Blacktail Deer Plateau One Last Try
71 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Please wait for me to respond with Moonshadow,because they both intend on joining if allowed.

Nightstar and his sister departed from the border of a pack they had tried to join into and failed. The blood flowing from his sister's wound was excelerating fast. He knew that he didn't have much time before her state got worse. They make it to another pack's border. Nightstar let's out a lone desperate howl, hoping to be heard. After he looks at his injured sister Moonshadow. "Are you okay?" He asked his sister.
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow struggles to follow her brother once more and continues to fall behind as she repeatedly falls and stands back up. Her brother constantly looking back to see if she is okay, all she can do is give him a reassuring look. It had been her fault that she got injured and she had put him in so much pain already. She nods when he asks if she was alright, even though they both know she wasn't.
1,332 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he had lost the woman's scent at the barrier mountains, those insurmountable crags that lie just south of the slightly more accessible moonspear. having no further information of which to pursue, aditya decided to return home, his heart filled with disappointment. he knew dawn and grayday would worry for him if he was away too long, but to return without vengeance exacted. . .

the next afternoon, he was patrolling the borders, eyes peeled more than ever for intruders, when a pair approaching entered his line of sight.

adi's stomach flip-flopped as he noticed the female of the pair was bleeding out into the snow, and he scanned them quickly, looking to see whether she had her tail. she did--but she was in bad shape. the man had called for someone, obviously looking for aid.

he trotted over to them, his mouth drawn tight in a frown of concern. "before we speak further, let me call for our medic," he said, giving @Pema a howl that spoke of urgency. "she will know ways to staunch the bleeding."

that done, he continued, "who are you? and what is your purpose coming here, besides seeking help?" adi figured they were probably looking for a place to ride out the winter, but he wanted to make absolute sure before continuing the conversation.
71 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Nightstar looked at his sister who had slowly fallen asleep. He knew that with her heartbeat slowed during sluber that would also slow the bleeding at leats until help arrived. He then looked back at the pack wolf. "My name is Nightstar and that is my sister Moonshadow. Me and my sister wish to join a pack, after the incident that injured my sister I knew that we will not survive the winter." He began speaking fast but ultimately slowed down as he spoke of his intentions.
1,332 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
the man gave a simple explanation, and he nodded, though still very much on the defensive. if this were a decoy for another to slip over the border. . .  adi kept his eyes alert, looking for trouble to his left and right, while still giving the dark-pelted male the attention he deserved.

"i see," he said shortly, listening for pema's familiar pawsteps. the woman--moonshadow--had drifted off to sleep, her body weakened by the injury. he couldn't help but empathize with the pair. not so long ago, he himself had been brought to the borders injured, looking for a home. grayday had taken him in without hesitation.

but that was when morningside's ranks were not so full as they were now. the plateau and its deer herd simply couldn't sustain more wolves than what they had, especially with grayday and catori now an item and pups surely on the way. he hated to turn them away. . .but it might be his only option.

"we can try to nurse your sister back to better health," he told nightstar. "but as for joining, our ranks are full. once pema provides aid, we cannot allow you to stay. i'm sorry." his voice was suffused with the sorrow he felt at not being able to do more.
71 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Nightstar will be gone for a bit.

And just as Nightstars hope had rose, it fell down once again. He sighed at the males response, but it couldn't be helped. "I understand. Thank you." He glanced at his sister who had fell asleep, the young male knew he had to protect her or find a pack who could, even if that meant that they could not be together. "Do you know any other packs who would accept us or at least just my sister?" He asked more desperate than ever. Then a though came to his mind one he knew to avoid but couldn't. He walked to his sister and nudged her. "I'll find a way to keep you safe." He say's before walking off somewhere.
1,332 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
his mouth twisted, thinking. "there are two packs just south of us, but i don't know how full their ranks are," he admitted. "they both have medics, though, and they are strong."

he did not mention the evil pack to nightstar, for a few reasons. one being that these wolves might be spies for the pack--though they smelled of no one but themselves, they might have been away on reconaissance for a while--and if they truly were innocent, he was not about to throw this pair to the mercy of whatever horrors lie in that territory.

before he could say anything further, the dark male gave his assurances to his sister and departed, heading south. a little annoyed that he had departed before pema had even arrived, aditya drew closer to the woman, watching her as she dozed.
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow was awoken by her twin brother's departure, she looks up at the male wolf in confusion as her eyes adjusted so that she could see. "Where am I?" She asked, the hours before were a bit foggy and she found herself unable to remember how she got there.
631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Here I am. Sry

She heard the call from across the territory. It sounded urgent, and she heading in that direction right away. Unfortuantly from the complete opposite side of the territory. While rushing over she thought of what might have been so urgent for her to come and see. She was a new leader, but why hadn't Dawn or Day been called. It must be for some medical reason, she was the only really skilled medic in the pack and so thats what she assumed would be the problem. She worried that it would be Adi that had been hurt, since he had made the call, but he would have called Dawn too. Wouldn't he?

All of her questions were answered shortly after Adi came into sight. She could see the two strangers at the border of their territory, one dripping blood into the snow and resting on the ground. She wouldn't have recommened it, afraid that they might have gone uncontious, but there wasn't an obsene amount of blood to where she worried that that would be the case.

