Moonspear i'd never met you
4 Posts
Ooc — Decay
perhaps some brother and sister bonding? ^^

only 20 days old, and the little rat of a wolf had more energy than he knew what to do with.

and with @Kinusi so close in reach, it was nearly impossible to stop himself from flinging his pudgy body her way, teeth demanding a tug of war with her soft ear.

it wasn't at all meant as a toy. but what did he know? or care, for that matter.
13 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I would love one <3

 A soft yip of surprise at the nip on her ear. A frown and then a small giggle. She turned to nip at her brother. Aiming for his soft paws. Dipping her own paws about his face. 

She tried to wrestle him off of her ear and head. It sort of hurt, and yet it was also fun to wrestle around. And play tug of war even if it was with body parts.
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Just a cameo

Alaric watched the children with warm green eyes. Giving them both encouragement. He didn't know if they would both call him dad, or simply Alaric. But he didn't mind either way. That he could be part of their life was enough.

A curl of his tail and a weave against the floor he smiled softly.
4 Posts
Ooc — Decay
she giggled!

and oh! it was only encouragement for the boy.

pulling away, he released her ear. only once he'd caught his own breath did he turn to face her.

but he wasn't done. not yet.

wiggling his rear as high in the air as he could, he prepared. then... he pounced!
13 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Kinusi felt the release of her ear. And then her brother backed off, but only for a minute. While he breathed.

She watched him with open eyed delight. And then when he went into a bow and then pounched. She pushed upwards to grapple a bit with him. 

Granted it was ungainly and she probably didn't even reach his shoulders, but she tried. And she laughed.