at the fact that he was still so cheery, in spite of it. at least he had been able to reunite with his sister. that was one small comfort.

"we're very happy to have your loyalty," adi said sincerely. "with grayday gone, and pups on the way, we need it now more than ever." it was a precarious time for morningside; a transitional period, of sorts. he already had taken a liking to sebastian and was happy that both he and his sister had found them. they were invaluable members of the pack, and if they stayed, they would become like family.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Sebastian offered him a smile and then nodded. "That could be the case," he admitted. "Or just still being tricked by the water," he advised. He had learned after all not to aim at the fish because then one would never get it. "You mustn't aim at the fish. Rookie mistake, but apparently the water plays tricks on our eyes. You must aim just a beat off it," he explained.

Sebastian offered a kind smile when the other spoke about being happy with him being here. "Oh yes. I heard about your leader. I've never met him but... I'm sorry for your loss," Sebastian spoke. It seemed even in this pack there was still some loss to deal with. The male was determined to help this pack since they offered such a good home to his sister. Sebastian was very grateful hence his instant loyalty towards them. Sebastian had already moved back into the water. He was standing still for a while now so he expected fish to come soon to check him out.

Sebastian glanced over the water as a large shape came towards him. The male dashed down with his head, making sure to exhale so no water went up to his nose. The male clamped down on the big fish. His whole head moving as the fish protested. Sebastian moved back to the bank. If this monster would get out of his jaws then at least it would be on dry land.
1,330 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he listened intently to sebastian's instructions, nodding along. as for the condolences. . .he shrugged them off, but gave the man a kind smile. compared to others in this pack, he had no great claim of mourning grayday; he'd been family by marriage, and he was certain the old leader counted him as a friend, as well. but with his brother, mate, and children around, adi felt less entitled to accept condolences.

"he was a good man," aditya said simply, looking away. "he'd have liked you, too, i think." he stepped back to watch sebastian do his thing, mouth breaking in a wide grin as the gray male was met with success. "well done! looks as easy as breathing, for you," he chuckled, his voice kind.

"i guess i should give it a try," aditya added, stepping up to the bank. just a beat off it, eh? he gazed down into the water, waiting for a shape to appear. when one did, after several agonizing moments, he wasted no time in striking, plunging his muzzle into the water. it was cold, and burned his nostrils, and he felt a surge of shame as his teeth clamped down on empty space with a muffled click.

gasping, he lifted his head from the stream, shaking the water from his pelt and giving sebastian a rueful look. "can't win them all," adi said hoarsely.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Sebastian hadn't known the previous leader so he couldn't really comment on it much further, it was nice to know that the other thought that their leader would like him. However, Sebastian preferred to have the living members liking him. Sebastian placed the fish down and then quirked up a smile. "I've been brought up with hunting fish," he admitted. "Practice makes perfect," he agreed.

Sebastian watched as the other tried to catch a fish himself. Sebastian stayed on the bank to assess the male's skill. He came up with nothing. Sebastian looked a bit guilty. "You will get there,"he spoke to try and motivate the other. "You should have aimed lower and that was a pretty fast fish. Go for the biggest one, they are slower and more body to hold on to," he advised and then smiled. "If you try and fish for a bit every day I am sure you will take them as easy out of the water as I do," he spoke. Fishing was always that more fun with someone around.
1,330 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he grinned, appreciating the man's motivational speech, even as the water dripped from his jaws. "well, why don't we make it a standing appointment, then?" adi inquired, a chuckle in his voice. "i'm out walking the borders. . .pretty much all the time. i'll keep an eye out for you, and we'll practice fishing every once in a while." good in more than one way. kept the pack fed, kept their skills sharp, forged a friendship between the two of them.

aditya rolled his head toward the edge of the plains with a muted sigh. "speaking of the borders, i'd best be off," he said, looking back at sebastian. "but great to meet you--and happy to have you here." he kept his gaze on sebastian, warm and molten gold, for a long moment before dipping his muzzle with a smile.

he turned and padded away, head high, a new gleam in his eyes. failure was painful, true. . .but making a new good friend had a way of dulling that pain, for aditya.
The Gentleman
1,663 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Sebastian dipped his head, showing a big genuine grin. "Yes. We will," he assured. Fishing was more fun with other wolves and if Aditya wanted to learn he would gladly be a mentor to him. "Yes, that sound perfect. I will call out once I go fishing again." Sebastian was relieved that he could be of some use to this pack even with his broken shoulder.

He would bring the two fish to one of the caches, or perhaps even to the rendezvous site. "Likewise. Until next time," he smiled. He felt already more at home in these lands. He was relieved that they accepted him for him and weren't treating him badly.

- end -

Thank you for the thread!! :D