Hoshor Plains Broken Any Legs?
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
All Welcome 
Referenced event: Moon Pack's Hunt - Post Hunt. Date is flexible. 
@Cassidy for visibility.
Leaving the intro vague so others can fill in the gaps as needed. All Welcome. Hoping to run into a healer and or someone injured. Maybe @Kukutux  @Chickadee  @Sialuk  @Alaric? - Due to Cargiver Trade.
Paeon traveled North East with Cassidy at her side. Well, he wasn't exactly at her side. Not all the time anyway. They were travelers adventuring together, but that didn't limit them from going off and doing their own thing every now and again.

Today was one such day and Paeon caught sight of a great commotion in the Hoshor Plains that she couldn't resist investigating. Eagerly she approached and caught the scent of a variety of different wolves. None were particularly stronger than the others and none conveyed a message of ownership. A smile grew on her face as it confirmed that this event was open, or rather, she wouldn't be chased off for trespassing. 

As she reached the edge of the gathering she came upon what she perceived to be a healer camp and slowly walked around. Seeing what there was to see, but most importantly she was on the hunt to be useful. It had been some time since she ran into someone in need of medical attention.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric stayed within the confines of the healers camp as the hunters hunted. Part of him wished to be out there with them. But he knew here his knowledge was needed.

So he shifted and he listened. A new face came into his vision and he saw no wounfs upon her pelt. So he offered a impish smile. The mischievious gleam of his green eyes towards her.

Hello! Welcome to the healers camp? Is there someway we can be of assistance?
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
'Hello' - A greeting from behind her. She turned around to face it and caught sight of a large dark male. A strong board build draped in black and edges dipped in brown. A light sparkle glimmered in her eyes as to her he was giving off serious swag hero energy.

He referred to their surroundings as a healer camp, which brought a pleased sway to Paeon's tail, little victory points to her for her correct assessment.

"Actually, I'm here to offer my services," she said with a smirk, trying to hold back her brazen boastfulness. "Paeon. Combat medic." her tone conveyed as though she were holding out a hand to be shaken.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A masked face greeted him with impish smile that would rival his own. And a body well needless to say she could probably break him in half and he would probably let her.

His smile grew. Glad to hear it. Moonwoman Kukutux can get you sorted with a job and such. Shes that way. Look for the small cloud of wolf.

A dip of his nose. Not an easy vocation. You see a lot doing that. I'm Alaric.

189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
"Nice to meet you Alaric" she said nodding her head as though she were tipping a hat to him.

"Anything I should know about this Moonwoman before I make my introduction? Is she a priestess of some sort?" she asked. Medicine and religion were often seen as competing forces, but Paeon had heard tails for the spiritual and supernatural growing up. There was much she didn't know about the subject, but she had a respect for those who did.

She wasn't quite ready to end her present conversation however, so nosy as she was, "And what job did she give you?"
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Pleasant girl wasn't she. Larely he'd been meeting a prickly few. Even Sialuk was prickly somedays. And he supposed his way of things sometimes could be grating.

Alaric chuckled. She is a spiritualist, but she doesn't press it. She is just nice.

Kukutux was many things, but he'd never even heard of her raising her voice. He was sure she did, but he had been lucky so far.

oh the heavy lifting. Setting breaks, pushing shoulders back into place. And whatever else she may need.
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
His light-hearted chuckle let Paeon know she had little to worry about in regard to the Moonwoman. She pocketed Alaric's knowledge of the women for later.

Setting breaks and popping shoulders was some pretty experienced stuff. You had to be strong but also know exactly where to apply such pressure, otherwise far more damage could be done than good. "That's some pretty gnarly stuff" a mixture of awe and understanding in the tone of her voice. "What happened here that we need to do that kind of stuff?" she asked. Perhaps that should have been in her first line of questioning.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric wouldn't say that despite how moonwoman was he would purposely cross her. Because she had mad witch vibes and he wasn't looking to get cursed at all.

Alaric aighed. That it is. One of the more darker sides of healing, but I've seen a few.

Even some of his own bones he had set when his former lover broke them.

The pack Moontide had a giant hunt with many packs. And they were hunting Bison. Big beasties takes 4 or more to get it down.
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
A gathering of nations to concur the wilds most valiant game. It all sounded like the makings of a grand tale. But it was easy for Paeon to exaggerate how stupendous something was, especially if she hadn't been there to witness it, and her imagination could run free.
"And did they succeed? Did they manage to vanquish the great beasts?..." she paused a moment to take in her immediate surroundings. "Or did they hold their own and manage to take down a few of our own in the process?" she asked.
Legends and stories were one thing, but up close and personal, they weren't always a pretty sight.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric was still astounded that one pack had managed to make this all happen. Of course those of moon packs helped where they could, but it had been Heph that had done the most. She had traveled to all of the packs, gathered them all. Then she and Rodyn had both organized the hunting parties, it was amazing.

They did, and there were very few injuries a such and those we had. Were not terriby severe. I think there was one severe case. The rest were bruised or scratched up. Nothing of what could have been with Bison.
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
One severe injury the dark male said. Paeon was curious to know what the injury was, who sustained it, and if they now had any rad scars to take home as trophies. But she refrained and had the sense enough not to press the matter further. 

Bison were great beasts and Peaon nodded in agreement at what Alaric described as trivial in comparison to what could have been. "All things considered it sounds like a great hunt." Her tone admiring the gathering surrounding them.

Alaric had given her the lay of the land, what had taken place, and who to talk to next. She had one other question on her mind for him. "Thanks for the scoop Alaric. Are you a Moontide wolf yourself?" She was curious to know where she might be able to run into him in the future.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The wounded hunter would be carried to Moonglow. There Kukutux who was more adept at healing even than Alaric would care for him.

Alaric grinned. It was these packs will be rich for mest in long time. I hope we can do another next year. Moontide is full of traders. They handled this well.

He shook hia head. I am of Moonspear. Sister pack to moontide, daughter pack of Moonglow. Kukutux is the Matriarch of Moonglow and her daughters and possibly someday sons have branched into other packs. Moonspear, Moontide.
189 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Paeon listened as closely as she could as Alaric explained the dynamics of all the packs. But soon it all blended into moon this and moon that. She'd have time to unravel it another time, but for now, she took away that Alaric was a member of Moonspear should she ever want to seek him out in the future.

"Moonspear... Got it. Welp, thanks again Alaric. I hope to see you around..." she said as she trotted off to find Moonwoman Kukutux.
