Meadowlark Prairie Long journey home
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
It had been a semi long journey down from the mountains on which they met. Stopping occasionally for a quick hunt to keep themselves fed. She looked over at @Spruce and it felt nice to not be alone and she wondered what would come of their friendship in the future but for now she stopped. “My old home is just over there but let’s rest for a bit.” She had been traveling a lot in her quest for children and she was as tired.

19 Posts
Ooc — Tuft

It had been a couple of days since they left the Sunspire Mountains. Spruce was not accustomed to the steep trails down the mountain, so it took him quite a bit longer than usual for the descent. When they finally stopped to talk about the next steps, he was surrounded by a sea of white. Not noticing any trees in the area, Spruce was confused when Moonshadow had mentioned that she used to have a den near here.

Asking Moonshadow about it, Spruce asked "You used to live here? There's nothing out here! Was there a fire or something after you left?"

you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Although the black bear was rarely worried for her safety when she met packs or other loners, there was something about seeing a pair of wolves alone in the wilds that had always unnerved her. One might be swayed to her side, or fought off if not. Packs, she could run from — they rarely cared to truly give chase. But a pair of loners, often, had no use for her friendship. She could fight them, but only at a disadvantage. She could run, but there was no territory to guard to tie them down.

And if they were hungry, she might be considered fair game.

She watched these two from a distance, wondering if she ought to turn tail and slink away. But she did not want to leave a trail back to her den until she'd discerned the temperaments of these wolves. Perhaps they were only travelers, or perhaps it was time for Easy to abandon Cedar Den for safer, more isolated climes.

Easy lingered nearby, offering a low chuff of greeting.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She chuckled at her companion’s inquisition. “Oh no not here, it’s a bit further forward.” She probably should have been more specific but as she spoke a scent hit her nose of another as well as the noise that came from behind her. “Oh hello.” She started off with greeting the wolf.

“This isn’t a packs territory is it?” She hadn’t smelt any other wolves here but better safe to ask then be sorry about it later.
19 Posts
Ooc — Tuft

The first thing that Spruce noticed of the new wolf was their scent. Clearly female. She had the alluring scent of a thunderstorm. The scent matched her like a lightning strike, sharp and quick movements, ready to attack at a moments notice. Her black fur made her stick out like a sore thumb in the midst of the pure white powdery snow.

Spruce tried to warn Moonshadow before any harsh decisions were to be made “Moonshadow wait.” Spruce said, stepping in front of Moonshadow to protect her. “We don’t want any trouble.We’re sorry, we didn’t know that there was a territory here. We’re just trying to go to my friend Moonshadow’s birth den.”

He looked sternly over at the new wolf, trying to assert dominance to at least walk away freely. “Please let us rest here and then we will leave you.”.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The black bear stood calmly across the field, worried orange eyes pinched at the corners. The wind was not in her favor, so she could not say much about the pair. A male and a female, one looking significantly older than the other. Mother and son?

The woman called out, friendly enough.

"Hello," Easy replied, taking a step forward. But the male cut in, then, nervous but still posturing. The thick fur along her spine prickled at this display, and her next step was stiff-legged, asserting dominance in turn. Her tail flagged, puffed in her wariness, and her ears pressed forward atop her broad, bear-like skull.

"Your friend is a grown woman," Easy replied, annoyed with the male's behavior toward his friend far more than she was with his behavior toward her. "Who can very well speak for herself."

She addressed her next words to the woman.

"There are no packs nearby. I am on my way home — it's half a day north, at a good clip."

She did not worry about them harassing her. The woman seemed sensible, and the male more presumptuous than nefarious. The black bear dared to move closer, to conversational distance, daring the male to stop her with a challenging stare.

"My name is Ishara," she said to the woman, her nostrils flaring now that she was close enough to better take in her scent.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
It seemed that the other woman was a mind reader and took the words from Moonshadows mouth and nudged her companion out the way softly. “Relax.” She stated calmly. “I’m confident in my ability to take care of myself but I don’t think it will come to that.” The woman stated there were no packs near here and she let out a sigh of relief because there was no intrusion. 

The woman came closer and Moonshadow was alright with that. The conversation was civil between them and the woman relaxed. “Pleasure to meet you, I am Moonshadow. This is my new friend Spruce.” She took the liberty of introducing them. She didn’t want her friend to offend the woman more, although she thought it sweet he wanted to protect her.m even though she was a seasoned warrior herself

The thought of a pack made her think however. “We are simply traveling possibly looking for a pack to join.” 
19 Posts
Ooc — Tuft
Spruce looked at Moonshadow with worry. “I’m sorry. It’s just always been my job to protect the people that I love and care about.” Spruce whispered over to her.

