Firestone Hot Springs Think like a proton - Stay positive
18 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen

Ryon had made his way west a bit. The temperature had dropped quite a bit, and while his double coat shielded him for the most part, he sought refuge from the chill. He had remembered a warm spot on his travels and backtracked to find them. 

He could feel the change in the air as he approached the warm pools of water. While he didn't want to get wet, he did lower his body to the ground to soak up the warmer air around the surface of the water. The steam was a nice change from the stinging of cold air. He took in a deep breath, his body already beginning to warm up a bit and relax. He let his eyes shut softly, though his ears remained on alert for any sounds.
260 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
That’s a great thread title. :D

Raindrop had fun socializing, exploring and making new friends, but it was time for some down time. The cold weather had little chance against her double coat, but it found a way regardless, so she made her way to one of the only warm places she could think of: Firestone Hot springs. She’s been here before, and knows how to use it, plus she wanted to clean up and ease some soreness.

She arrived at the Hot springs and once she found a safe one, she slowly stepped into it, and then gently laid down, stretching out in the warm water. Once she relaxed, only then had she noticed a large black wolf’s figure laying on the warm stone not far from her. She lifted her head, ears perked forward, and called out: “Hello. Enjoying the warmth, eh? It’s a good day for it too.”
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18 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Thanks! I tried to find a love chemistry quote, but couldn't, so I went with science chemistry instead lol

It hadn't been easy to hear her approach. She was quiet, and hadn't noticed him yet. He was still, watching her from lowered lids. He didn't want to scare her, but he should probably let her know he was here. 

But, instead, he simply watched as she lowered herself into the steaming water. He found that there was something quite... mesmerizing about it. She stretched out, and he couldn't help the small smile that formed on his maw. She looked like she was really enjoying it. Maybe he should get into his own pool after all, if it was that good. 

Her voice snapped him to attention, and he smiled at her, nodding. I was, yes. I didn't think I was going to get wet, but you make it look so nice, he said, not really thinking. He cleared his throat, I meant, you just look relaxed, he added. He was not a rude wolf, and he didn't want her to think he was. He gave a sheepish smile, hoping he hadn't offended her.
260 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
The man spoke, his voice warm in response. His words didn’t offend her, in fact, they quite flattered her, and she smiled back. With a chuckle, she spoke: “Well thank you.” “You seemed very relaxed yourself.” A thought came to her mind, this hot spring was on the larger side, roughly ten feet in diameter, and she surely didn’t need it all to herself. She patted the stone bordering her spring, and motioned her head as if to call him over. “I’m more than willing to share, if you prefer.” “There’s too much room for me.” 

She hoped this invitation didn’t make him uncomfortable, but it was true.
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18 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Thankfully, it seemed she was not offended, and even chuckled. He nodded once again, It's nice to be able to warm up in such cold weather. He hadn't encountered such a place a before. It was a wonder to him that it existed at all. 

His ears perked when she invited him with her. He thought just a moment before accepting. I'd like that, thank you, he responded with a smile. He lifted himself up off the ground and slowly made his way over to her. It gave her ample time to change her mind, if she so wished. Ryon was a friendly wolf, but he would never push his company onto anyone. 

He came to the edge of the water and lifted one front leg to dip his paw into the warm liquid, testing it first. With a brief wag of his tail, he slowly submerged his body up to his neck. Wow, he exclaimed. This really is warm. Definitely better than just sitting next to it. He stretched out, mirroring her pose, though he kept himself to his side of the pool. His gaze went to her. I'm Ryon, by the way, he offered up.
260 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
He accepted her offer after a moment of pause, stood up and slowly made his way over. She watched him dip a paw, then subemerge himself in the war, water, respectfully staying to his side of the spring. She appreciated his respect, but didn’t speak it, as to not make the situation awkward. 

