Ocean's Breath Plateau [M] Let's take our love, one night at a time.
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy

Mature Content Warning

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Vague intimate matters.
I dunno quite how to start this… but here we go. @Sumac

The night Sumac came home was a wonderful night, and at last, it was the two of them again, and the miniature cougar, snoozing somewhere close. Raindrop nuzzled into him as she snuggled back down into their den, softly whispering into his ears. “I missed you, my love.” She crooned as she licked his cheek, grooming him. Unbeknownst to her, she’d finally stared her heat. Perhaps this was why she felt extra affectionate.

It was quite all except for the not so distant sound of waves, and the gentle purring of the miniature cougar.
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But inside me, there is a light…
120 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
I don't either, so it's all good!

Sumac couldn't recall the last time someplace had seemed so inviting, someplace existed that he had been so eager to return to, but as he entered the mouth of their den, he felt his earlier tension begin to melt from his body. The familiar scent, so heavy with Raindrop's own perfume, the particular personalization she'd arranged - a shell here, an interesting rock there - made it all the more... home. Huh. Funny, he thought to himself, that he'd found another place to call home other than what had once been Pinetree Ridge. 

His eyes adjusted to the dimmed light quickly, and he once again enveloped his entire being into her embrace. It was so warm, so safe: a perfect heaven to stand in stark contrast to the hell his mind had put him through mere moments prior. Her affectionate caresses were returned, a deep rumble resonating in his chest as he savored her ministrations.

"I missed you, too - oh, how I missed you," he replied softly, his voice seeming to take on a deeper pitch as he spoke in low, private tones, "I couldn't stop thinking about you while I was away, and I couldn't wait to return home to you."

Something was different here, something 'Mac couldn't quite put a proverbial finger on. He felt a little intoxicated, as if the entire world had shrunk to just the two of them, blacking out everything else to the periphery of his awareness. She was his everything in this moment, and he paused to gently tend to her neck with his own gentle licks, the muffled sound of the ocean's song providing a perfect backdrop to this blissful fragment of time.

He stole a quick sidelong glance at the curled-up feline in the corner and would have found its preferred sleeping posture - hugging its hindlegs with its forelimbs, forehead pressed against them - amusing at any other time. Right now, though, he silently bid the "cougar" stay asleep, leaving them alone to drift in their reverie.
…Even in the darkest night
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
His voice was like a gentle lullaby, filling her soft rusty ears, gently flicking from the sound. It was their own peace of heaven here, and it seemed like right now, her world was perfect. 

He softly returned her affections, licking her neck, she quietly moaned, and she tucked her head under his chin. “I couldn’t stop thinking of you either. But now we’re together, and everything is alright. Perfect almost.”

As the morning dawned, the dark of the sky was lightening to the soft shades of dawn, and that little bit of light creeped into their dark little space. The rest of the world seemed to disappear when she was with him, her body close against his.

“Thank you for choosing me, ‘Mac. To love, to cherish, and to start a family with.” Then she closed her eyes, listening to his heart beat, oh, how wonderful was the sound of living.
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(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
But inside me, there is a light…
120 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
A serene smile curled the Mackenzie's lips, the gentle, dim cascade of newborn dawn light casting the guard hairs of his plush coat afire, making his profile seem to glimmer in the darkness with shades of subtle cinnamon and gold. His bright eyes were half-lidded, his side pressed into her own as he desperately tried to burn this sublime moment into his memory, to hold tightly onto for eternity.

Her scent enraptured him, seemingly pulling him into her ever more tightly. He'd never felt like this before - it was a completely new sensation. 

"Perfect - yes, I say it is," he rumbled, licking the crown of her head with an almost reverent air, for she was truly a being worth honoring. "And thank you - for giving this awkward mountain boy a chance, for seeing me when the darkness takes over, for being you," he purred, burying his nose into her warm, sepia-dashed fur.

... And to start a family with.

That phrase hit him like a freight train, and his mind clung to it with a vigor he'd not yet experienced. Yes... why did now seem so right? A spasm of fear jolted through him, and he felt suddenly as if things were proceeding outside of his control. The feeling was simultaneously thrilling beyond comprehension, and utterly terrifying.

