Stone Circle In the cold bright dawn
154 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
He shouldn't have come back.

Bonnie knew.

He stayed at the borders, unmoving. Instead, only feeling his feet in the soil. When was the last time that he had done this? None of which had gone well- perfect, at this point, would be a meeting that did not involve the sink of teeth in his muzzle. Worse, his own temper was usually the one to start it.

Would it happen again? It could. What was underestimating his own mouth? Maybe that was why his jaw clenched so tightly. Fucking hurt, and-

A man now. No longer a boy. But standing there, he still felt like that same kid who couldn’t get anything right.

Ruined friendships, alliances, shaken families.. The kids of kvarsheim did not need Bonnie's return, of all people, to shake up their lives more than they'd already been in their early days.

Months alone turned the man skin and bones again. To no ones fault of his own, of course. Trying to fatten up didn't work, and it had been tried, just to read more appealing to Gunnar's true blood. He wore his failures on his coat, humiliated.

It was only that he never had a home until them.
188 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Solveig would be the first to set eyes upon the man as he returned, and as any Valkyrie would upon spotting a stranger at the borders, she strode toward him with a stride that devoured the ground even though she came at a walk. She sported a confidence that was deft and natural- all but her gaze, which watched him with mindful care. 

He was angular. The tone of his pelt looked as if it had once found shadows in the daytime, and had decided to remain slightly darker than a typical grey wolf coat. His eyes, however, gleamed as if lit from within, and there was an expression in them that gave him a bit of what Solveig would have called “stink-face” if she had been dealing with one of her own children.

Hael of sæl, She greeted nevertheless, choosing not to take the stern look in his gaze too seriously. Some wolves simply couldn’t help it. I am Solveig, and you have come to Kvarsheim. She informed him. Why is it you come here, hmm?
"Old Norse" | "Common Tongue"
Humble not Meek
156 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sven was quick to the borders as was his routine. He walked them as his father had morning, noon and night. And when he saw the wolf in front of him he barely recognized him.

He gave Soveig a kind smile and a soft nudge. 

And then his voice quiet and yet not unlike his father's rang out. 

Bonnie where have you been? Brodir?
Because he was raised speaking both Icelandic and English. He has a slight accent when he speaks English
154 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
He swore he saw the face of Ulfhild in the light furs pushing in.

"I know where I am." Too well. And with no dignity left to hold his head afloat, it fell and his foot swiped the ground.

Too well. "Too well." Already, Kvarsheim had changed so much. New scents lingered. It his absence, they seemed now to finally thrive. Not to say it was him who kept them at bay of being greater. Even that power, taken, but that in the blink of an eye, he'd missed their growth. "My name is Bonnie. I, ah," did it change things? "Used to live here."

Sven already was filling out, he could tell faintly by the bulk in his legs, but it was when Gunnar spoke through him that Bonnie felt the next pang.

He questioned spiraling his teeth to finish the interaction quicker. Couldn't do it. Couldn't bring himself to do it to end the discomfort. 

"I wish I could tell you, Sven. I." Out there, somewhere. Living, or trying to. Mind numbed. A real taste of the wild, like he'd always wanted. "Don't know. Far away, Sven." Was it worth it? Silence ate the man alive. Bonnie's head shook slowly. "Far away."