Redtail Rise if a stupid poem could fix this home
w a y w a r d s o n
289 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
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Valiant was hunting, ostensibly. Really, he just wanted to be away from the hush of the willows for a little while, and the intermittent calling of hawks and jays seemed a good remedy for the pain of that silence. It was so easy to get lost in memories of the past, lately, that Valiant worried he might get lost in the past itself. And maybe that would be better — maybe it would hurt a little less. But he was not quite brave enough to take the plunge.

Today he was sitting on a ridge, thinking that he was glad Artyom and Steph had been there, even though he'd wanted to be alone. At least now it was not his job to go and tell Dawn and Valette. The adults could do it for him, and he could pretend to be a helpless orphan for a little while longer.

But he was an adult. Soon enough, he would have to reckon with that. He'd thought to start it off with something easy and enjoyable — hunting.

So when he caught sight of a few rams down below, he began to pick his way down the ridge, knowing he ought to investigate, even if he wasn't sure about bringing one down all on his own.
8 Posts
Ooc — melee
she couldn't articulate what it was she was searching for, not even to herself — an end to the longing she felt in every one of her cells, perhaps. sadhbh only knew that she could not spend another moment in that den, fending for herself, careful to erase any sign of her existence. she did not know what she longed for, only that the ache lessened with each step she put between herself and the forest in which her mother had raised her.

as a pup, she had heard so much about the world — memorized abstract explanations of the wider world, tales layered with meanings and lessons. but she had seen none of it except for what existed in the small space she was permitted to inhabit. and so she had also learned every inch of the forest and how each leaf changed with the seasons. when that grew tiresome, sadhbh found her next love in the ever changing sky and stars.

but now— but now, she had made her world so much larger. she was hungry to learn every inch of it. to live the knowledge that had been dictated to her in low, hushed words. to find her own meaning and her own lessons. for the moment, however, sadhbh was content to merely exist in it.

she trailed at the base of the rise, breathing in the wind, drinking in the foreign landscape.
working towards spiritualist (seer) and naturalist (astronomer, ecologist).
w a y w a r d s o n
289 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The wind brought a new scent to him when he had come down from the higher reaches to stand on flat ground once more. He looked toward the rams and found that he could not see them from this angle, and then back into the gentle sweep of the breeze.

He went toward the scent of wolf, in the end, seeking out company he was not brave enough to ask for at homeMove on, Orlaith had said, and he was determined to live up to those words, at least where his pack members could see him. But someday soon, he was going to visit Dawn and he knew he would cry, and here and now, he would seek out a stranger, and do his best to socialize so that his days would be a little less empty.

Maybe if he could mean something to someone else, he could figure out how to mean something to himself.

Before long, the other wolf came into sight. Valiant ducked his head and swung his tail, desperate to be perceived as friendly and approachable"Hey," he said in a low woofI won't hurt you. Please talk to me.