“Most definitely. It’s amazing how how they stay warm in such frigid weather. One just has to be careful not to burn themselves, as not all are a safe temperature.” She explained in short, then returned his introduction: “It’s a pleasure, Ryon. My name is Raindrop.” She tried to come up with some sort of conversation piece, so that the silence didn’t hang around forever. “Have you heard of the large hunt that happened about a week or so ago? It was a gathering of many packs.”
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18 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
She explained that some of the pools were hotter than others, and his eyes grew wide for a moment, his brain making a mental picture of a wolf burning in hot water. Good to know, he said with a chuckle. This is my first time seeing one of these, so I didn't realize they could be so dangerous, he explained. 

She gave her name, and he smiled, That's a very pretty name, he said. He wanted to comment that she matched her name, but he held back, unsure if that kind of comment would be welcome. 

He shook his head, No, I didn't hear about that, he replied. That's interesting, though, that different packs would work together like that. Were they successful? he asked. He hoped with so many wolves involved that they were able to feast.
260 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
His eyes grew wide with the mention of burning in the water, but then chuckled with his response, so she didn’t feel too bad at the possibility of frightening him. “Yeah.” She nodded, then addressed his comment on her name, which made her cheeks feel warm, and not from the water. “That’s very kind of you. My mother always said how my pelt reminded her of a rainy day.” As she remembered back, her smile began to fade, but she caught herself and put it back on, addressing the success of the hunt next. “A friend invited me along, it was fun.” She went on, “My hunting group was successful. I assume the others were too as many wolves have been busy skinning, preparing and cleaning the bison they’d taken.”

She wondered if it would be safe to tell him of her loner status. She sniffed the air and could not catch any scent on him, but then again the water would have washed it off. “Say, are you pack wolf.” She asked nonchalantly.
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18 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
He listened as she explained how she got her name. Rainy days can be beautiful, especially the ones where the sun shines through the clouds, he replied. It wasn't often he got to see those, but he enjoyed them when he could. I happen to like the rain, he added with a smile. 

It seemed that at least some of the wolves were successful in their hunts. I'm sorry I missed it, it sounds like it would have been great. Having so many wolves in one spot increased their chances of success. He wondered if Void had been there. 

He shook his head at her next question. Not really, he replied. My brother, Void, is trying to start a pack, I believe. I will likely join to support him. He really had no other plans, and he did want to be there for his brother. What about you? he asked. The water really drowned down any scent that might be lingering on her, so he wasn't sure if she was part of one or not. Though, she had mentioned going with a friend to the hunt, not her pack.
260 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
“Those are one of my favorites as well.” She told Ryon with a bigger smile, as it was something they now had in common. When the clouds lit up with pales golds and silvers, it was heavenly. He was then sorry he missed the hunt, “It was fun, but it was also a lot of work. More than I am used to.” A chuckle, to hopefully help him not feel as bad, if he was. 

After, he answered her question about being part of a pack, and the answer was “Not really”. This meant he was a loner, like she has been and will be for the time being. She nodded, “That’s wonderful that you’re hoping to help your brother.” Then told about herself: “I have not pack either. I’ve been a loner for almost a year now, in the spring.” What she did leave out was the part about being taken from her home outside these wilds and family. “Though I have been considering joining a pack along the coast, about northwest from here.”
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Ooc — Mary Ellen
Raindrop smiled, and Ryon couldn't help but noticed that she smiled with her eyes, too. Even through the steam, he could see they were dazzling. He stared, his smile soft as he took in her features. It wasn't often Ryon's attention was so captures, but she was captivating. When he caught himself, his gaze drew downward to the water, though his smile remained.

He nodded about the hard work of the hunt. I've only seen bison from a distance, but they look massive, he agreed. I'm sure it wasn't easy to bring it down. He could imagine five or six wolves on one of those creatures, and every one would have to put in their share of the work to hunt it. 

That's a long time to be on your own, he commented. He wondered if she had friends along the way to help protect her. Did anyone travel with you? he asked, curious. She went on to mention a pack she was thinking about joining. What stops you from joining? he asked, wondering why she hadn't joined yet.
260 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
She could see it all over his face. His captivated expression. However, she didn’t plan on mentioning it, let him keep his dignity, she thought. But his smile, she herself was quite fond of it, which made her smile, and she also found herself gazing into his yellow eyes. A brilliant yellow they were. Her attention snapped back to their conversation at his words, and she listened,   “They are very big, and it took many of us. Some attacked the bison, I, along with others, kept it away from the herd. The true definition of team effort.” 

