Moonsong Glacier Neighbors you say
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
I'll be there for you rembrandts :)

Around his neck he carried the herbs he always did. Now fuller than it had been and easily removed. Upon his back was a goat hide and, two rabbits in his maw for cache offerings. @Ariadne was it had built a home on ice and he was curious.

He hummed as he walked. As always a bounce in his step and a song in his heart. Green eyes full of laughter and mischief.

He found himself upon the borders amd relieved himself of said gifts and howled out a lyrical hello and waited. A song sung as he waited. 

So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Your job's a joke, you're broke
Your love life's DOA
It's like you're always stuck in second gear
When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month
Or even your year, but
I'll be there for you
(When the rain starts to pour)
I'll be there for you
(Like I've been there before)
I'll be there for you
('Cause you're there for me too)
morning star
128 Posts
Ooc — roni
The skull of a ram sat between Tulugak's paws, half submerged in a tiny stream as she worked carefully the skin from bone. Later, she would polish the horns - a fine gift for a villager it would make. It was as she contemplated whom should receive her handiwork that a voice rose above the treeline, melodic and cheerful, but not of Moonsong.

Tucking her project under a ledge for safekeeping, she set out to greet the songbird at the borders.

The man was laden with goodies and seemed to be humming to himself; though the snowcloud could not discern any lyrics from this distance, she could not bring herself to interrupt him and waited until he grew quiet before approaching with a jovial greeting. "Hello! This is village Moonsong." A wave of her tail as she eyed the gifts. "What brings you here, songbird?"
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A wolf as white as a cloud came upon him and met his gaze with curiosity and kindness. Her voice a little lyrical. A small smile at her as he shifted and moved his eyes away from her. He bowed his muzzle. 

A soft laugh. I like that. I'm Alaric from Moonspear, heard that one of Sialuk's sister's was building a village. So figured I'd hop over and introduce myself. I bring a goat fur for someone to use as a den hide. And two rabbits for your caches.

A smile then, green eyes snapping with laughter and mischief as they always were. It's a pleasure to meet you, miss?
morning star
128 Posts
Ooc — roni
His bow was met with one in return as he introduced himself as Alaric from one of the neighbouring moonvillages. "Indeed, Ariadne has worked very hard among others," she grinned, chest swelling with pride for their new village. "Moonsong appreciates your generosity." Something about his features was vaguely familiar but Tulugak could not quite place it until she drew closer to investigate his housewarming gifts. 

"Oh! I believe we may have met before," the memory springing to mind. Slinging one of the rabbits over her shoulders, she waved her tail in a welcome invitation for Alaric to follow her into Moonsong territory. "You were there to hunt the criminal shadow-man, but we did not share names. I am Tulugak." She flashed him a warm smile.
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric grinned and nodded. I am pleased to have more neighbors. More chances of trade. More stories to hear.

He frowned.Oh yes. That is bad business that is. I hopw hes caught. No man ahould take advantage.

A darker tone than usual in those words. He knew intimstely the pain of being taken advantage of in horrific ways 

Well met Tulugak.
morning star
128 Posts
Ooc — roni
"No," she agreed, softly. "And no woman should ever have to go through that alone." Though she had not experienced it first hand, the pain of Chakliux' wife was felt throughout the moon villages. "But it good to see you in a different light, Alaric." Tail waving, she sought to weave the subject of conversation gently back to the celebratory matter at hand.

"Do you wish to speak to Ariadne? Or rest for a while?" Though the journey to the spear was not a long one, it was with honest hospitality that Tulugak offered the songbird access to their village.
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric shifted and looked away.  No one should.

Men could be hurt just as badly as women. But it was taboo to speak of it. It was a different type of shame. It called so many things into question. And usually they were not believed.

A smile. I am fine with present company. I do not have to see Ariadne as long as she was told I was here. I will sot for a moment. Tell me of yourself Tulugak? If you don't mind?
morning star
128 Posts
Ooc — roni
His answer pleased her greatly, smiling in return at the prospect of entertaining the songman's company for a while longer. "I will let her know," she promised and sank to her haunches beside him, feathery tail beating a happy rhythm into the snow.

"Where to start!" Her laughter echoed briefly around the foothills. He was a curious fellow; Tulugak wanted to hear all about about him first. Where had he learned to sing like that? Could he teach her? "I come from a small village many days north of here. It is like Moonsong but bigger and much, much colder." At this, she turned her head to him and grinned. "I am a scout by trade - I follow the path of the raven. I admit it is rather lonely at times, but it led me here." Graciously skipping over the misfortune of Kangirsuk, she turned the questioning back to him.

"Tell me, Alaric, who taught you to sing?"
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She was soon beside him. Next to him. Her tail besting a rythmn on the ground.

Alaric msde a soft hrm sound. I find I'm not a fan of cold. I can handle it and its not bad, but i love warmth too.

A smile then. I am bard, healer and trader. I learned to sing myself. I have always loved song. Sometimes it makes everything a little better or on bad days bearable.

He nodded it was aomething he had always done. My family is storytellers, healers. So i suppose it comes from them. After all a song is a story in different way.