He looked back over to Ishara. “My deepest apologies, I meant no dishonor to either of you. My name is Spruce Pinebreeze, son of Alder Pinebreeze. Please, if there is anything that I can do to help you or your pack out, it would be my honor to help you.” Spruce tried to keep his stern look, but couldn’t help but feel guilty.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The apology was enough to soothe Easy's ruffled feathers — especially since his friend had given similar admonishment. Still, she had a feeling that he was the sort of wolf she'd end up butting heads with, if they spent any amount of time together.

The black bear was already queuing up a list of packs they might visit, her own son's at the top of the list, when the male introduced himself. Spruce was innocent enough — didn't she have a cousin named Spruce? — but when his surname was spoken, she felt her heart stand still. Her features went slack, all except for the bright burn of her eyes, and she took a step closer to the young man to search his face for clues.

She found them there.

"Where is the rest of your family, Spruce?" she asked, almost conversationally. But there was a breathless quality to the words, and a desperate sort of urgency in her eyes. She hoped for him to say, Back at home! We're all fine — but even if he did not, his existence alone was enough cause for celebration.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
19 Posts
Ooc — Tuft
As per request, Moonshadow will be skipped this turn

Spruce took a step back when Ishara examined him closely. “What is she doing?” He thought to himself. 

He found it difficult to talk about his family, but this was not the time or place for feelings. “There was a great fire in my territory. I believe that I am the only survivor in my family’s pack.” He said. 

Thinking about that day now, he remembered the pain as embers burned at his fur. He remembered his Ma yelling out to him to leave the den, only for a tree to fall over and trap the entrance, forcing him to stay where he was. The distinct scent of smoke filling the den consuming him as he eventually passed out, only to awaken confused and alone. Since he was just a pup at the time, it took him several days to dig himself out.

He recounted those memories to Ishara and Moonshadow, a look of forlorn and sadness on his face as he discussed it. “I have been wandering the great wilderness ever since. I doubt if any of my pack made it out alive, but I am searching every twig in the trees and holes in the ground to make sure.” He remarked. 

Spruce stammered as he thought of the reason why Ishara was examining him. “Have you met with my pack before?

536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Feel free to skip until acknowledged she’ll just let them talk.”

The she wolf was looking intently at her traveling partner and she wondered if she knew him or something. But that couldn’t be the case because he didn’t know her. The showy woman would just listen as the other two spoke.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy stared at him, her lips still parted to form words she did not know. Her thoughts swarmed and her heart swelled, and abruptly, she felt tears welling in her eyes and a lump forming in her throat.

"Yes," she managed to say. "Spruce — I must introduce you to someone. The son of my heart, Anurag. We should go at once."

Before she grew too fat and heavy to make the journey. It wouldn't do to give birth so far from Cedar Den.

Her eyes did not want to come away from Spruce's face, but she finally looked back at Moonshadow. "I am pleased to meet you," she said, a little sheepish as she realized she'd ignored the woman. "I should say: we should go as soon as you have rested. The journey will take several days."
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
19 Posts
Ooc — Tuft

Spruce squinted his eyes in uncertainty. “What does she know that I don’t?” He wondered to himself. Looking back toward Moonshadow to see if she agrees that he should follow, he asks Ishara “Thank you, we might need to discuss things before we leave. Where would you like for us to sleep?”.

536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She thought it best to speak now that all of that was out of the way. “I know of a few dens in the woods over that way. But that is all. I’m not too familiar with the surrounding area.”

Their current location didn’t leave much for rest they were out in the open. Although a group of three wouldn’t really be messed with.

Several days seems like a long way and they had been traveling for a while already. The woman was right they needed to rest.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
They would come! Spruce seemed uncertain, but Easy was confident in her ability to deliver him to the coast. Moonshadow, at least, seemed like she would be a valuable ally in this.

"Wheresoever you like," she replied, giving Spruce a small smile. Perhaps he had rubbed her the wrong way at first, but there was no way she could hold any dislike in her heart for one of Sumac's blood. It was far too sweet a blessing that he existed here at all. "I think right here is nice, but there's a creek not too far as well."

They would have to hunt along the way. Or perhaps Easy would fetch them something while they rested? If she didn't go too far...

"I could also show you to my den," she said then, "But it is half a day north, as I said. And if we stay for the night, I shall have to tell my friends. I shall have to tell them I am traveling, regardless."

When she found a moment, the black bear stepped away to sing for @Wilwarin, @Lilitu, and @Madhuri. She was not sure whether the women were still near enough to hear, but she gave her message all the same.

I will travel tomorrow. All are welcome. I do not know when I will be back.

Tags just for reference.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
19 Posts
Ooc — Tuft
You know this area the best.Spruce said to Ishara. “We’ll follow your lead.

A gentle wag formed as Spruce went to follow Ishara from the excitement of this new adventure. Was it possible that one of his family members was alive? No. There was no way. He’d spent the past two and a half years looking for them. He would have seen someone by now, right?

Spruce could barely walk he was so tired. He hadn’t slept for the past two days, and now he was feeling it.