Ouroboros Spine pink pony club
my mind turns your life into folklore
128 Posts
Ooc — Chan
All Welcome 
I’d love to make this a hunt thread if possible!
Set on August 15th!

Recently, there had been many changes in Nantahala's life. Her family had moved den sites, she'd lost her first tooth, and she was feeling more comfortable in separating herself from her family to explore all that Moonglow had to offer. She liked to explore and discover the various landmarks that were scattered about the territory, and felt as though she was discovering far-off places when she was actually in her own backyard. 

She was climbing Grandfather Stone when the scent of rabbit hit her, and she paused mid-climb to look around the area. When she figured the view wasn't as good as it was from the top of the boulder, she continued her ascent and soon stood upon the proud stone as she surveyed the area, looking for the prey animal that was nearby.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
477 Posts
Ooc — siv
the coast behind her.

she found she longed for the wild taste of seabird and salted fish. she found she missed the first warrior's familiar words and the comfort of a place maintained by moon blood.

but another home was just as sweet. she had come to whisper words to her mother but found a young, golden figure atop a stone. how good it was to see youth in moonglow, to know that other young women would walk and dance the paths she had once.

the scent that drifted was one made for hunting, though.

a wordless whuff of greeting and encouragement. she meant for the girl to take a lead here in this endeavor, if she so wished.

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my mind turns your life into folklore
128 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Nantahala pivoted upon hearing the unfamiliar voice, scanning for the speaker, and found a pretty woman who reminded her of Kukutux. Despite her lack of recognition of the other wolf and the strong presence of salt and brine in her scent, there was an underlying familiarity that evoked memories of Panuk, her friend, and believed she could trust this woman. 

There had been encouragement in the other's voice, leaving her to wonder, You'll hunt with me?! Her voice was a sharp, excited whisper. While she hadn't had many opportunities to hunt, she knew that she needed to be quiet and not spook the prey.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
477 Posts
Ooc — siv
she was reminded of her mother asking for her and panuk (white elk, too, of course) to come back to the village.

children benefited from these things. soon panuk would be a young man and might need the guidance of a village in ways that callyope had not learned. yet she reminded herself that they did not need to live here to be welcomed among its people.

of course, she whispered with warmth. lead us, young hunter.

"inuktitut" || "common"
my mind turns your life into folklore
128 Posts
Ooc — Chan
"Lead us, young hunter," Callyope instructed. 

Nantahala felt her heartbeat in her throat, but she did not let this deter her. While she had never led a hunt before, and was a little nervous about doing so, she was far more excited to embark on her first official hunt. She shimmied her shoulders and gave a quiet, Okay!! as she leapt off of Grandfather Stone. Once on the ground, she prowled forward with the grace of a toddler; her steps were soft but uneven, her gait hurried but not too fast, and her posture was tall. There was nothing about her demeanor that suggested she was hunting, and instead it looked as though she was taking a casual stroll down the lane. 

She turned to glance over her shoulder at the other wolf. I smell rabbit, she said as she led them into the underbrush. I think they're this way!!! There was a rabbit not too far from where they were, and through the tangle of foliage, they could see the prey's silhouette along the tree line. The rabbit was minding its own business, eating some clover.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
477 Posts
Ooc — siv
the excitement left a smile on her face, content to follow the uneven steps of one still learning. her patience was high enough for this endeavor. even if they did not find success in this hunt, the learning would be there all the same.


perfect for a young hunter.

have you seen how quick-footed they are, hunter? her voice was a hushed whisper, watching the little thing work its way through the greens.

"inuktitut" || "common"
my mind turns your life into folklore
128 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She nodded, glanced over her shoulder, and answered, Yes!!! They are very fast, but I think that I am faster. She had no reason to believe otherwise—she was always the quickest when she raced with her sisters! 

Then, both to demonstrate and kick off their hunt, she broke into a gallop and whisper-screeched, Here!!! I'll show you!!!!!

The rabbit noticed the movement in the distance, panicked, and sprang to action. It bolted in the direction opposite of the charging wolf, vanishing into the forest.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
477 Posts
Ooc — siv

she liked the confidence in this young one. it was easy to want to nurture it into something bigger. yet she had to stifle a laugh when the girl took off with a whisper-screech of her own speeds.

go! go! she bellowed as she chased after the rabbit and the girl.

perhaps they would lose it, but the chase was worth it alone. long legs devouring the familiar grounds of her birth home.

"inuktitut" || "common"
my mind turns your life into folklore
128 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Callyope's words of encouragement drove Nantahala to push herself to run faster. I GOT IT!!! I GOT IT!! with a screech, she pushed through the foliage, her gaze fixed on the figure far ahead.

