Ouroboros Spine Family found and friends abound
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Amalia traced gentle footpaws along the land that didn't belong to them, but had been opened. Her eyes on all the beautiful things. There were healer dens, and tree coppice's and there was a lake, and just the beauty here was astounding and it kept her breathless.

Today she found herself near the river near the beginning of the land, her gaze taking in the large grandfather stone. She didn't know what it was, but she didn't dare climb it, fearful that it was powerful to these wolves, that it was something to be revered. Instead she just studied it. 

The plant life that grew around it. She did move a little closer to the river, eyes on the pretty stones in the bottom. She wondered if Cerne would like one or two. She wasn't sure entirely what he collected, staying far away from his rabbit skin of stuffs. 

Seers made her nervous. Some were fake and lied, some were real and their truths caused pain. It didn't sit well with her, but she respected that he was able to do it. It took a special kind of wolf to do so.
92 Posts
Ooc — The System
Cerne had taken to exploring the village, and it was here that he crossed paths with Amalia. He dipped his head to her in greeting, coming to stand beside her. He cast his gaze into the water, then glanced to his packmate. "How are you liking the village, Amalia? I have found the wolves of both villages to be quite hospitable."
Physical Health (100/100)

Cerne is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Cerne is mentally well.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia turned and smiled at him. Perhaps he was a seer, true and blue, if he could come here, as if summoned by  her own thoughts. 

I was just thinking of you. Wondering if you could use those pretty stones for readings? I'm not sure what all your trade intel's, but I was wondering.

She made a soft hmm sound a gentle laugh on her lips. I didn't meet any from the other pack. I came across a lone wolf, that made me nervous, lucky for me Kigipigak was there. Then I stayed near our leaders for that leg of the journey. But here.

she gave a soft hmm sound, another gentle, serene smile on her face. Here they are very welcoming. Reminds me of home, and what my home was like before, well before all the hardship.

She turned to look him over, her tail wagging. Did you find many to ply your trade with? I saw you with your rabbit skin.
92 Posts
Ooc — The System
Once more, Cerne gazed into the river, and it was then that he saw the stones shimmering at the bottom. "I could use them, actually." He smiled, his tail giving a wag, and he told her, "In my culture, to give a gift to a Soothsayer is a very special thing."

Upon hearing that a loner had made her nervous, Cerne discerned, "You are wary of strangers." Then, a question. "Why? All wolves are strangers, once." It was good to hear the villagers were good to her, and he knew that these were good people.

"I have had some interest," Cerne answered her question, albeit vaguely. At the moment, he was more interested in talking about her.
Physical Health (100/100)

Cerne is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Cerne is mentally well.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia promptly stepped closer to the river, and dipped her muzzle into the cold water. Her paws going in next to dig at the soft sand around the Rocks, she pulled one and then the other free, her tail wagging as she lay them near him. A gift for  you then. Cerne.

Amalia shook her head. No usually i like to meet new strangers, but this one. He was kind at first, but then he started talking of mates and how he wanted me as one and I had just met him. It made me nervous. She frowned in thought, unsure how she still felt about that meeting. It had been unusual meeting.

Amalia wagged her tail. I am glad you've had interest.
92 Posts
Ooc — The System
Cerne accepted the gift happily, pulling his sack free from his throat and opening it gingerly to place the stones inside. "Thank you, they will definitely help me with my readings." She was kind — he should have given her more of a chance when they had first met. But, he supposed, he had that chance now.

When she told him of the stranger and his intentions, Cerne scowled darkly. "Hmm. It is good that Kigipigak was there." He sighed, then said, "But I am sorry you had to deal with that. You are safe here, at least."
Physical Health (100/100)

Cerne is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Cerne is mentally well.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia had not forgotten her first encounter with Cerne, but she had forgiven it. Not everyone liked strangers.  And other worlds danced behind Cerne's eyes. So he could have been distracted due to his trade. 

It was. We have good leaders. Her tail wagged and she lifted a paw and set it down in her calm happiness. Thank you

She peered at his rabbit skin, but didnt scrutinize to closely fear of the unknown. Can you tell me about it? she pointed towards the skin and tools
92 Posts
Ooc — The System
She wanted to know of his trade, and tools. Cerne offered a soft smile. "Certainly. I carry three items with me." He took off the amulet, and nodded to both the pouch and amulet in turn, telling her, "The amulet I carved myself from the rib bone of a seal. It is made to give me protection, and luck." He had given Sakhmet a similarly carved bone, but hers had been blessed with True Sight. "The pouch contains everything I require for my bone readings, as well as my obsidian scrying orb." He opened the pouch wider, showing her the contents within.

