Moonspear One Must Hide when the sun gets higher
574 Posts
Ooc — Danni

A haze of tiredness and aching muscles let him know he had done what he had set out to do. But his job wasn't done. A soft smile in the after glow and a quiet invitation. One taken with contentment.

He led her from the river. Making sure to clean the spots she couldn't reach. After care was important. With a soft hum on his lips. He led her towards his home.

Furs lay all around cozy and comfortable. He draped a goat hide over her shoulders. Pulling it this and that with teeth so it encompassed her. Green eyes on her face. Rabbit and a small shell of water for hunger or thirst. The scent of lavender in the air. Everything needed for after care.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
The star flecked Archer was on cloud nine. Sure, she had lain with Alaric before. And last year, Argent. But this was the first time she had ever felt so blissed out. This was different. Something with a deeper meaning, she knew.

Nestled away inside the cozy warmth of his den, she lay with him. He was so thoughtful in grooming her in those tough to reach places. Even she took the extra time to go over every hair on his body. Smoothing it down, polishing away any blemishes. 

Around her shoulders he had donned a thick goat skin. She nuzzled into it, but soon pulled him close. Coaxing him too, to come burrow under it with her. Partially on her back she laid, neck gently craned so she could look up at him. With the most adoring look in her eyes, no less. 

" are an incredible man. No one has ever made me feel the way you just did." Her voice was thick, full of sweet sincerity.
574 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She had the rosy glow of someone that had been loved on so well that she was achey and exhausted.

Alaric had made sure to soothe any nips and bites he had given in passion throes. He had her pelt gleaming. But if he was honest he liked to see the pattern of colors and stars in her pelt.

He curled behind her. Tangling legs and paws with ease. Her words filled him with pride. He lay a kiss inbetween her eyes and shifted. It felt wrong to tell her he was well practiced. And made him sound rather loose moralled.

A soft chuckle. Well. I think you deserve the best after care. Thank you for saying that. Youre fabulous yourself.

A tease of teeth along neck and spine. Gentle stroke. He wanted to hum softly, but he didn't.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She tilted her head up to look at him straight on from her position on the ground. With a kind, genuine smirk she placed a kiss on the curve under his chin. Looking at Alaric right now, seeing his devilishly handsome face with ebony fur and chocolate tipped ears, finished off with green eyes... She couldn't help but wonder what their children would look like.

"That is so sweet of you, Alaric. Thank you. But don't you dare think for a moment that I won't be doting on you too!" He deserved all of her affection. All of her love poured over him, even if it may not be returned in full. Elentari went into this knowing there were no promises. Even if things didn't pan out, she would always have him as a friend. And Sialuk, too.

"It won't be long until we know for sure. I am excited." She kept the conversation happy and light. Her season was not over yet. She would venture out later to share her body with others. There was no reason to dampen the mood with that just now. In this moment, she was content right where she was in Alaric's arms.
574 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric blinked in surprise. A soft hurhum leaving his maw. His chest vibrating with a small laugh. She was as mischievous as him.

He had no doubt that who ever she coupled with other than him. Her children would be beautiful. Acrux was and so was his mom.
Alaric chuckled. I'm pretty easy. Food, fun and laughter.

He could no longer remember if he had things he liked more than others. For so long,  he had gone along with whatever he needed too. His personality was a little stunted in personal views.

Alaric rubbed his muzzle along her head. A small smile lighting up the green of his eyes. 

Me too. I think children are great. And they have amazing moms, and siblings. So they will be doubly great.

He subconsciously curled her tighter into his chest when he shifted for a more comfortable position.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
"My last pregnancy went so smoothly. I hope this one is the same." Her voice was thoughtful, which prompted her to shift, to look at him closely. "I had heard not all pregnancies' are always alike. Would you know, as a medic?" It was she who must go through this new phase, as a woman. Not him as a man.

Still, having Alaric, the father of their children as a skilled healer was something she could only see benefit it. It gave her comfort, in knowing he'd be there with just what to do, should any complications arise.
574 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He shifted, and a sad look stole scross his face just for a moment. And he could feel the stark truth as he had seen.

They are not. Some women it takes years to conceive and then when they do they and their pup perish or the baby does. There are some who conceive every year, but never make it to the birth. Their bodies can't handle pregnancy and the babies are born to small, too early. Then some it is easy as like clockwork. Every season, every healthy baby. It is very different. And one female can have easy pregnancies and the next be hard. You never know until it is time.

He brushed his head over her shoulders. but usually I have found that the first pregnancy is usually the hardest, usually, not always.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She listened closely. Fixed on Alaric and the words that rolled off his tongue. Taking in the brief descriptions of how each pregnancy might be for a woman. Some were sadly, unfit enough to even conceive. Or worse still, never make it to see herself to motherhood. And sometimes the children did not survive. Elentari knew this, as it was a fact. There was always that chance that the unborn puppies would not be fit enough to make it in the outside world.

She hoped such would never happen to her and Alaric's children. Or to any future one's Sialuk would come to bear. "That's the scary part. Not knowing." She canted her head thoughtfully. "First pregnancies' are the hardest, hm? Mine with Acrux seemed relatively smooth. Perhaps because he was an only child?" Less strain on her body. It was too soon to tell how many children she might carry this time.

"In any case Alaric, it makes me feel a whole lot better knowing you are skilled in your craft." She smiled for him. The Archer felt she couldn't be in more capable paws, the children to be with a medic for their sire.
574 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She listened to him. Sometime he forgot how much he knew from traveling. Sialuk and a few others were good healers. But Alaric had been with many villages. And as such he had seen a little more than most. 

He nodded. Yes it is. And sometimes the worst ones are when all goes well. And the beginning of life doesn't work out or something goes wrong. I hate those ones.

He dipped his head. Yes, because your body is new to it, your mind is new to it, and some girls have no idea what to expect. They did not have that mother or grandmother or even auntie in their life to walk them through it. It's possible.

He chuckled. And dipped his head to brush a small kiss across her temple. I'm glad too.
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Elentari did not know what the future held for her, with this pregnancy. What she was certain of, that she would have Alaric, Sialuk and the whole of Moonspear close by her side through it all. And even the other Moon villages as well, who she should make a point to integrate with more, once she was fit to travel again.

"Well, in a few short weeks I will start showing symptoms. Like last time." She recounted. "I think I will just take it one day at a time, for what it is." She was excited. Leaning up into the kiss he bestowed to her, she nuzzled his cheek. So thankful that even perhaps not as a dedicated mate, that Alaric was a profound part of her life. And in the time to come, more than ever. She hoped because of this, their bond would grow deeper.

Her heat had yet to be fully settled. For now, that flame was a distant flicker as a sense of tiredness from their lovemaking washed over her. Come the next day, she would depart to continue her hormonal journey. She would return, back to Moonspear and Alaric, where she belonged. Curled and wrapped up in the comfort of furs, her eyes slid shut as she let sleep overtake her, wrapped in his arms.