Overture Downs Today has been a lonesome day
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Ooc — Jay
@Easy I'll make this thread a bit interesting!

He had brought up Catori's idea to his father, the idea of going to Easthollow to say goodbye to Keoni and give his condolences to Valette. It had been agreed upon but when he'd brought it up Easy had been nearby and asked to go along. It hadn't been something Sunny was too happy about, this was something that meant a lot to him and not a fun trip but when he looked at his half sister's excited face he couldn't say no or protest. He had promised his father to keep watch over Easy, something that scared him deeply but he would make sure he did. Then they had set off on the journey.

The scenery was beautiful, they'd passed through Jade Fern Grove which had begun to be covered in every shade of green imaginable. It was breathtaking and he had paused to rest there, then they moved on quickly.  Now the land began to slope downward in easy small hills and a faint noise made his ears perk. It was the bleating of a distressed fawn, something that concerned him. He motioned for Easy to follow and turned toward the noise. There lay the fawn with a hind limb bent behind it at a horrible Angle, obviously broken and mangled and bloodied beyond repair. He felt sickened by whatever had done this and simply left it alive and in pain. There would be no survival for the fawn with that injury and the mother had probably abandoned it. Besides, neither of them had eaten for quite some time and he wouldn't want to take any of Easthollow's cache. 

Turning to Easy with a grim look in his eye he opened his mouth and hesitated before speaking "We should take this opportunity to eat and give it mercy. It won't survive like that. The kill will be quick and Easy but be wary of the hooves still"he spoke and waited for her response, unsure if she'd take his in stride or feel as bad as he did about the sight before them.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Daddy had not been too concerned about Easy going along with Sunny. He knew that she had been ranging all over the taiga since they'd moved territories, enjoying the freedom of living in a slightly less dangerous area, and seemed none too bothered by her wandering spirit. Easy suspected Dawn had had a much more difficult time of it as a child, and was thankful that her elder siblings had broken their father of his overbearing protectiveness.

She also suspected she had been encouraged to go more for Sunny's sake than anything. She'd been planning a sojourn to the Valley anyway, but when Sunny mentioned going, she figured it would kill two birds with one stone. It had been easy to tell she wasn't wanted, but Daddy insisted and Sunny caved, and Daddy had appeased the older boy with warnings to look after her, as if that was something she really needed. The whole thing had sort of rubbed her the wrong way, but she knew Daddy and Sunny had their hearts in the right places, and as the hours passed, Easy found her spirit soothed by the familiarity of travel. 

"Sure," said Easy, unphased by the sight before them. The dark girl circled wide around the fawn, ignoring its sad bleating. It tried to scramble to its hooves, but Easy struck fast, grabbing it by the back of its neck and giving a few mighty shakes to jar it. Stunned, the fawn held still for a moment or two, giving Sunny time to jump in at the throat.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
It had been a silent  journey between the two of them, Sunny hadn't spoken much due to the seashell carried in his jaws and Easy hadn't piped up to offer any conversation either. When she agreed and moved out Sunny made a mental note to try and have conversation when they had eaten their fill. Quickly he dropped the seashell and marked the ground near it with Urine before racing toward Easy and the Fawn as she grabbed it's neck.

Seeing his chance he lunged, jaws sinking with ease right into the jugular. It would be messy but he gripped tight and jerked his head from side to side quickly until the throat was torn open. The Fawn went limp and he dropped it, blood seeping into the ground. He licked his lips and smiled earnestly at her "You did great. It seems everyone in the family are good hunters. You can eat first"
Birdcatcher: 4/10
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The kill was over quickly, just as her brother had said. Easy had backed off as soon as Sunny's teeth struck the fawn, not wanting to get in the way of his vicious shakes. She was not surprised to be offered first dibs on the kill, though. Sunny had always been very kind in that regard, always looking out for the family.

"Thanks, Sunny," she said with a winning smile, and a certain tightness in her chest eased just a tiny bit. It hurt her feelings that Sunny was so caring toward Lavender, giving her a nickname and all - but Easy knew she just wasn't small and cute like her littermate, and of course, Sunny still loved her.

