She chose not to visit the healer's place, although by now she knew where it was. Tulukiri was self-sufficient enough and pig-headed enough to believe herself safe from infection; she could at least roll in some mud to keep the wound area protected, she thought.
So she traveled to the river's edge and sluiced into the shallows, foremost to clean the debris from her coat which had been trapped there during her journey, but also to shock the surface of her wounds so that they would stop their bleeding.
A plume of red drifted through the water where it came leaking from her neck and shoulder.
So she traveled to the river's edge and sluiced into the shallows, foremost to clean the debris from her coat which had been trapped there during her journey, but also to shock the surface of her wounds so that they would stop their bleeding.
A plume of red drifted through the water where it came leaking from her neck and shoulder.
September 15, 2022, 01:20 PM
Sadey had tended to Amalia and then she followed the other one. She settled to her ass on the ground and watched through half lidded eyes.
Sadey was not one to mince words, ever. She stared the girl down amd watched the blood.
Sadey snorted.
Then she stood and walked a way aways studying the cobwebs and river plants.
You're foolish you don't think yew need tendin' girl. Foolish and dumb.
Sadey was not one to mince words, ever. She stared the girl down amd watched the blood.
Sure water keep it clean for now. But get a little dirt somewhere where it don't fit. Well then yew got problems.
Sadey snorted.
Hopefully your foolishness doesn't kill you.
Then she stood and walked a way aways studying the cobwebs and river plants.
September 15, 2022, 01:27 PM
The girl winced as the water made contact with the raw, open wound. She sucked in some water and wet her tongue with it, swallowed some, and lifted herself free after a few seconds of soaking.
A woman's voice crept to her from the land. It held a certain level of sass that Tulukiri couldn't attribute to spineless Amalia, and doubted it was the issumatar since the woman's husband had just returned from battle and they were likely preoccupied.
The stranger was hard to spot at first. Tulukiri noticed them as she dragged herself from the water. She shook herself off while she stared towards the woman, forgetting for a moment that her wound was there and then --
A woman's voice crept to her from the land. It held a certain level of sass that Tulukiri couldn't attribute to spineless Amalia, and doubted it was the issumatar since the woman's husband had just returned from battle and they were likely preoccupied.
The stranger was hard to spot at first. Tulukiri noticed them as she dragged herself from the water. She shook herself off while she stared towards the woman, forgetting for a moment that her wound was there and then --
Ah! Shit,sucking in a sharp breath, glaring with her head turned towards the wound she couldn't quite access.
You're the medic.She'd seen this one tending the darkling. Tulukiri slowly unfurled herself to look upon the woman, but didn't get any closer.
It's just a small thing. I can handle it.
September 15, 2022, 01:38 PM
(This post was last modified: September 15, 2022, 02:17 PM by Sadey.)
Sadey chuckled at her wince and shook her head at her antic. Silly girl. Sadey nodded her head a frown on her face.
She made a soft noise.
She stood and stared at the girl.
She made a soft noise.
Well i guess yew could, but when it festers and burns to the touch.
She stood and stared at the girl.
When it gets green and achey and a fever burns through you. It hurts so much and burns so much the skin peels.
As your flesh starts to necrotize and you lose the limb. Don't come to ole Sadey then cause i won't and can't help ya at that point.
September 15, 2022, 02:09 PM
Wow, was everyone in this village crazy? No sooner had Tulukiri made their acquaintance did the woman devolve in to some kind of swamp-dwelling witch. The visceral reaction that Tulukiri had to the image of her flesh necrotizing and falling off made her look a little green around the gills, so to speak.
She took a step closer and then settled to her haunches properly, facing the medic with her wounded shoulder and then slowly, she turned her head so that the bite to her neck was exposed.
That was a joke.
Y'know, fine — if you need a guinea pig for medicine, I guess I can play the part.Admit that she was in pain? That wasn't Tulukiri's style. She'd tough it out like all the Tartok greats! None of those raucous old men complained when they were hurt, so she wouldn't either.
She took a step closer and then settled to her haunches properly, facing the medic with her wounded shoulder and then slowly, she turned her head so that the bite to her neck was exposed.
So what're you thinking, we gotta amputate?
That was a joke.
September 15, 2022, 02:21 PM
(This post was last modified: September 15, 2022, 02:39 PM by Sadey.)
Sadey wasn't crazy, well maybe she was. That however had no current sway over her task at hand. She had gotten what she wanted. The girls attention and she could fix it. So the latter didn't happen.
Sadey made a soft hmm in her throat. And with deadpan expression stated.
She found the bergamot nearby already squished into a paste and slathered it along the wound. Covering that with cobwebs.
Sadey made a soft hmm in her throat. And with deadpan expression stated.
We just may.
She found the bergamot nearby already squished into a paste and slathered it along the wound. Covering that with cobwebs.
The Bergamot makes for an infection fighter and the cobwebs keep it on there and bleeding stopped.
September 15, 2022, 02:32 PM
The woman squished some kind of paste in to the wound without warning. Tulukiri didn't like the sensation; it was sharp at first and painful, then wet, then uncomfortable with its restrictions as it began to dry.
Before long there were cobwebs being mashed on top as well, which Tulukiri did not appreciate and so she squirmed.
Everything was in place and Tulukiri had the distinct impulse to lift a hind leg and scratch at it, but she had to hold back on that.
Before long there were cobwebs being mashed on top as well, which Tulukiri did not appreciate and so she squirmed.
I got the blood to stop with the water.The skin had been somewhat numbed by it too, which begged the question - just how painful had that bite been?
Everything was in place and Tulukiri had the distinct impulse to lift a hind leg and scratch at it, but she had to hold back on that.
Is this gonna magically fix things by tomorrow? Or do I have to endure this again.It was sort-of humiliating.
September 15, 2022, 02:42 PM
Sadey saw no reason to give warnings. It just made them moan and hiss more. Naw, this way it was done and wrapped before they couldeven really react. Sadey hated the moaning.
Sadey looked at the girl and snorted.
Sadey studied her.
Sadey looked at the girl and snorted.
Yew ain't the smartest are ya. O'course it won't magically fix it. Keep it on for two days. Then once it is ready to come off shouldn't need it. Long as yew leave it be.
Sadey studied her.
If you need something in a pinch and no wayer cobwebs will stop bleeding even with out roots.
September 15, 2022, 02:55 PM
Okay, so at least it didn't have to be re-applied.
Wait, but she couldn't do anything so long as she had this stuff attached to her. What if it fell off before the timespan? Then she'd have to seek out the medic again, and Tulukiri didn't want that.
No sparring, then. No training, nothing! That deflated Tulukiri pretty quick.
She imagined she was drawing up tactical schematics. A circle for Natigvik's border, a scratch in the loam for each body she'd met so far; thoughts running rampant of Tulimaq and how ill-prepared this place truly was.
Wait, but she couldn't do anything so long as she had this stuff attached to her. What if it fell off before the timespan? Then she'd have to seek out the medic again, and Tulukiri didn't want that.
No sparring, then. No training, nothing! That deflated Tulukiri pretty quick.
Right, okay, so I get to laze around and miss out on trainin' all because of that dumbass lady, grrreat.The girl let out a petulant hum, and idly scraped the ground with one of her paws.
She imagined she was drawing up tactical schematics. A circle for Natigvik's border, a scratch in the loam for each body she'd met so far; thoughts running rampant of Tulimaq and how ill-prepared this place truly was.
September 15, 2022, 03:02 PM
Sadey frowned.
Sadey snorted.
Sady shook her head.
Dumbass lady. You really do have rocks for brains dontcha.
Sadey snorted.
You're lucky wasn't me I'd have ripped your throat out and danced over your body. Tell me child. What does your pack do a stranger comes across your borders? You just let em waltz their ass in?
Sady shook her head.
Mayhap you should learn to broaden your thinking stead that self centered, self servin little world you live in.
You got hurt okay, Amalia got reprimanded alright. Time to move on. Youse holdin' a grudge that don't do nothin but mess with you not anyone else.
September 15, 2022, 03:06 PM
'Cept we weren't strangers. Dumbass lady has dumbass eyes, to boot.Tulukiri countered before she could hear much of the medic's diatribe. What did they know of it? They weren't there.
My grudge isn't with her, anyway. I'm pissed off she's cutting in to my training time.That was the bare truth of it.
If she'd taken a moment instead of charging in blind, everything would be good — but she didn't, because she's an idiot.The wound smarted more than Tulukiri had let on, and perhaps this was the only real indication of how painful it was: she became more openly snide.
Anyone raises a fang to a Tartok warrior, 'specially a leader like Kigipigak, ought to be properly punished.She went on to grumble, but that was the end of it.
September 15, 2022, 03:11 PM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: swearing
Sadey looked her over.
Pain makes you bitchy clearly. As for Amalia. I'd like to see you tell Kigipigak he chose wrong as it were him that recruited Amalia.
Sadey snorted.
Then train your brain. Fighting isn't all jump in asses blazing. It takes strategy yea? Then learn about strategy. Watch something. Observe. You aren't gods gift child and it is clear you have a lot of learning to do if you can only train physically.
Sadey shook her head again.
Shame really you could be great you got yer head out yer ass.
September 15, 2022, 03:17 PM
Tulukiri scoffed. She didn't need to hear admonishment from a stranger who clearly wasn't a warrior themselves; even if what they said was right, she didn't have to listen to it.
There was much more to learn and the girl had plenty of time to do it, should her pride finally burn low enough to let her. Evidently the darkling was called Amalia, and she had friends in this village, which wasn't surprising on its own.
The conversation's steep shift had caused Tulukiri to rethink her place within it, given that she'd still not made up her mind on the subject. She had a lot to think about.
And that was that. Tulukiri thought she'd put up with this woman for long enough, and now sidled along the river's edge, her gait skewed slightly as she tried not to disturb the paste where it sat upon her neck.
[Tulukiri out!]
There was much more to learn and the girl had plenty of time to do it, should her pride finally burn low enough to let her. Evidently the darkling was called Amalia, and she had friends in this village, which wasn't surprising on its own.
The conversation's steep shift had caused Tulukiri to rethink her place within it, given that she'd still not made up her mind on the subject. She had a lot to think about.
Y'know, thanks for the mud, but I didn't ask for any opinions. What kinda bedside manner do you call that? Oh, I'm being rhetorical -- that means, I don't care for your answer.
And that was that. Tulukiri thought she'd put up with this woman for long enough, and now sidled along the river's edge, her gait skewed slightly as she tried not to disturb the paste where it sat upon her neck.
[Tulukiri out!]
September 15, 2022, 03:20 PM
Sadey sighed and shook her head. A chortle left her.
Sadey shook her head and ambled away. She was neutral when it came to Amalia but the girl was gonna end up on the wrong side she kept pushing and pushing for pride.
You wanted good bedside manner shouldn't have popped off the teat so early.
Sadey shook her head and ambled away. She was neutral when it came to Amalia but the girl was gonna end up on the wrong side she kept pushing and pushing for pride.
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