Shells of all shapes, sizes, and colors; pieces of semi-translucent, colored seaglass; a random assortment of stones; several hare bones, and of course, the obsidian orb — all innocuous on their own, but combined and cast, they could tell the future. He told her this, saying seriously, "With these, I read the future, and other things."
Physical Health (100/100)

Cerne is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Cerne is mentally well.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia watched with careful apprehension.

I am glad you have protection. I would not want anything to happen to you spiritually or otherwise.

She listened, wondering and wary. Though she was curious, it also made her nervous. Her parents had not taken to Seer's well, but she felt it was of fear rather than of any harm the seers could do. She liked Cerne, respected him, greatly.

Hoped to one day count him a friend, and that started with her throwing off a mantle of fear and accepting him for what he was and what he could do.

It's all so beautiful.

She looked over the items with gentle reverence. How could such beautiful things, cause such pain sometimes? She furrowed her brow and looked at him with a curious, open gaze; her fear showing her want to know more to understand, to accept.

Does it ever scare you what these items tell you? The truth can be unforgiving.
92 Posts
Ooc — The System
Cerne chuckled lowly, and he said, "I am safe, never you worry. My mother and father taught me everything I need to know in order to keep myself safe." His mother had taught him spirituality, and his father had taught him how to fight and hunt. Still, he found himself glad for her worries.

"There is beauty in many things. I... find myself grateful for my knowledge, and talents. It has always served me well." He was not trying to boast, merely being honest. And, did it scare him? Cerne pondered the question, exhaling deeply.

"The truth does not have to be malignant. It all depends on your own mentality." He had long accepted the truth, and had seen all possibilities. Cerne took up his amulet, stringing it about his throat once more.

"What is it you fear, Amalia?" Perhaps he could soothe her worries.
Physical Health (100/100)

Cerne is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Cerne is mentally well.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia looked him over with a smile

I'm glad for it.

And she was. She had grown fond of the seer. Her family had taught her many things. Of the foremost how to hunt and fight. And her grandmother had gifted her with the knowledge of trade and stories. She felt she was well equipped.

Amalia's tail wagged, she agreed with him wholeheartedly. There was beauty in many things. A butterfly's wings, flowers, a wolfs personality, oceans. Beauty was boundless.

I concur though i find myself often thinking the simple things, the mundane are the most beautiful. A heartbeat, a slow even breath on a cold day.

Amalia nodded. I saw that first hand. My father was raised by a nomad mother and he was so concerned with laying down roots, and having control that it imploded on him. You have to make room for fluidity among rigidity.

His question drew a furrow in her brow. I'm not sure, Cerne.

She ran a paw over her ear in thought.

Perhaps thr unknown, someone i care ahout being hurt physically or emotionally. Some people do not take truth well and it worries me
92 Posts
Ooc — The System
She feared the unknown — Cerne grinned, a lazy, toothy grin, and he nodded down to his kit. "With my skills and tools, little is left to surprise." It was true that some people did not take the truth well; he thought of the seawoman he had met, who had hardened herself to his help. He wondered how she was doing. Cerne looked back to Amalia. "Shall we return, or did you have more you wished to discuss?
Physical Health (100/100)

Cerne is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Cerne is mentally well.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia tilted her head and returned his smile. She studied the pouch again. She was still wary, but they looked benign. Why worry about the truth.

Can you teach me about it, sometime?

She nodded her head gave him a gentle nudge to his shoulder if he'd allow.

I'm ready to go back. Thank you for spending time with me today, Cerne.
92 Posts
Ooc — The System
Cerne smiled gently. "I would be happy to teach you. Perhaps, in a few days, I shall call upon you." She nudged his shoulder, and he smiled again before dipping his head. "It was a pleasure. Thank you for the gift." It would prove most useful in his readings. Cerne turned, and led the way back.
Physical Health (100/100)

Cerne is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Cerne is mentally well.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
765 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia's tail wagged gently. She often had to fight not to speak in whispers around Cerne. There was something otheworldly about the wolf. She liked him, he was kind to her, and she counted him a friend.

I would like that.

Amalia followed behind him. Whether they would converse as they walked. Or silence would be their goal. It didn't much matter she found, for she just enjoyed the company.

Thank you for the thread <3