She tucked into her meal, not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. But, not wanting her brother to wait too long, she ate as quickly as she was able, and left a few of her favorite parts - the liver and tenderloin - for Sunny's enjoyment. After filling her stomach, she snatched the skull and moved away, giving Sunny room to eat. While he did that, she would gnaw on the head.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
His guilt over being distant during the trip grew as he watched her eat,noticing how she left some of the richest and most delicious parts for him. A pang of regret filled his chest as he moved forward to eat as she took the skull and moved back. He filled his stomach quickly but grabbed the liver and carefully pried it out laying it aside as he dug into other organs.

Once full he stepped away and picked up the liver, carrying it to Easy and dropping it before her. He offered a hesitant smile to her and wagged his tail "I know I seem off and grumpy but it isn't you. I'm glad you came along, really. It's...a hard trip to make for me."he said earnestly and touched his nose down between her ears for a moment and then stepped away.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy turned toward her brother when finished his meal, setting a paw over the skull but otherwise abandoning it, for the time being. He was in a talking mood now, which would be fine except Easy wasn't sure how to handle how sad he seemed.

"You don't have to worry about me, Sunny," she hurried to assure him, tail beating the ground. "Really - I usually come on my own anyway, so the quiet's no bother."

But it did suck to see him so sad. She was used to her brother being goofy and fun, not all sad and... just sad. If he'd taken Lav instead, maybe she would've made him feel better... But all he had was Easy, and she wasn't sure what to do.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
He snorted and gave her a gentle nudge on the shoulder, amusement shining through the sadness for a moment. She was like Dawn was, independent and explorative except less wild and impulsive. It made him remember the good times he had with Dawn. Perhaps things could be better with him and Easy, they could have a good relationship without a period of anger and hatred. "I'm always worrying about my family. You and Lavender, even Dauntless. It's what I do."He replied warmly but he gave of acceptance to her independence and nudged her playfully.

It was apparent that his sadness was uncomfortable for her and while he wasn't comfortable suggesting it he supposed he could follow behind her if she agreed. He didn't want to drag her mood down either and ruin what could be a fun trip for her "Would you want so scout ahead? You've been to Easthollow right?"He offered her while attempting a lopsided smile. It was shaky but it was better than before.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy knew that, of course. Suny was like Daddy in that way, and in a lot of other ways as well. Easy still remembered when they'd first met - she'd loved him immediately just because of how much he looked like their father. "That's not what I mean," she said sternly. "I mean you don't need to worry about hurting my feelings. I know you're upset." A pause. "Daddy told me you were in love with Keoni." Oops.

Easy turned her face away from Sunny's, horrified by her big mouth. He'd told her not to bother Sunny about Keoni, and there she went just blurting things out! Why did she do these things? Sometimes it was like she couldn't control her own mind. But it was out, now, and Easy was eager to gloss over it, hoping her brother wouldn't be too upset by the tasteless comment.

"I've been there twice - and I went last time by myself," she assured him. "I can scout ahead - I don't mind."
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Sunny looked at her with surprise Wonder now if he had hurt her feelings. He hadn't even thought of that. Was  something bothering Easy that he had caused? He decided to broach it later. As she continued with the blurted knowledge of his love for Keoni he felt a pang and his face fell but he nodded slowly. "I did love Keoni...Very much so. She was my childhood friend and more." he admitted and then cleared his throat.  "You can go ahead. I have to grab the seashell and ill be right behind you"

You can finish up and archive if you want!
Birdcatcher: 4/10
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
She'd really stuck her paw in it, now. Sunny looked gloomier than ever, and insisted once again that she go on ahead. God, he was probably going to cry or something and it would be all her fault! Part of her felt honor-bound to stay behind and try to comfort him, but she'd been trying that and look where it'd gotten them.

"Okay," she said in a small voice, turning and trotting away at once. She wasn't going to argue with him, and besides, she was a little relieved to be getting away.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier