Felltree Marsh fill your hands with the rain
dreamer trapped by your desire
272 Posts
Ooc —
forward-dated a couple days
Her travels did not always bring her joy. Outwardly, the inkstain was as impassive as ever, picking her way among the murky low water with damp, mud-slick branches as her only footing. Where water did not pool, the ground was saturated and soft. Somehow she had avoided collecting any mud thus far, save her pads. Nonetheless, she fumed internally.
The stench of wet, earthy rot only fueled her sour mood. Nothing rose above the scent, leaving her feeling blind and exposed. She was more watchful than usual, scarlet eyes flitting between too many things to focus on any properly. The sooner she left this place, the better. There was no way the wild-furred girl could know she was nearing pack land, at least for now.
"Common" | "French"
1,329 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
she traveled on the edge of the swamp, just past the border. he saw her, even from a distance, a dark blotch against the gray-green. unable to suppress the sense of alarm that rose within him at the sight of a stranger--alarm mixed with joy, though, at the potential of a new recruit--aditya headed hastily toward her, tail raised in a show of dominance, yet a welcoming smile playing across his muzzle. he crossed the border and trotted that way, pulling to a halt in the damp earth.

"you're quite close to pack lands," he advised, though his voice was kind. his golden eyes raked over her with interest, nostrils flaring as he picked up her scent. not one he knew; not a pack-scent at all, really. she was alone, this girl with eyes of dark crimson, or so he gathered. perhaps morningside could aid in relieving that solitude. "aditya. i'm from morningside, a band just over that way," he said, flicking his tail back from where he'd appeared.

it was a constant adjustment, these past days, living with no mate to tether him to duty, to romance. a lonely existence, perhaps, save for the presence of the children. he slept by himself, now--at least the nights were warm enough to not need the heat of another. but come fall, he would be shivering.

as far as regrets? he had a thousand and one. but he dare not say them aloud, lest he act on any of them. the bond between dawn and him was irreparable; no amount of reason or will could mend it.
dreamer trapped by your desire
272 Posts
Ooc —
She noticed his approach promptly, gaze turning directly on him, unfaltering as she studied his dominant posture. The yearling had never submitted to a show of dominance in her life, all too used to existing above such displays at Spiritlight Falls and too proud as a lone wolf to appear weak. She was no fool, however; she kept her posture neutral, sensing she had erred as he drew near enough for a familiar pack-scent to register.
I'm sorry, She offered, genuine but level. Her gaze followed the flick of his tail, curious. I hadn't noticed over the stench of swamp. A pause followed her words, her own keen eyes sweeping across Aditya. The towering wolf had an easy charm about him, warmth radiating from his golden-bronze gaze. Yet she sensed a tension within him, and was immediately intrigued.
Her head tilted slightly, all sense of decorum forgotten as she boldly presented her assumption. You seem troubled.
"Common" | "French"
1,329 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
"that's fine," he responded casually, giving a shrug of his shoulders and relaxing his posture ever so slightly. she was open, truthful--clearly no harm. but her observation that followed the apology had his eyes harden and shift to her face once more, the line of his mouth drawing taut before relaxing into a smile, albeit an icy one.

"it's not your concern," aditya said simply, in a tone that did not interrupt civility but which implicitly forbade any argument. he had not spoken to anyone of the broken relationship; why on earth would he voice his heart to this young, unknown woman? letting it go, aditya let his face warm up again, the gold in his eyes melting. "i don't recognize you, nor your scent. who are you?"
dreamer trapped by your desire
272 Posts
Ooc —
It was a dissatisfying answer, but she hardly ever expected strangers to satisfy her curiosity. He had the right to his privacy — and she had the right to her own fickleness, she figured. I'm no one, She told him, not unkindly. A wanderer. Again, I am sorry for wandering so close to your home. I wish you well, Aditya. She left no room for further conversation, departing swiftly and only taking a moment to wonder if she'd meet him again.
"Common" | "French"