Whitefish River Bridges you burn
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
All Welcome 
Date: August 1st
@Moonshadow <3 perhaps @Connor too?
A scent.
Strange and tantalizing. Full of promise.
A pack!
He followed the scent until it thickened. The scents congregating together to form a living profile of this riverside pack.

Then it struck him.
Pungent, hitting him like his childhood had just round housed him in the face.
He howled her name, wondering if it was really her. Knowing someone would investigate anyway.
Could she really be here?
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The pups were safe so moonshadow thought perhaps going on a short walk would be okay and as she trekked on a familiar scent hit the females nose and she saw her son her tail wagged as she went towards him and smelled all the scents that laced his coat. "Where have you been? What have you been up to?" She saw how much he had grown and she smiled
Big Man, Walking In The Park
198 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
Connor had been diligently staying with the pups as a good father should, they were eating well, resting well, and playing with the others as much as the man could tell. He so badly wanted to take the pups out more and to farther out to show them his love for exploring, perhaps they would love it too. But, if not, then he was okay with that, ever new pup is born as a blank slate, after all,  nothing is born with innate knowledge.

There were complications, of course, now Howl had a second family to take care of which still disappointed Connor for this litter was after Moon's litter. But hey, more time with the pups.

The titan was resting more and more inside of the den since the pups were old enough and he really wanted to ease his way so that he could sleep near both Moon and the young. So when a summoning howl that was alien to the male, he would of course snap his head up with his ears ready like a sonar. The cinnamon male had taken the responsibility to be the first one to respond to any potential threat as he was taught that it was the gentleman's way. But just as he was about to get up, Moonshadow strode in front of him much to his curiosity and surprise. Did she seem enthusiastic? Should he stay with the pups? 

He thought it best that he would follow to conduct his own investigation to see if this strange howler was friend or foe so he took one final glance back at the children before stalking away after Moon. His pace slowed as Moon carried on to find that a new wolf that he had never seen before was standing there with glee in his eyes at the sight of Moonshadow. They must know each other then. His nerves settled knowing that the dark woman knew the man but, how long had it been since they were apart? What if he grew a dark personality? Could this stranger be here to silver tongue his way to get to Moon? To their children?

Connor had to take a breath since his mind was running wild, maybe he stayed near the children and their mother as a guard for too long. So, he held out hope. Moonshadow greeted the stranger with a smile so Connor mimicked her expression and walked up to the two with an elegant but welcoming stride. "Greetings, my name is Connor," he began with a warm but chipper tone.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
A short time passed.
He thought he was mistaken, or that the wolves here had moved on.
No, the rain would have washed the scent away. These markings were done recently.
He strode into the territory, looking for his Mother.
Foolish of him to do so, but he wanted to know.

Though, before he could get too far, his Mother formed before his through the soft mist of the day.
Her accomplice was completely ignored for the time as he ran to her with a cry of delight.

He slowed, not wanting to barrel her over, but still couldn't stop himself from being overwhelming.
He licked at her muzzle, dropping himself below her. He was so happy!
It was all by chance he'd managed to find her.
Connor introduced himself, and Rowan sat up, tail still thumping at the ground.
"I'm Rowan."
He wondered who this Connor actually was. Was he Mama's friend? Rowan still didn't know what a dad really was, Minnow didn't have a very good explanation and he needed to get back.

He looked to Moonshadow.
"I've been with Tundra in Rusalka. They helped me after that woman from the mountains that yelled at me had attacked me," he hoped she remembered. Or maybe she didn't because of Star.
He looked over to Connor again, trying to figure out who he was. Probably just a packmate.

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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was so happy to see her son and he had mentioned tundra and she thought back to her friend and was glad she was okay. She looked over to connor and smile "this is my son, from my first litter. " she resumed her attention to rowan. "Hey lets get to the borders so I can get you permission to come see something." She looked over at connor silently asking his thoughts hoping he caught on. "
Big Man, Walking In The Park
198 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
The smaller man rushed to Moonshadow and joyfully called her 'mama' which did catch Connor by surprise, oh, well that clears up a bunch of things. Once Connor got his introduction out of the way, the other male introduced himself as Rowan. "It is a pleasure to meet you Rowan, Welcome to Kaistleoki," he welcomed with a warm and inviting smile. Moonshadow then turned to him and explained that Rowan was from her first litter which made Connor give a surprised 'oh' face but he quickly recovered and continued beaming.

As mother and son started to reunite, Rowan explained where he was and what he was doing which Connor didn't pay attention to since it wasn't his business. Moonshadow was quick to invite her son in and wanted to show him something, that something was probably Ravaryn and Shiloh. The dark woman then looked over to the titan and gave him that look that only a parent would when they would want to show off their new young. Connor was a bit hesitant because he figured Rowan would ask all sorts of questions like, what are you to Moonshadow, are you two mates? It would only complicate things, but he couldn't deny her of showing the children to their older brother so he happily nodded.

He weaved his body towards the heart of Kaistleoki and swiveled his head to Rowan and Moonshadow, "let's make haste!" he said with encouragement and a bit of pride since they were his kids too. And if the two were ready, he would lead them to get permission from Ira so that Rowan could meet his new sisters.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
His Mother introduced him to her...friend.
He wondered why he hadn't sulked off yet, but maybe they'd had a bad streak of bad people showing up on the borders.
She looked to Connor though to seek his approval for her plan. He must hold some sort of power in the pack but wasn't yet leading it.

"You too," he replied in his usual chirpy tone.
His reaction to knowing that Rowan was her child though. Why was he so surprised?
Whatever, he didn't care for what this weirdo thought. 

Moonshadow spoke of permission, but Connor seemed to just want to get it over with.
Rowan didn't fancy being beaten up again. He hesitated, watching for where his Mother took them.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She followed connor but stayed close to rowan just in case the meeting with leadership didn't go as planned but she looked to him breiftly. "I have some wolves I'd like you to meet." She smiled genuinely and it had been a while since she'd been able to.

She looked over to connor. "Should you call for her or shall I?" She questioned simply.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Closing up <3
Connor nodded and another came swiftly.
The leader he supposed.
They asked for permission and she gave it with a careful look over the young boy.
He gave her a quick smile.
He wasn't really used to these pack formalities.

Then they were moving again through the territory. His Mama seemed excited about something.
Connor more neutral, so Rowan through.
Then it hit him. That childhood smell he couldn't place.
There are more?

Moonshadow delved into the den and presented him with two mewling children.
Rowan stared at them.
Already feeling sick.
He forced a smile onto his face to not disappoint his Mother. He loved her. But these things? What?
He leaned in to sniff them, no doubt with Connor's eyes burning into his back.
One licked at his muzzle.
They were children yes. But for his Mama to have more? He felt too old yet his life had really just started.
Forgotten perhaps. Though he did run away.

After a while of more talking and playing, Rowan was escorted to the borders again where he...ran away. And didn't look back.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The female watched as her son ran off just as her daughter did and pain struck her heart but she was glad he was safe and alive and she knew one day they'd meet again but until then she'd love her life untile fate brought them back together.