Lost Creek Hollow Wake me when it's over
141 Posts
Ooc — xynien
All Welcome 
He felt disoriented when he woke up, struck by a sudden clarity that left him feeling quite foggy.
It was a trauma response. All of it. His reaction to Erzulie, his suspicion of Lestan, his sudden resurgence of wondering about things like trials and the trustworthiness of men in general. Even his determination to help Reverie, who he realized he only really cared about because he felt her current state was an injustice. He never could let go of The Evergarden completely.
Kel rose with a start, taking to the border of Riverclan with an uncharacteristic surge of agitation. He told himself over and over that The Evergarden was not perfect, it was deeply flawed, and no one should ever have to experience what he had. Willowspire had almost managed to teach him that. He missed it dearly. But it was gone now, and all of his friends were lost to him or dead. Kel paced along the border with a stiffness to him, a coldness at the realization that he would have to be his own support. He'd never been very good at that.
But he was older now than the first time he'd gone through this, and had committed himself to the building of something that would require more from him, more than he'd ever been asked to give before. He couldn't expect anyone to hold his hand through the resurgence of old hurts. These things would never really leave him, but he knew by now how to cope. It was just a matter of remembering that this was wrong, and that he was meant to be trying to cope.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ingram was gone and that was fine. He'd be back, maybe and he'd have an answer for her and she'd move on whether it was with him or against him had yet to be determined. But she was not a plaything for anyone, never had been never would be. She held herself like a queen, she was a queen and it was time to stop pretending otherwise.

It was with a graceful lope that she found the pack borders and she took a breath of the spring air as she shifted to mark borders and let other's know this was a no trespassing zone. Though her blue eyed gaze came upon the wolf Kelsier was it?

She studied him, he was a healer, as was Faun. They neither one realized she was a healer and a rather good one and she was fine with that.
141 Posts
Ooc — xynien
There wasn't much that Kel realized of his own accord, really. He simply didn't think of much beyond his own little bubble. So he didn't really know Ash Paw, or anything about her beyond her abrupt elevation to leadership. He paused at the sight of her, head tilting slightly as her gaze settled on him in turn. Something in her eyes reminded him of Erzulie.
After a moment, his gaze dropped. He shifted, still anxious and uncomfortable from his dreams. Willowspire was an open wound in his chest, and how could he go on like that? He didn't know, but somehow, he did. Hey. Out for a patrol? Kel offered a gentle smile, almost able to pretend that everything was normal. And it was, if he really thought about it. Riverclan was the same as it had always been.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw was a lonely wilf in a way. Ahe kept her own council. Her own ways. And she offered less yhan mediocre to others unless she truly cared for them like Gunnar, like Silvertongue, her children.

I am. Also gstherin herbs for mystocks. Its been too long since I stocked my healing herbs back up.

She iffered this freely in the hopes he would lessen his wsriness around her. She didn't know what it was for and wrongly assumed it was b3cause she was a leader.
141 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Kel's ears perked up at that, and he smiled in gentle surprise. An herbalist, then? Or a healer? Perhaps both. He took a careful step closer, bringing them to a more companionable distance from one another. Despite his wariness of the women in leadership, the fact that he barely knew them and was expected to respect their authority, he did desperately want to discard his misgivings. But first he would have to prove to himself that they were unfounded.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She looked at him with a small smile and as always a haughty tilt of her head and nodded. Both. I am also a midwife and a spiritualist.

Ash Paw could understand the want to be unsure of other's. And she herself had been wary of both Silvertongue and Crowfeather when she had first arrived and look at her now. Willing to fight for her spot and for her friends.
141 Posts
Ooc — xynien
What lofty titles she held, and numerous, too! Kel nodded, impressed and intimidated in equal measures. He suddenly felt overwhelmed with the need to make a good impression; how could he, when his own achievements were so scant next to hers? Yet he tried.
A spiritualist? He questioned, his tone inviting her to share more of her spirituality. Kel wasn't much one for those sorts of things — it bordered too closely on delusion more often than not for his comfort — but held a healthy respect for the beliefs of others. Provided it truly wasn't delusional, of course.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw didn't judge a wolf by the titles that they wore, but rather the type of wolf they were. Were they kind? Did they sit with the broken? or did they do the breaking? That was what she was concerned with and she was no angel. Goodness knows she wasn't. She was haughty andprideful and sinful and sometimes she was rude and arrogant. Even now her lofty title given was a bit egotistical.

I believe in two gods Atka and Sos. I know not many other's do and that's fine. But I pray to them and I also try and help others find a god if they so wish. Or if they wish to travel without that I say prayers of my own for them.
141 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Kel nodded, taking in this information with a somber expression. Tell me about them. Atka and Sos, He urged quietly, but without demand in his tone. If she didn't wish to speak of her religion in-depth, he wouldn't push her. But he felt that a wolf's beliefs told much about their lifestyle, and eagerly took the opportunity to learn more about one of the women who led him.
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She tilted her head and pieced through what she wanted to say.

 Atka is a white furred bear god wo is god of light, courage, wisdom, leadership, truth, Glory and power. Sos is a black furred bear. God of darkness, greed, vanity, trickery, rage, and power. They are two halves ot a whole. Atka mother of all living things, Sos mother of all dead things, darkness, shadows. There must be balance for the world to work. Most wolves who follow them choose one or the other. I refuse to do so. Because I believe in balance.