"This den - what do you think, my love? I think our home is perfect, just as it is. Are you happy with it?" he asked casually, his gaze taking in the carefully carved walls.
…Even in the darkest night
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Raindrop had never felt so close to another being, never felt such a strong sensation like what was being felt early this morn. His cinnamon and gold upon his coat glowed in the early morning light, his gilded eyes, drowsy. Along with this new sensation, she began to feel drowsy herself.

She listened quietly as he returned her thanks, thank her for giving him a chance. He wasn’t awkward, he was strong with a heart of gold. “You’re welcome. No matter what life throws at us, I’ll be there for you, and if you ever have a hard day, I’ll do my best to light the way.”

He then asked what she thought of their den. “I’m more than happy with it. It’s our home now.”

As the dawn continued to grow, so did her sleepiness. Then, at some point, her eyes fought the motion to keep them open, and before she’d known, she drifted into sleep, to the sound of her husband’s heartbeat.

If you want to keep it goin, let me know. I’m loving all the warm fluffy vibes.
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(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
But inside me, there is a light…
120 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
Sumac parted his lips, hesitating as he second-guessed himself about broaching a sensitive subject. But as his gaze fell back upon his beloved, he noticed she'd drifted off. A warm smile adorned his maw as he felt his own eyelids drooping. He'd been running himself hard the past few days, and now that he was in the safest place in the universe and beside the keeper of his heart, he found his body beckoning to rest.

'Mac fought sleep for a few more moments, content to watch the dim light within the den grow, bathing Raindrop's slumbering form in warm radiance. Yes, he knew what he wanted, and it seemed she wanted it, too. They had everything they needed, and for the first time, he felt confident in his ability to raise and provide for a family. But that would be a discussion for another time. He wasn't going anywhere, not for a good while, at least, when he'd check back in on Easy. Sumac was feeling protective, and daresay, a touch possessive of his partner. The strength of it surprised him, he mused, as he felt his consciousness slowly lose its grip. Laying his head across his wife's back, 'Mac fell into a dreamless slumber, the ocean's surf and the calls of gulls providing him with an unsurpassable lullaby.

We can keep going in this thread or close it and start a new one. I'm fine with continuing to use this one.
…Even in the darkest night
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Cool with me. We’ll see where this can go. ;)

Once she’d fallen fast asleep, he’d been awake, thinking, but it wasn’t before long that he’d drifted off too. And how could one not? The waves rolling, the wind, the gulls on high, it was natures lullaby.

And there they stayed, until the dawn became brighter, the sky lightening to a pale pink with hints of yellow and blue. By the time she’d began to stir, the early sunlight had shone upon their den, the light now pouring in vs trickling. But the light is not why she stirred, she felt almost an ache, so she decided to reposition herself, so that she could look outside the den mouth. Oh, the sunrise was beautiful, and had her leg not been injured, she’d spring upon all four legs and frolic in nature’s beauty.

She then look to her sleeping husband, her eyes sweeping over him. She knew he would be the right one, to father their children, to help raise and provide for them.

“‘Mac?” She whispered, then waited for a response. If she asked him for what she and her body wanted, would he oblige? Would he say yes?
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(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
But inside me, there is a light…
120 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
Sumac dozed peacefully as the rays of morning light waxed, spilling abundantly into the den's open mouth. A waft of briny sea air caught his nose, a subtle shift felt from Raindrop, and his eyelids slowly, reluctantly, complied with his will to open. His wife's distinct, sweet scent overtook his senses, filling him once again with that unnamed sensation that was so new to him, awoken from somewhere deep within his very DNA.

'Mac lifted his head, jaws parting in a massive yawn before returning together again with a soft click. A dreamy smile that reached is eyes played at his maw, his gaze finding its way to his beloved's form, so beautiful in the dappled dawn light. She'd called his name, and he readily replied. 

"Yes, love?"

He was sure that she could ask him to do anything in this moment, and he'd move Heaven and Earth to oblige. Sumac applied a gentle caress of his tongue between her eyes and upward to her crown, savoring the sensation and the peace of this moment.
…Even in the darkest night
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Her sleeping believed awoke with a yawn and a dreamy smile upon his maw. His gaze was upon her form, so she gave a swish of her tail. He’d readily responded to her speaking his name, and she had a dreamy look in her eyes, “If I were to ask for children this season, would you oblige? I believe my heat started.” This belief would be an accurate one, explaining the sweet scents, the intimate feelings, and the desire to be close to her loved one.

