Ravenshook Cliffs On edge
245 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
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Any kind of encounter, with any events being determine though IC interactions, thoughts and feelings.

Raindrop had told her husband that she would take the duty of hunting that early morning. She told him she would go northwards, toward the sentinels,  but not there. Not again. 

She kissed her growing children goodbye before she took of at a brisk canter, closer to the sea. Where she would hunt was the Ravenshook Cliffs, with the hope of catching bird and whatever else she could get her jaws around. When she arrived at the cliffs, the ground sunk down, down a steep cliff side. She stayed well away for the edge, and decided to hunt in the caves. 

Her ears were alert, listening to each and every sound. Her nose sharp, the need to feed her family driving her.
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75 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
His mind beginning to clear after his experience with a panther cap mushroom the previous night, Kekoa found himself on the ground surrounded by the stone walls of a cavern.

He had likely wandered in during his trip; and now he was a bit lost. Tired, unkempt, and mind buzzing he paused, searching for a scent to follow - anything that could potentially lead him back out.

It was time's like this that he regretted leaving home. Had this happened there, a search party would have been sent out and he would be back in a warm den by now.
- Kekoa Le -
245 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
As she descending into the caverns, her nose caught a certain smell, not that of the sea, or the salt, but of a wolf. She was alerted, and she didn’t know if someone was trapped in here, or lost, or a potential threat. 

She stopped in her tracks, and looked toward the darkness, and it was there that a faint shape lay among the stone walls. 

“Hello.” She called out, “Are you alright?” She had no doubt it was easy to get lost, and this is why she made it a point to take notice of specific landmarks. She waited on a response before proceeding any further.
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75 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
The voice of another ringing out, he snapped back to reality. Squinting his eyes to attempt at better spotting them in the dark, he saw what he assumed to be the silhouette of another.

"Who are you?"

The question sounded almost accusatory. Despite the stranger appearing to be friendly, he couldn't help it; it was a natural reaction. A safety precaution.
- Kekoa Le -
245 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
A response followed, spoken in an accusatory tone. 

“I am Raindrop of Moontide.” She spoke aloud, “I have come to hunt. What of you, stranger? If you need help, I can call for another.” If he was dangerous, they could also pose as backup, but she gave the stranger the benefit of the doubt. Someone would have to make the first move, but that could wait till she at least learned some part of his identity.

She would lead with caution, no matter what, because she had a family back home, and she wouldn’t put herself at risk more than she had to.
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75 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
He took a moment to shake off his nerves before responding. The other seemed to be willing to help; he shouldn't spoil this opportunity.

"I'm not sure how I got here - and I don't know my way out." He attempted to explain, taking a single step forward.

Kekoa could only hope that the other was familiar with these caverns, and could help him find his way out.
- Kekoa Le -