Lion Head Mesa You're running out of time.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
All Welcome 
Any day now and the eye of the pharaoh might turn upon Nazli and become focused; if she was lucky, she could put it off - keep busy with other tasks, and hope his appetites were fed in other ways. Nazli worried. She had learned all she could from verbal lessons and instructions. She still burned with an awkward, childish bashfulness about the whole ordeal.
She took to the snow more often. It was cold and refreshing, but also it was so different outside of the palace walls and she craved the freedom of the outer limits.
Her thoughts could drift as she roamed, and she always returned promptly with plucked herbs, runner birds, or anything else to keep up appearances as a hard worker.
teach me your way
122 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
Down the hall, to the left.

She remembered the steps well, for they led to the spacious chamber where she often danced for the gods and goddesses, or even held lessons for the fellahin.

But on this day, not all steps were taken.

Oh! Nazli— She uttered, nearly stumbling as she turned the corner only to just about tumble over Nazli.

Seems we were both in a bit of a rush, A mused chuckle, trying to play off the embarrassment she now held hot in her cheeks.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
Her steps stuttered and she came up short, just in time to avoid a collision with her tutor. Sokha looked flustered for a moment and Nazli was respectful, looking away.
I was on my way to - she thought quickly, not wanting to speak the truth of the cold outside or her craving for those winter winds - the wellspring. For a cleaning. It's cleaning, I mean.
It wasn't due for another week at least, as few would use it while the river was frozen. There was no way to heat the underground spring themselves!
What about you? They were near the spacious room used for lessons, which Nazli was hoping to avoid.
teach me your way
122 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
The wellspring? To clean it? It seemed almost too absurd. But she let her suspicions pass. There was no grudge for her to hold against the girl, one becoming a woman, so she would continue to not let one grow.

I was just on my way into the chamber to pray. Sokha almost had a thought to invite Nazli, but then she realized the fellahin had enough time spent in that room already. It could wait another day or so.

How are you doing, truly? It wasn't much her place, but she was often concerned on her behalf. Sokha knew well that this was not the life Nazli chose, but one she was born into. If only there was a way to get her out— truly, the nebet would have helped.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
It wasn't uncommon for Sokha to show concern over Nazli. During their lessons she could be stern, but the girl learned that her motives weren't nefarious; there was something endearing in the level of care that the other woman spared for her. It was almost like having a big sister.
Oh, I am well. Nazli smiled the practiced smile she had been taught to carry. Was every moment a test? She could not be sure. I am... truthfully, nervous, for when my time comes... But you have prepared me. You and Sayf. The girl nods and tries to swallow some of her nerves.
Both of her tutors knew of her anxieties about her upcoming performance, should Ramesses summon her. With the Queen now away, Nazli felt her situation was much more dire.