Bramblepoint Sweet summer child
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
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Sweet smells assailed her. Fresh fruit dripping low almost the ground. It was heaven for smells. Though there was some cloying smells of decay, it was mostly pleasant. 

She avoided the low sticky places where frruit had dropped and died. Bees swarmed around the sweet fruit the tell tale buzz of their wings ticking into her ears.

It was beautiful here.
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Ooc —
he cared little for the fallen fruits. however that had not stopped him from devouring a few on his way through the woods. then he had dared to pluck some of the lower hanging fresh fruit. this was more desirable, however it still did not sate his hunger the way a proper meal might.

but here was a woman who seemed proper and well-fed.

he whuffed out to her, tail daring to offer a few engaged waves.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia lifted her head as a loud chuff ran though out the area. She met the gaze of a beast that looked like a wolf, but was not quite a wolf. She tilted her head, and returned the tail wags. She blinked and moved closer, but not too close. She had learned her lesson in recent days.

Um Hello. I'm Amalia. She studied the brown red creature with lots of white fur. He was not wild, he did not smell like open air and forests, he smelled like well himself, and other things that she didn't know. 

How do you do?
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he tested the weight of her name on his tongue, enjoying the way it rolled without much fuss. a pretty name. not so exotic as to wreck his brain.

i do well! i hoped to find something more than sweet treats, though.

brown eyes settled on her warmly. surely such a...strong wild woman would know where meals could be found here.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He said her name, but didn't offer one in return. She wasn't sure how she felt about that. Though she couldn't expect everyone to be like her, free with their words, their compliments, their names. She blew a breath from her nose, and a small smile at his next words. He was a charmer, used to getting his own way. She could see it.

She saw no harm in helping him catch a rabbit or two, perhaps a bird. There are many animals around. The question is stranger, are you hungry for rabbit or bird or squirrel?
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rabbit and squirrels i know best, he explained with a proud grin on his features. i have never bothered with birds. i cannot fly! a soft shake of his head, humored and dismissive of such a hunt.

he had, as promised, plucked rabbits and squirrels before. although prior he had been shamed for such instances. now it seemed so vital! fools they had been, he thought.

do you have lots of rabbit and squirrels?
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He was proud of his prowess with squirrels and rabbits, good for him. The next thing he said drew a quiet laugh from Amalia, and she wagged her tail. He was funny, she liked humor. It made the day joyful.

Amalia nodded her head. I don't, but the forest does. Rabbits it is, they are a little easier to catch than squirrels after all I cannot climb a tree. Can you?

She bent her head to the ground, scenting out a rabbit or two or three.
5 Posts
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i have tried! never reached the branches. he told her with a hearty laugh. then followed her lead, sniffing along trails he had never investigated before.

his tail became a flag, eager and alert. somewhere birds and squirrels alike chattered. however they had set their sights on speedy little ground runners.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia's laugh danced out clear as summer windsong. You amuse me, stranger. He was an eager participant, followed her lead.

She caught a scent and followed it to the edge of a warren. She whispered. Do you want to chase or grab? She turned green eyed gaze to red fur and waited.
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he puffed, happy and content with her assessment of him. undeniably full of himself for all of this. boyish still, eager to be seen well.

i will chase, he had always enjoyed the chase more. thrilled by the quick movements. he would await her word and then set to work.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia shook her head. Amusement alight in her eyes. This dog was funny. A bit strange, but in the best possible way, and his mood was a nice one. He didn't seem to be unhappy in any regard. Simply, happy go lucky.

Very well. You're gonna want to bring them this way. I'll grab. Amalia could usually grab two, she hoped she could do as well here, and that this stranger would have enough sense to grab one or two as he chased as well. But if not they would just chase again. It wasn't that big of a deal. They were both healthy, and fit.

Go ahead, stranger.