Haunted Wood Now we're climbing higher
223 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
All Welcome 
@Damien or perhaps any Nightwalkers or former Melonii <3
She stalked through the woods once again.
She'd wandered too far and got hurt, hindering her return. The gouge on her leg was evident. Too much snooping seemed to have unearthed a raccoon problem. The swarms that left seemed to take a liking to her kill and earned herself a nasty, infected wound.
Walking through wildflowers seemed to help, perhaps there were some herbs that did it.

Either way, she'd dragged her ass back here and realized she'd been gone far too long. Many had left or fallen behind and she wondered what had happened. A party hadn't left the dark woods, she was sure. There weren't the signs of pillaging here. 
She lifted her head, calling, searching for her people. Her masters.
If they didn't answer, she supposed she was not of them.
And she could be free.
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sometimes, dead is better
484 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Although the scent of wolves were present - it wasn't strong. Despite that, he was sold on the lands and enjoyed their feel - how they were away from any other packs, the abundance of prey and the river that flowed within the lands. 

A howl rang through the woods as the soon to be Warlord wandered, getting to know the possible lands to claim, and turned to see who the hell was calling for who in such a place. With a quick pace, he closed the distance between himself and the stranger. The lands were not claimed officially, but he still felt a desire to demand what this individual wanted. 

What. he barked. He believed that the howl went out for whoever was patrolling these woods, but he'd be damned if he didn't come to see the call for himself and interfere with whoever was also wandering around.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She had been lingering around the wilderness in case more words were spoken on a prospective territory. She was drawn to the wood by the scent of a few wolves. She held back however just in case she was needed.
”Common” "Spanish"
223 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
She kept wandering, not thinking much would come from her wayward question. Footsteps came close and she turned to face who might be answering. She thought perhaps Aries but his scent was faint. He often wandered though; more so than herself. 

What met her was not Aries. 
It was another and as far as she was concerned, he was the issue here. She fwlt the presnce of at least one other. Maybe more. Her fur bristled, her lips writhing up and ears slicking back. This was not ok. 
“What have you done to my pack?” She challenged accusingly. What had happened to Damien and the kids. Where was Nyx? 
She stepped forward, her ears folloing suit. She wasn’t going to look weak, but she was disadvantaged for sure. 
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sometimes, dead is better
484 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Already he wasn't too fond about the call ringing out - it brought too much attention to the woods that they hadn't officially claimed yet for themselves. It was a silent war for the woods, and he was planning on remaining as low as possible until he could figure out who was around and why.

As she spoke challengingly, her stance growing more aggressive as she stepped forward - Vengeance did not back down and instead grew more irritated and blossomed in turn as the ferocious beast he was. A snarl emerged from his lips as skin rippled on his muzzle, daggers glared at the stranger before his voice bellowed the answer. Nothing. The word bit, but if they were as aggressive as she was - he had every intention to treat any of her "packmates" with utter aggression. 

I haven't seen a pack here since my arrival. Behind him, his tail flickered, annoyed and seconds away from launching forward to chase this woman out. With Serem's scent filling the air, he was very much aware of the backup that had come from the darkness behind him.
I Am Better Than You Think
105 Posts
Ooc —
Of course she was there too, why wouldn't she be? Just because they left the coast doesn't mean that she left the man's shadow. Whoever this wolf was had called for someone, but it wasn't them. That was more than obvious by the look on her face. Her family had lived here...lives here? The scent of other wolves was obvious, but not strong enough she'd consider them a pack.

She had no need to speak, not yet at least so she remained quiet observing. That's when her eyes narrowed in on the wound on the other woman's leg. She stood no chance, she was better off running now.
Thread log, played by Aso, #008080 , pawprint, Alice's Playlist 4/10* 3/5*, * = incomplete threads
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She allowed the two to converse and the unknown female asked about her pack, yes she smelt the traces of one but it seemed distinct, she however did not speak she merely stayed for backup.
”Common” "Spanish"
223 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
The stalwart woman wavered, thinking twice about this. She couldn't fight a forming pack alone. Her crumbling one hadn't survived.
She wouldn't call it grief that overcame her. Disappointment perhaps. Though she felt grief for young Venamis. Surely. Surely they weren't all slaughtered.

"How many of you are there?" Her voice was quieter, but she needed to know how many came to fell the woods. Who would have stood?
Damien, Nyx...Malcanthet? Surely Midar. Under than Alarain should have fought here, but his presence was scarce anyway. She needed to know.
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sometimes, dead is better
484 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Enough. Was his answer. Vengeance wasn't about to give away how many they were in his pack, the building blocks to what was soon to be - they were a small group for now, but this woman didn't need to know that and report it back to the pack she sought. They outnumbered her here and that as all she had to know. Even Alison had been watching, he was certain of it. 

Even if she was quieter, Vengeance didn't back down. Should this be a battle for land, he would gladly fight for what he had chosen to be their home. Sure there were plenty elsewhere to go around, but to back down to another small pack and leave peacefully to a new one elsewhere didn't seem to fit the image he was trying to build for the Nightwalkers.

They would stand and fight regardless of whoever else was trying to claim these woods. In fact... something clicked. Swallowing the earth beneath him, he crept closer to the red draped woman. She didn't seem interested in pledging allegiances to a new pack; she knew of their presence and would report back should she find that group of hers. Why would he let her go. 

With that thought, without warning, he lunged forward, barreling toward her with a jaw ready to rip and shred whatever he could grab onto. Unless she said anything that would interest him further, he was done with the diplomacy to a possible enemy to his throne.
223 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Last from me, hope this is ok <3 I'll be sending Vanity soon I promise 
She forgot to watch him. She was staring off into the trees, aimlessly. 
The Melonii. Gone. Crushed by some unknown force that would likely not mean anything to anyone. Her golden eyes, cut with the ice of her heart, were dead. 
Why did it bother her so much?

The footstep snapped her back to the reality of the changed beast before her. Her ears instantly swept back and tail tucked in tight but her escape was late. He lunged and she turned to flee.
Her leg strained as she ran for her life, oblivious to the burning mar that now adorned her side where he caught her flesh. 

She ran until it struck through her mind and caused her to stop. The blood loss heavy and she was again, immobile. Laying helpless between three deadly forces of Moonspear, the Nightwalkers, and Blackfeather woods and she bled, seemingly without end.
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I Am Better Than You Think
105 Posts
Ooc —
Vengeance had grown tired of the conversation...pitty for the other girl. Now she faced his fangs. Alice only stood and watched, she knew the beast had no need of her strength, not for someone so small. Soon she would be running off, where to did not matter, what mattered was that she was gone from their land. True it might not have been officially claimed, but they were here for the long run and anyone who tried otherwise would be forced to meet their fangs.
Thread log, played by Aso, #008080 , pawprint, Alice's Playlist 4/10* 3/5*, * = incomplete threads
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
last from me

The girl who had spoken of her pack was now on the run and for good reason. It would of been bad if she’d stuck around; she was clearly outnumbered. As soon as everything settled she wandering back into the trees from where she came. If they needed her she would be within earshot.
”Common” "Spanish"
sometimes, dead is better
484 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Managing to grab onto something before she turned to flee - he was certain she would remember them for a long time to come. Blood dribbling from his maw, he watched for a moment as she ran, until the sight of her was impossible to view - only then did he turn back around and into the haunted woods that they desired to claim. Should she find that group of hers, the ones who marked these lands as lightly as the Nightwalkers were equally - perhaps they'll find a new home in fear of the terrible wolves that awaited within.