Altar of Twilight But you misread my meaning when I met you
611 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Past the border markers, past neighbors he moved into the lower altitudes of the mountain. A soft song on his tongue as he moved through the forest, then down. Finally stopping in a valley. He stood and stared around him. In awe of the stories this place could tell. 

What if there was a fairy princess who was destined to die to save her knight? Or how about forbidden lovers that had no right to be together. So many things could be spoke here. And the fearful thing was as hushed as it was, as eternal and ethereal, it could possibly be brought into being. That filled him even more to the brim of happiness. He roved about sniffing at the area and simply taking it all in.
14 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
Dionysus had never liked being alone. Or maybe, more accurately, he did not enjoy his own company. The silence left nothing to break up his racing thoughts, no way to quiet the endless spirals of doubt he experienced quite regularly. Right now he was doubting his decision to be here at all, in this valley, in the middle of nowhere.
Home was somewhere far behind. But he knew he wasn't safe there anymore, and he was beginning to suspect that he never had been. So Dionysus could not turn back. He only had this: silence as a companion and nothing but the road ahead to look forward to. Sometimes he would run into someone, and sometimes they would chat. Never more than that. So when he saw someone in the distance, a dark figure sniffing around the valley, he didn't get his hopes up. He stopped and chuffed politely, waiting to see if the stranger was interested in chatting. If not, he'd move on.
611 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Low noise reached his ears and downy head was lifted. Impish smile upon pleasant face and green eyes snapping with warmth. He shifted and turned to face the cute little fae wolf.

Hello was his quiet reply kind and mannerly as he always was. Tail tipping behind him.
14 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
He was getting better at talking to people, he thought. Most of the time he managed to come up with something to say, even if it was lame. Not this time, though. The green-eyed wolf only said hello and smiled at him, and Dionysus did not know where to go from here.
Hi, He returned, and looked for a moment as if he might say more. Instead he looked away. Then back again. After that he just kind of stared, half confused and half expecting the stranger to say more than just hello.
611 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A low rumble of a husky chuckle worked it's way from the storytellers throat and he moved a little closer and met the gaze of the younger wolf with his trademark grin.

I'm Alaric, storyteller, healer and trader. What's your name?

He swept his paw around the area, with a small dance in his back paws. I was admiring this beautiful place. I bet it's gorgeous in the spring. With all it's flowers and pretty things.
14 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
If the man found anything strange about Dionysus, he didn't say as much. He introduced himself instead. Grateful but still on edge, Dionysus watched his animated movements and then cast a quick glance around the valley. Yeah, it's pretty here, He agreed lamely.
I'm Dionysus, He added after a moment. He wanted to say more, to keep the conversation going, but he just didn't have anything else to add. All of his real thoughts were elsewhere, and he was only decent at talking to people even on his best days. The only things he could come up with were inane comments on the weather.
611 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I apologize in advance for his exuberance and strangeness.

Alaric had met all sorts of wolves in his travels. All sorts. He had met grumpy and kind. Some so untrusting that he had to speak with them for days before they even told him their name. So he found nothing odd about the youth. He was simply a new wolf in a tapestry of a rich life that Alaric held.

Alaric's eyes sparkled. Not just pretty. It's beautiful. Tell me how it looks like teardrops on eyelashes or it paints imaginary pictures in your mind. I'm a story teller. I thrive on descriptions for instance. he looked over the coywolf with a soft smile. 

Before me I see a wolf spun in starlight and moonlight with eyes as blue as a summer's day. I see petite and pretty and a face that speaks of deep things.

Then he backed up and motioned around him. And here I see a place that is bespectacled with shadows and sunlight. Where it dapples and speaks of lovers lost and friendships gained. There have been sadness and gladness and everything in between. Forbidden lovers may have met here and ran off to be together. Or found a sad end to their forbidden love affair. So many possibilities.

He winked then and dipped his muzzle. Well met Dionysus.
14 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
Noooo I love him, sorry Dionysus has the personality of soggy cardboard
Dionysus went through a range of emotions as Alaric spoke. First he was confused and a little unsure if he should be offended or not; it felt like he was being talked down to, just a bit. Not for long. When the green-eyed man started to describe him, Dionysus was completely at a loss.
He blushed under his fur and looked away, trying to stifle the nervous smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth. Torn between feeling flattered and being entirely uncomfortable with the attention, he struggled to focus on the rest of what Alaric was saying. He was talking about lovers, mainly, and Dionysus didn't know what to do with that either! He didn't know anything about love affairs or forbidden love. He felt very underqualified.
All he could say when the time came, stealing shy glances at Alaric and then dropping his gaze again as he spoke, was: You think I'm pretty?
611 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He's awkwardorable

Alaric knew very well, that he was a lot to take. He was loud and obnoxious and exuberant. he loved telling stories and singing songs and he used his whole body to do it. He was a carefree, adrenaline junkie with an imagination full of all sorts of things.

The younger male blushed and Alaric gave a small click of teeth, a smile on his face. Impish charming and sweet.

Alaric laughed. I said it didn't I. You are indeed pretty.