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Given to Dacio by Antumbra on December 17, 2018
Dragoncrest Cliffs · We're more ghosts than people.
Heart-wrenching, powerful post. <3
Given to Raleska by Antumbra on December 17, 2018
Dragoncrest Cliffs · "With it or on it."
Awww, Eury's lil hero. <3
Given to Tux by Vercingetorix on December 16, 2018
The Tangle · she told him to take care of me
He looks her up and down, before he puffs out his chest ever-so-slightly and replies, "I'm exploring." And though he doesn't intend to sound like it, he comes off like he's just bought his eight dollar latte and he has a very important meeting to get to. -- This is incredibly wonderful, humorous imagery. I'm here for it and I'm here for Tux.
Given to Colt RIP by Artaax on December 16, 2018
Tuktu Hinterlands · Even if I knew you'd be my best and worst mistake
I volunteer to teach Colt how to love again ;_; I'm so glad you picked him up. He's so wonderful and the way you play him is exactly what I had imagined and I'm so grateful <3<3<3
Given to RIP Niamh by Finley on December 16, 2018
Heron Lake Plateau · And ain't it always the way
Had to because ELWOOD IS THE HOTTEST DAD YES!! Also I love Niamh <3
Given to Mal by Olive on December 16, 2018
Hushed Willows · vergnügen
Mali Mali Maliiiiiii. What an interesting kid!
Given to Mallaidh by Artaax on December 15, 2018
Sea Lion Shores · i want a hot dog real bad
omg this just makes my heart so happy (even tho I like super ship Blixxaidh ahhhh)
Given to Mallaidh by Natjuk on December 15, 2018
Sea Lion Shores · i want a hot dog real bad
"A spring opens and a locked away sob breaks free, lowering her head even more to bury into the thick of his fur." That shit...hurted.
Given to Tux by Caiaphas on December 14, 2018
Ankyra Sound · i aim to die
*snickered irl*
Given to Vercingetorix by Erzulie on December 13, 2018
Dragoncrest Cliffs · snoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop
verx' tantrum is one of the best things i've seen on WOLF <3
Given to Vercingetorix by Caiaphas on December 13, 2018
Dragoncrest Cliffs · snoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop
LMAO that poor tree DIDN'T DO NOTHING! but srsly verx is my new favorite toon.
Given to Erzulie by Ariel on December 13, 2018
Ankyra Sound · who do you battle in your dreams?
this post made me laugh so hard i scared my cat thank u
Given to Antumbra by Constantine on December 13, 2018
Dragoncrest Cliffs · salem was more than a story and i was born from fire
I love the depth of your character and how beautifully you write. <3 I thought that should be said. :)
Given to Erzulie by Tux on December 12, 2018
Stavanger Bay · than a breeze next to this night
Given to Midar by Alarian on December 10, 2018
Jade Fern Grove · am i more than you bargained for yet?
big eyes emoji. i love your writing so much & i cant wait to watch this unfold
Given to Anwara by Vercingetorix on December 09, 2018
Wapun Meadow · i got charm coming out of my asshole
That last line!! :') So funny. I love Anwara already. I can really identify with Short Girl Syndrome. :)
Given to Apple by Mercury the Human on December 09, 2018
King Elk Forest · I am here
This is such a thoughtful and evocative post. Me, I love the way you play your characters. There is a whimsy and cleverness to your writing that makes them leap off the screen and into readers' hearts. It is an absolute pleasure to get to know them. I will miss sweet Nanny Apple. If this is truly her ending, I am glad she gets a happy one. <3
Given to Scarecrow by Sofie on December 08, 2018
Tormented Tarns · “Doin’ my Spooky Boopy dance, tonight.”
You play him so well and he's so twisted. I love it!!
Given to Gwen by Cry on December 08, 2018
Chimera Fields · there's frost on every window
333 posts, my fave number is 3, and you have 3 3’s, couldn’t help myself because it was with me<3
Given to Sacnite by Cry on December 08, 2018
Chimera Fields · there's frost on every window