Hideaway Strath All for me!
61 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Thyme was over two months now, he still wasn't allowed to join his mother on anything too far away. Today he was also not taken with. There were some adults around, as they always. The male was out to have something to do. It was quick before he spotted @Alduin. He was nice to play with! He was rougher than his siblings, perhaps sometimes too rough for the younger Thyme. Still, he considered him his friend. 

He trotted to the brindle grey. "ALLL," he cried and jumped him playfully. Thyme always felt comforted by the other's scent somehow. Perhaps because he grew up with it, like his parent's scent. Still, he couldn't help but bury his nose into his plush puppy fur in greeting.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Alduin and his mischievous self likes to sneak away from home. He considers himself quite the expert now. Little does he know that his father 100% knows he does it, but is always a silent watcher. Allowing the pup to have his fun without interference of a parent unless truly necessary. 

Today, he’d wandered a bit further towards Arlette’s den, but got distracted by trying to hunt a bird on the way there. Crouching uselessly in the grass his secrecy is ruined by a shout of his name. The birds fly off and a scroll meets his chunky face. That is until he’s tackled by another. 

The larger of the two huffs out an oof as the other jumps on him. He can’t stay mad for long though ‘cause it’s Thyme. Alduin always enjoys messing with the pastel pup. So a series of giggles falls from his dark muzzle.

“Thymie.” He growls out his own nickname for him playfully.

As the other buries his nose in his fur, Alduin takes the moment of weakness to open his black gummed mouth, now full of teeth, and chomp down on the others own scruff. It’s not horribly hard, but Alduin has yet to learn that he shouldn’t be too rough with the other pups. He and his brothers play horribly rough, even drawing blood sometimes. But poor Thyme is not either on of his bulky litter mates. He’s a bit smaller, a fair amount more fragile then the other two. 

Alduin would proceed to try and wrestle him to the ground with or without his consent.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
61 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Thyme loved to hear the sound of Alduin's giggles. He hardly did that enough, he would often growl. He had decided that he liked his giggle way better. "Hi," he hummed with little confidence as he nipped the larger pup's dark ear. Thyme was never really bothered that he couldn't win with playing or that Alduin was so much larger. He had asked his mom why, and she told him that Alduin was just older. One day he would be just as big as him, he was certain!

He let out a squeak of a yelp when he felt the male's teeth in his scruff. Thyme had only nipped at his ear, this was rather rough. But he didn't stop and he was soon sandwiched against the ground by the large pup. Thyme whined, not liking this so much. They had played before and it was a little rougher than what he would do with his own siblings but this was too rough for him. "Urr Hurting me!," he whined, trying to get out of his grip.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
A sweet little Hi would whisper from the others mouth and Alduin would laugh in return. Especially as the feeling of teeth on his ear as they other playfully bites him. Despite Thyme’s cute, and very polite, greeting Alduin feels an overwhelming urge to overpower the smaller Saint. He’d then proceed to bite the poor boy’s scruff. Easily able to wrestle the paler to the ground he revels in the control even at such a young age — domineering in nature. 

That is until he hears the other whine in pain and begin to struggle slightly. Even at the whine Alduin doesn’t stop. Though he definitely freezes when he hears the other squeak out a louder noise of pain and a whiny your hurting me. This does make Alduin let off, seemingly coming to his senses and pull back a little, but still seated comfortably on top of him. 

Those blood red eyes of his peer down to him with a spark of regret. “Sorry, Thymie.” He says lowly, words slightly slurred messily. 

Then a little smile blooms on his face and he drops his fat head back down onto his friend and nuzzles over-affectionately, almost aggressively, into Thyme’s neck and face.

“Forgive me.” He chuckles, but it’s almost more of a pushy whine.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
61 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Thyme tried to get out from under him as soon as he could. He didn't want to be squished again. Alduin was heavy. Super heavy. But he couldn't get from under him. He tried to kick and struggle. The boy looked a little wary at the other when Alduin's face moved down but it was all niceties now. Thyme grunted at the snuggles. 

"I only will when you get off!," he let out and tried to get from under him. He finally managed to get out from under him. The young boy almost sank through his hindlegs because they were tingling. He wasn't sure what it was, he never experienced it before. He shook himself and then wagged his tail tentatively. "I forgive," he gave a nod and then walked to him and licked his muzzle. "I'm friend, Al. With friends you should be nice," he told him then.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
The struggling continues and Alduin huffs out a breathy laugh when the other tells him he’s only forgive if he got off. So eventually, he lets him up and Alduin has a big, goofy grin on his face as he watches him struggle to his feet. 

Only when Thyme shakes off and wags his tail does Alduin feel more comfortable. Followed by his confirmation that he forgives him. Good! Alduin would definitely be sad if he didn’t. He knows he would though, Thyme is nice like that.

I’m friend, Al. With friends you should be nice. Thyme tells him then with a lick to his muzzle that has Alduin’s own tail wagging gently. He licks him back a few times and nods. 

“I know.” He says almost guiltily. “That’s what my mom told me.” Then Alduin’s smile becomes a bit more devilish as he paws at the paler’s shoulder. “You’re so soft. Not like my brothers. I’ll be nicer with you.” He says happily, going in for a soft bite to the others cheek.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
61 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Thyme looked at Alduin but all was forgiven quickly when the other said he was sorry. He also said that he would be nicer to him which Thyme liked. He was in no way a coward but he liked his friend to be nice to him. He was not as strong and bulky as the other wolf pup. Her didn't understand why but he was very much aware of that. He was different from Alduin, which made it clear to him they were not related. All his siblings weren't as different than Alduin and his siblings.

"Yeah! I am softer than you!," he beamed and grinned. Not that their fur was that different though his was a bit more silky. Thyme giggled and then nipped the other back. "Your my best friend, Alduin. Best friends for always right?"
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Alduin can tell he’s been graciously forgiven for his wrongdoings. He thinks no matter what he does, Thyme would always forgive him. Though he’s around his brothers all the time, Thyme’s presence hits him differently. He’s his best friend and he always finds himself wanting to hangout with him. He’s funny, nice, and he’s fun to play with, even though he can’t rough him up like he can his own blood and kin. 

So as Thyme states the obvious, Alduin nods with a cute little laugh. “You are!” He teases back. 

Then Alduin goes quiet when Thyme nips at his cheek again, blood red orbs locking eyes with Thymes own. 

You’re my best friend, Alduin. Best friends for always, right?

Alduin feels his heart swell at how nice his friend is to him. A goofy smile overcomes his face and he gently knocks their heads together if a brief sign of affection. 

“Best friends for always, Thymie.” He confirms. 

Then his smile grows and he bounces around the cream wolf, offering a gentle nip to his hindquarters. “Now let’s go make your mom give us food! I’m starving!” He yells enthusiastically, running off but waiting for the smaller to follow. 

Best friends for always.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
61 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Thyme's smile couldn't be wider when Alduin confirmed the they would be best friends forever. That was the best news he had so far in his life. He also truly believed that statement as he knew they would be best friends forever. "You will be mine, Duin," he returning, wanting his friend to know he felt the same about him. 

Thyme grinned. "Yeh!! She always has food," he agreed. He rushed after the bigger male. His mother always fed Alduin too. Though recently she had switched to only meat. They weren't allowed to suckle anymore. He disliked it because it comforting, but when his mother admitted that it hurt her it grew less appealing to him. Plus all the big wolves ate meat and he wanted to be a big wolf! 

He glanced at Alduin as they made their way his his mother. Best friends forever.

- fin -

My heart