"What's going on? What happened?" she asked. Adi looked concerned, so she doubted that the three had gotten into a fight. She walked up to Adi's side, not yet making any action to treat her other then to examine from afar. Hearing how she had gotten these wounds would help her decide how to treat her, if that is in fact what Adi had called her over to do.
1,332 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he opened his mouth to soothe the bleeding woman with words, but before sound emerged, pema arrived on the scene, looking over the situation with her shrewd medic's eyes. thank god, he thought, before answering her.

"she arrived with her brother just now; she's been injured, obviously, but he did not say by what, or how," aditya explained. "he took off looking for shelter elsewhere. we--" he broke off, adding sotto voce, "we can't take them in permanently. pack's full up."

turning to the woman, he said, "you're at the border of a pack. your brother has gone to find you both a place to stay. we cannot take you, but--hopefully--we can help you." he looked back at pema, waiting for her examination of the woman and her opinion on the matter in general.
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow nodded her head at the male before turning to look at the female who had just arrived, the medic she assumed. "I was injured during a hunt. I guess I got a little ahead of myself and thought I as strong enough to take on a bull moose on my own. I kicked me in the ribs." She explains why her injury occured
631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Pema's instinct was to have her brought to her den where she would no doubt need some rest after, but the pack was full, something Adi was quick to remind her. They couldn't use up any resources feeding and providing shelter to this female, but she hoped that what little they could do for her gave her a good start on her recovery. 

She thought it strange that her brother would have simply left her here at their door step, even for just awhile. Other packs were sometimes days away, she hoped that's not where he meant when she said he was looking for shelter. Maybe a nearby wood for a few nights. It didn't appear that Adi had meet either of them, which was even more odd to Pema. Why would you leave your sister with a couple of strangers, they must really be that desperite. Luckily for them Morningside was filled with plently of caring wolves, compared to the melicious wolves that resided further south. 

A moose kick to the rib was the cause of this injury. Pema didn't even dare go after a moose, they were very large and very deadly to anything trying to hunt them. A kick from one of them to the ribs was cause for a break. "May I?" she asked stepping towards the female. She came forward and pressed lightly on the girls side, listening to her moans and grunts to see where the pain resided. "I think you have a few broken ribs. I don't think you have any internal bleeding, just a cut where it's hoof cut you. I can get you somethings for that cut, but getting you into a cast might be a bit more difficult." she explained thinking of only one way they could do it. But it would require for them to go to the hot springs. "Adi? Do you know where some cob webs might be?" she asked, thinking of how to seal up that cut. 

Let me know if you want to thread with Pema at the hot springs, she could give her a case and then head back, all in the same day.
1,332 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
cobwebs? hmm. adi hummed aloud, thinking. "not by heart," he said slowly, twisting his mouth as he tried to figure out when the last time was he even noticed a cobweb. "in the dens? or do you have a stash, somewhere?"

his toes curled on the icy ground, ready to dash off to whereever pema needed him to go. he was glad to see her helping the woman--not that he had had any doubt that she would. it was just a pleasure to watch pema in her talent zone.

"i don't know where her brother went, or when he'll be back," adi remarked. "i told him there were a couple of packs south of us. i do hope he didn't find. . ." he trailed off delicately, hoping pema would catch his meaning. he did not want those evil wolves anywhere near the plateau, even just to pick up this woman to bring her back to her brother.
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow nods at the female in approval as looks up at the two then at the male. "I apologize for him, his heart is in the right place but sometimes he just cares a little too much." The young dark colored wolf could only guess where her brother went but she refused to beleive it. The many pack's they went to for shelter had told them to stay away from that pack.
631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Pema didn't have a stash of cobwebs somewhere, she wasn't even sure how that would work. Dig a small den and then leave bad meat in it hoping it would attract flies and thus spiders. It was something to consider, but not for this time of the year. Any spiders would most likly have already prepared for the winter, Pema just hoped that their webs would still be up somewhere. "No I don't have a stash. I would check then dens and some caves. Any webs left in the open will be broken or covered in snow."

"I just hope he doesn't go too far, some of those packs are farther away then they seem sometimes." 
she said replying to the female. She could tell what Adi was talking about and she gave him a look that matched his concern, but she hoped that with them being so far south they wouldn't find themselves this far north.
1,332 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
tagging for ICly purposes, but neither of you have to enter if you don't want to. just something adi would do in this situation

he frowned, thinking. pema's idea for the spring was solid, one he'd tuck away; he was sure she had already. but for now, they merely needed cobwebs. with that, aditya made up his mind--he would go to the rendezvous site, look for the sticky things.

adi was just about to turn on his heel and lope across the plateau when his head swung back once more, regarding the scene. he didn't think this was some sort of trap, with the injured woman a distraction from whatever hell was poised to swoop down upon them--but you never did know.

he lifted his head, giving a short howl for @Dawn, and then @Kieran Adrien. dawn he knew best, and kieran had been with the pack for a long while--he trusted them both in case things went south and pema needed backup.

"i'll be back," aditya told pema brusquely, with a nod at the woman. "call for me if you move her anywhere." with a flash of brown and tan, he was gone, hoping that this situation would remedy itself quickly and cleanly.
last post--like he said, tag me if you do go to the hot springs and he can bring cobwebs there