Shortly after the pursuit started, the rabbit swiftly entered its burrow, creating a challenge. Despite this obstacle, she persisted in her search without hesitation. When she arrived, she bent down at the entryway, she extended her arm inside, and encountered a sudden, painful nip that caused her to jump back and yelp. 

OW!!! she hollered, holding her paw to her chest as tears welled in her big, blue eyes. THAT HURT!! Despite the pain, she remained determined. I have to get it now, she made up her mind, desiring vengeance after a brief pause. Is there a way we can get it out? she asked, attempting to push aside the throbbing in her paw.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
477 Posts
Ooc — siv
all of moonglow would hear their hunt! she felt near certain of it at this rate.

callyope could only squeeze out a puff of laughter before her body demanded steady breaths. especially when the girl cried out in pain! she might have swept her up into hugs and taken her to moonwoman, if not for the sudden stark vengeance that appeared.

was it shadows or sunlight? dark and concerning or bright, blinding justice? she could not know yet.

she is just a girl, this is just a hunt.

they make their homes just to keep us out. she explained, but there was a growing thoughtful look upon her face. but perhaps patience, or maybe even bait! she had just witnessed a bird baited by fish in moontide. why could they not tempt a rabbit with flowers or cloves?

"inuktitut" || "common"
my mind turns your life into folklore
128 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She concentrated on the empty space, watching carefully for any sign of the rabbit's return, while Callyope provided instructions. If she'd understood what "bait" meant, she would've fully agreed with the plan, but, instead, her lack of knowledge left her puzzled.

Bait? she asked, looking back at her aunt. What's that?
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
477 Posts
Ooc — siv
think of your favorite meal, she instructed the girl now as she looked around. anything green, anything that showed it had already been nibbled upon by the rabbit teeth.

if someone comes to you and you smell it, you come out to see them, yes? we can try this on prey too. i have seen a man do so with a seabird.

"inuktitut" || "common"
my mind turns your life into folklore
128 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She thought of goose meat, and she licked her lips. 

There was a pause, as she fended off thoughts of her favorite food, but soon after, she remarked on the brilliant idea, Oh, WOW!!! That's so cool!!! She looked around, searching for something to lure the rabbit with, and found a patch of clover not too far from where they were. Maybe that clover could help us?

She walked to the patch, picked a mouthful of clover, brought it back to her aunt, and asked, What's next?
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
477 Posts
Ooc — siv
she did not think too long of the seal hunter. of his warmth and the way she had laughed for him.


spread it beyond his den. not so far that he won't chance it, but not so close for him to escape again. he could always escape, the chance would always be there. brother rabbit was quick!

then we wait. that is the hardest part.

"inuktitut" || "common"
my mind turns your life into folklore
128 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Nantahala carried out the instructions by scattering the clover away from the burrow's entrance, then immediately went back to Calloype and sat down beside her. 

Now we wait? she asked with a tilt of her head.
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
477 Posts
Ooc — siv
you are a quick girl. quicker than any rabbit or hare.

there is a grin upon her face now, something wild and free.

stay low, stay still...

she did not know how long it might take! she had only done this with a bird before, not a creature that burrowed.

feel free to timeskip or assume any kind of outcome, whatever works! <3

"inuktitut" || "common"
my mind turns your life into folklore
128 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Sounds good! Want to wrap this one up and have a new one soon? <3

Nantahala followed instructions, crouching quietly and watching the burrow's entrance while waiting for the rabbit to appear. Her patience was tested, and she did her best not to huff and puff about it too much—especially since she didn’t want to give them away.

After a bit of a wait, the rabbit emerged cautiously and looked around for any threats as it moved towards the clover. When it decided it was safe enough to eat, it did just that, tucking into the meal while staying alert—it’d worked! Now, all there was left to do was catch the rabbit.

With an excited glance in Callyope’s direction, Nantahala wriggled her rear end before leaping forward with outstretched arms. Her aim was off, and she landed just shy of the rabbit, who promptly turned tail and fled before she could even get up again. She chased after it, but her efforts were in vain—the rabbit disappeared into the burrow before she could catch it.

Feeling disappointed and embarrassed after her failed effort, Nantahala stayed down and released a loud, frustrated cry. Aya!! I was so close!!!
but there's a part of me that recognizes you
477 Posts
Ooc — siv
yes x100 <3

the girl tried very hard and callyope had deeply wished for her success!

but there is learning in this moment too. it is not a complete waste or loss.

aya! she called out with her. next time it will know your teeth. she assured the young hunter with a warm grin.

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