When he asked as to what had kept her from joining a pack, she had to think. She wore a thoughtful expression for a moment, then responded: “I met friends along the way who have helped me out. But as for not joining a pack…. I’m not sure. I enjoy traveling, but maybe it’s because it wasn’t the right time. But I’m ready now.” She finished her sentence confidently.
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18 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
It seemed their gazes locked for a moment, but neither commented on it. Instead, the conversation went on. Did the herd give you much trouble? he asked. If they were anything like other herd prey, sometimes they others would come to the defense of the one the wolves were trying to take down. 

He was glad to hear she had met friends along the way, and hadn't been alone all that time. I'm glad your friends were helpful, he said, He nodded in understanding about not being ready. I understand that, he replied. My brothers and I have wandered on and off since leaving the family pack. We've joined packs, together and alone, but we always seem to find our way back to each other somehow, he explained with a half smile. It was like they were all drawn to each other, making one easy to find. I was actually kind of looking him for now, to check in, he added. Will you be heading to the pack now? he asked, wondering about her immediate plans.
260 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
“Not too much. The old cow bison did knock down at least one member of our hunting party, but she’s on the mend.” Thinking about what had happened to Heph, and assuming some of the others wound up injured in some way, she was lucky. — “That’s very kind of you. I am too, very fortunate. “ He spoke of his brothers, they wandered just as she had, but at least for Ryon, they found their way back to one another: “That’s really awesome. If there’s anything I learned over my two years of life, it’s not to take for granted what you have….” She had a distant gaze, almost speaking vaguely, “It could be taken away before you know it.” Raindrop didn’t have family here, they were very far away, but she secretly hopes this will change in the near future — but it would have to start with her.

When she realized her sullen, she perked herself up again. “I’m not sure when I’m heading for the coast. Hopefully not too long, but I’m sure we could find someone who can track down your brother. Do you know his last whereabouts?”

This was a treat. Thank you very much, and it’ll be neat to see how these two continue to get along. Do you want to fade this after your next post and see i can start a thread with someone who might know where @Void ‘s location is? Feel free to PM me further about it. 
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18 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
I've loved this thread! I already have a thread planned with Void, but maybe Ryon could find Raindrop again soon?

His expression showed the worry he felt when she mentioned one of her party got knocked down by a bison. He imagined they could pack a wallop. Thankfully, her friend was on the mend. 

He listened as she spoke of loss and not taking things for granted. He could see the far away expression in her eyes, could guess at what it meant. Without thinking, he extended his neck in an attempt to gently touch his muzzle to her cheek in a gesture of comfort. 

She seemed to come back to the present, and he pulled back into his spot. He shook his head, No, but I was thinking of back tracking to the mountains to see if he's hanging out there, he explained. I'll find him eventually, he added with a smile. 

He would stay as long as Raindrop allowed his company, and then, a bit reluctantly, head to the mountains. He would glance back for one last look.
260 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
He reached his nose to her cheek, just before she brought herself back to the present, and she didn’t oppose it. She accepted it, a gesture of comfort, and kept her eyes locked onto his once more after he pulled back. All she could do was smile. He told her had a plan, he would backtrack to the mountains — She guessed these were the sunspires: “I wish you good luck. I spent a brief time on the Sunspires before I came to the flatlands. One of my friends lives up there. It’s quite the climb.” She commented, but when it was time to go, a sign of this by her wrinkly paw pads, she stepped outside of the hot spring, and so did he. Her fur dripped, soaked, but nothing a good couple of shakes couldn’t fix. Before she herself turned to leave, head back to one of the camps, she spoke once more, parting words: “Thank you for your company, Ryon. I hope to see you again.” 

Sounds good. Thanks for letting me know.
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