Valley of Gold doing good
But every time it rains you're here in my head
Like the sun coming out
52 Posts
Ooc — siv
All Welcome 
vague. maybe a @Dusty Rose ?

Where her siblings were busy bodies that may have needed a forever watchful eye, Petal had become rather skilled at Present and supportive but always still wherever she might have been sat out for the day.

She did not want to leave and travel like Blossom.

She did not want to always dance around or play.

Yet it seemed when the weather became cloudy and the air remained cool, she was willing to come to life a bit more. Only her ambling brought her to somewhere she could once more settle down and her head tilted back to look up. The sky was just as expansive as the golden fields. The clouds were mostly clustered but seemed to break apart in some places to show the sky beyond them.

She tried to debate if it might be worth dancing, to encourage any rains to come down from above.
hi im baby
225 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
He loved all three girls, but lately, there was one who gave him less headache than the other two. She was not as commanding as Dahlia or as silly as Foxglove, but her thoughtful nature appealed to Dusty Rose on days where he felt particularly stressed. So he sought her out, not sure yet what sort of activity he might cajole her into.

He was saddened to find her alone.

"Hey, tiny," he said, his voice softer than what he used for the other two. "Whatcha thinking about?"
* Dusty is a little shit who is always up in people's business. Feel free to bite him and inflict minor injuries without asking permission.
But every time it rains you're here in my head
Like the sun coming out
52 Posts
Ooc — siv
Her tail already thumped the soft ground behind her before she had time to think. Tiny wasn't so bad, she thought. It meant Fox could hold her easier and Dahila wouldn't have to fuss for much room from her.

The sky, She admitted with a wisp of a smile. I think it might rain. It would be nice. Dontcha think? It would mean her siblings had danced wonderfully, it would mean the adults in her life had too.

Petal was hardly a dancer, but she felt safe knowing there were those around her that could do much better.
hi im baby
225 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
There seemed to be something almost melancholy about the girl, at times. It made Dusty Rose uncomfortable in an empathetic sort of way. It was a reminder of all the harder times he'd faced, but he didn't know why he found it in the face of a child. He wished that he would not.

"It'd be real nice," he agreed, bowing low to the girl. She wasn't much of a dancer, he knew, but he wanted her to do something with energy and virve. Maybe that would erase some of his worries. "But y'know they say a watched cloud don't pour. You gotta be doin' somethin' else. Then it's like a nice surprise when you feel those first drops on your back."

He flopped over and made a snappy little bid for her tiny paw. His teeth wouldn't score, but perhaps it was still uncomfortable to have such large teeth reaching for your paws.

"Let's do something," he insisted. "What do you like to do?"
* Dusty is a little shit who is always up in people's business. Feel free to bite him and inflict minor injuries without asking permission.
But every time it rains you're here in my head
Like the sun coming out
52 Posts
Ooc — siv
Clumsily, she danced backwards. His intent had worked but she figured that this was just him being him. She imagined Fox or even Dahlia loved when he did this. She did not hate it, but it made her feel uncertain.

She tried not to say nap or flop over Fox or anything else that was rather inactive.

Can we see something new? It would get her to move (walk) and save her toes from sharp teeth as motivation. Something to tell Mama about later.