Haunted Wood but at dawn
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
The boy was saddened. His heart shattered. Star had not been found but...they were going home. Home, right?
They were trundling along when he saw a rise of woodland. He was not a very good scout and, whilst knowing his way perfectly around Blackfeather, he wasn't good with the outside world.
In his blind joy, he raced ahead towards the woods only to realise they certainly were not his woods.

There was no real darkness, no caws, no Daedra.
"Hello?" He meekly called out, hoping dearly it wasn't BLackfeather. Because if so the world was bad and he'd totally leave forever.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The smell was a familiar one, the young always smelt different to her but this ones scent was laced with a familiar one, the female from a winter back, yes Moonshadow it was and the raven had a smirk on her face as she approached the young pup. “Where is your mother little one. A little far from Blackfeather aren’t we?” Oh yes she remembered the packs name from when she kidnapped Maegi.
”Common” "Spanish"
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
A figure come, formed out of shadows just like his Mother was.
He immediately disliked her, his hackles raised and his teeth flashed as a warning to keep her distance. He'd fight if he had to.
"My Mother is near." He muttered defiantly. He knew she was protection and the fact she asked this first meant she'd only do something if she was far.
"She made us leave, looking for my brother. He was taken by a coyote." 
Sadness welled up in him, rolling into his heart and crushing the light within. It was real. Star was gone.

But he couldn't be weak in the face of danger.
"What is this place?" He wondered what this woman was doing here. Was she a danger to Blackfeather?
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She smiled at his warning as if she couldn’t end him in a single bite. A chuckle came from her throat but subsided as she said she made them leave. “This little one is a pack that you just trespassed into, weren’t you taught not to trespass? I question your mothers teaching methods.” Why would she let him wander about without her present, she wasn’t concerned however.

He then spoke of a brother snatched by a coyote. “Seems your mother just keeps failing at prtotecting her family. She couldn’t protect her brother who was a decent fighter but not good enough...” She fought him as he tried to abandon the mountain and if Moonshadow thought she killed him who was she to correct her. “And her precious Maegi from Nikan and now you.” She flashed her own canines still had the blood of her recent kill on her muzzle.
”Common” "Spanish"
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
His jaw set. He knew of trespassing but not from Mother. From Tundra.
Would Tundra ever make him leave the woods? Unlikely.
He stared at the woman, his dislike turning into hatred.
"I protect my Family." He snapped back, his tail curling up. He'd failed to protect Star but he had had trust in the woods. In the border patrols by others and in his Mother.
Was this stranger right?
Was his Mother incapable of protection?

He glowered at her, hating her to speak the truth to him.
Then she spoke of his uncle.
"Where is he?" He asked quietly, hoping to coax an answer. If he could find Moonshadows brother, surely she'd not leave the woods if he was there to protect too.
But what she said about Maegi perplexed him. She had failed to protect Maegi? Was that why she looked the way she did?
His brows furrowed, the wind momentarily took from his sails.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Random Event 
She chuckled at the boys ferocity and it brought a smile to her face. “I don’t know boy, dead probably or maybe he was ashamed of your mother? “ She wanted to see how far she could push the little one.
”Common” "Spanish"
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Dead like Star. His gaze turned down, frowning. He couldn't help. Can't help. He was useless. 
Was his Mother shameful? She didn't trust the woods, made him leave them. Had she run from his Father, too?

His growl was low, soft. A threat.
"Don't talk like tha." His eyes tilted up to her, glaring and promising that he would one day repay her a visit. This land was disgustingly cruel and he vowed right there he would venture out again once he had learnt to act upon those who have wronged him when he only tried to do right.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Serem was finally annoyed with all the small talk that had been going on between the two it was time for this pup to have a lesson. “Perhaps I should show you what happens to pups who leave their mothers and trespass on claimed land.” With a growl escaping her lips she lunged at the pup with intent to grab him by the scruff.
”Common” "Spanish"
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Her words sparked an ounce of fear in him. His ears slicked back and he snarled, launching up at her like he did with Toehww. His jaw opened, aiming to bite her back. He didn't care where, just as long as he didn't get hoisted into the air, which he hadn't been for so long.

He clamped down upon contact, he'd got her chin and snarled with anger that she'd tried to do this to him. Where was Moonshadow! Surely when she'd seem him dive into some random woods that she'd not inspected she'd be right behind him.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She felt the pups teeth connect with her mouth and before he let go, serem threw her head in hopes of throwing him. Once she got him off she was quickly tackled to the grown by the pups mother. Snarls filled the air as she snapped at Moonshadow and in return the mother did the same.

Serem was left in a daze and the mother took that moment to check on her young. “Are you alright.” The small break was short lived as serem pounced onto Moonshadow gripping her scruff in her teeth cause Moonshadow to cry out shortly.
”Common” "Spanish"
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
The boy was thrown a short way, landing hard on his side as the air rushed from him. 
He paddled on his side, gasping for air as he heard his Mother rus into the fray, snarling and biting.

He'd managed to get air and was sitting up when Moonshadow asked Are you ok?
He'd barely nodded before the pair were once again a whirl of shadows.
He stood, watching. He couldn't let his Mother get hurt.

He pushed forward, running at them, aiming to throw himself into Serem's shoulder or neck and bite. He lept up, teeth digging into her and sharp, puppy nails scratching at her, trying to distract her. Cause pain. Anything.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She had messed up Moonshadows face a bit as they both snapped their jaws at each other and she felt the pups teeth clamp onto her shoulder and it hurt nonetheless causing her to turn her head to pry him off. 

The other female seemed to be down for the count after Serem threw her off and she went to get the pup off. Once done she stared at the two. “Leave now before I slaughter the both of you.” She had no time for this.
”Common” "Spanish"
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
The boy cowered, ears flat and lips wrinkled up. He knew he was bleeding from somewhere, his Mother was hurt. The warning hit his ears and he snarled softly. 
He stalked around, low to the ground with his tail tucked to stand between his Mother and this woman. She couldn't touch her again.

He nudged Moonshadow, "Come on," he murmured, hoping she could get up and walk. Where was Moonshine?
He hoped she wasn't nearby watching.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She had marks across her face at the least and she looked to her pup for injuries and saw only minor. The females threat didn’t go unnoticed and she would scoop up Her pup and depart. Looking for Moonshine on her way back to Blackfeather, even if she questioned judgement there was no question that they were safest there regardless of her children not being wanted, that would have to be addressed soon bit today they would run but next time she was determined to fight.