Fairspell Meadow we would've made cowardly kings
95 Posts
Ooc — †alamasca
All Welcome 
It was a wonder that the other wolf had not left him yet. Drusk wondered about the man's motives; was he hoping to fatten him up for harvest? He had seen it done before on the mountain but for rams and ewes, and the only fattened wolves he saw were the very hungry or the gravid.

As he stalked the meadow, he wondered about the man with the golden fleece. He knew he could run if he had to—fight too, to the death. While the man had not shown himself to be a danger, Drusk could not shake the well-trained paranoia imbibed by months of his interpersonal accuracy.

If the apogee of their alliance culminated in further meals, that sounded idyllic and insane. They could subsist together for weeks if Drusk was careful about it. He was especially interested after the fish—and so he chose to hold space for @Gavrel as they journeyed to places unknown.
24 Posts
Ooc — Van
Her journey to recruit and explore for the source of her chosen riverland had brought Stelmaria much further south than intended. She wasn’t even following the waterways anymore, now captured fully by her own curiosity.

But this spring meadow, for better or worse, was not very interesting.

She would’ve turned back in that moment, if not for the boarbrown wolf emerging in her sights. Red ears up, tail a ship’s banner, she proudly invited their attention and inspection.
95 Posts
Ooc — †alamasca
For the time being, the were separated.

Drusk therefore had to keep an eye out for the return of that golden coat, if there was a return, and when he saw movement further in to the meadow he thought it was his ally. The briefest lapse in his cautious nature brought him face to face with a total stranger instead, and when he saw them he froze in place.

His ears gave a pivot, listening for signs of backup; the cogs in his brain ticktick-ticking away; was this an ambush? Was his friend not truly his friend? Was this unrelated?

The woman made no effort to hide. Drusk felt the urge to run, but he held back for the time being and stared her down.
24 Posts
Ooc — Van
The wolf froze, uncertain and on the verge to fleeing. Stelmaria stared back at the mud-dark figure, unchanged in her own stance and the tempo of her tail. When neither had moved for a handful of heartbeats, she took a few steps closer and paused again to note his continued reception (or lack thereof) towards her.
95 Posts
Ooc — †alamasca
They stood still, watching one-another.

It felt as though time had stopped. Only the barest breeze stirred at the grass, and that kept him from thinking the world had stopped utterly. Then, she took the initiative to step closer and Drusk keenly watched this too.

He tensed, the sensation rippling through his shoulders as he lowered his head — almost cat-like in the way he stared, judging the distance, and the health of the stranger, and perhaps trying to discern an intent.

He paced a step sidelong, and stopped again. Curious now, he calls out in his strange tongue: Anha gwe ven chaf. Hash yeri?
24 Posts
Ooc — Van
u have inspired me o:

“I go as wind, do you?”

Stelmaria started to nod, though her muzzle suddenly froze in the downward position. She realized too late that this stranger had not used the common tongue.

Now, it was her turn to tense up. The fluidity of her posture crystallized until she was as rigid as an iced-over lake and the alarm in her eyes had cooled to suspicion. Though her recognition of the slavers’ language could’ve easily gone unnoticed, her sudden and drastic shift in composure could not.

She retreated several steps, glancing around as if she imagined there might be others. Her thoughts whorled with memories she did not want.


Oh, Qorro...

Leave me!

The renewed sense of anguish felt like a claw in her heart, and she abruptly turned to flee, casting him little else than a glance over her shoulder to make sure the distance between them grew.