At this moment, she placed her gaze to his gilded eyes, a look of hope, maternal desire perhaps.If he did not want it this season, she would respect his word, even though she’d really wanted children.
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(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
But inside me, there is a light…
120 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
Sumac's heart stopped for a faint moment, then abruptly resumed its beating, but at a frantic pace. He felt his pupils expand quickly before returning to their normal diameter, a flame ignited within those liquid golden pools as he scrutinized her face.

If I were to ask for children this season, would you oblige?

The fire spilled from his eyes to the rest of his body, his blood pulsing with a sudden sense of urgency, a sudden need he'd didn't know needed fulfilled. 

"Nothing would bring me more pleasure," he replied, his voice husky and barely above a whisper. 

He had some idea of what was to occur next, but he was as of yet untested in the dance of love. 'Mac had faith that instinct would show him the steps, but it couldn't fully quell the tiny pit of trepidation that settled in his belly. He hoped he would be at least a passable lover, able to make their union one that truly projected his love for her. He swallowed, slowly rising to his feet as he playfully applied a nip to her ear.

"Shall we dance, m'lady?" he asked with a bow, a toothy grin playing on his maw.
…Even in the darkest night
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
His eyes lit with a fire of passion, and her heart beat faster as he accepted her request. He nipped playfully at her ear, and she rose to her feet beside him, “We shall.” A big grin upon her face, her eyes sparkled with the same passion which lit his eyes. She stepped out of the den, her injury hadn’t cause her more than a mild pain, so her half of the dance of love would be a little gimpy. 

If she told herself she wasn’t nervous, it’d be a lie, she was nervous, but her being was created with an embedded instinct which would hopefully guide her. She returned his bow outside the den upon the sand, giving a wag of her tail, her body language saying “Let’s dance!”

And they danced….
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(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
But inside me, there is a light…
120 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
Sumac's smoldering gaze tracked his beloved's movements as she stood and exited the den, and he remained right on her heels. They were inseparable now, his world contracted to just the two of them as he emerged, blinking in the sudden sunlight, into a world that seemed fresher, newer, and laden with promise.

The sea air caressed his fur as he turned to face her, tail waving like a flag behind him. He bowed again, dipping his head before standing upright, and slowly closed the gap between them.

He'd take his time with her - he didn't want to rush; he wanted to savor her, to honor her, to please her. All these things he wished before they would eventually increase the tempo of their steps, guided by the ancient song that resonated in their veins. 

Their first dance was a precious experience for 'Mac, something even his wildest dreams could not conjure. Each touch, caress, and sensation was a beautiful note in their harmony as they wove together a melody that would forever alter the fabric of their lives.

As the music faded and their steps stilled, Sumac felt a serenity he never knew existed, his heart practically overflowing with utmost affection for Raindrop, and elation for the future.

Forgive my awkwardness!
…Even in the darkest night
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Not awkward at all. ;)

They took their time, a slow dance of passion, of love. The feelings that had presented themselves were new, foreign, yet somehow felt normal, natural, and she’d enjoy every minute of their love dance.

This moment in their lives was something to be treasured, savored, soon, they would quicken their steps, the passion between them growing. The distant waves echoed, the gulls sang their song, the sunshine began to show itself. Everything seemed to be in sync, she matched his steps until their dance slowed again, and she stopped her prancing. 

She looked him in the eyes, her words soft “Shall we begin the finale?”
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(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
But inside me, there is a light…
120 Posts
Ooc — Mantra
He met her gaze with a heated one of his own, his intensity flaring to new heights as he once again closed the distance between them.

"Yes, we shall," he rumbled, voice hoarse as he gently stole a quick lick to her cheek.

Allowing the overture to fill the morning air once more, the notes came naturally, his steps a perfect choreography to the rhythm. The song had only one line, one that played over and over:

I love you, now and forever.

Shall we fade or continue this thread?
…Even in the darkest night
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
I think a fading wrap will be fine. Thank you, Rain. :) This thread was quite the pleasure.

With a lick to the cheek, the finale began…. She would remember this, her first performance of love, with the first love of her life. She’d treasure this for as long as she was able, and she’d treasure him, her mountain man, her love, her life. And as the music ended, the performance came to a close; The finale was a success.

The morning air kissed their coats, the fur ruffling with the cool breeze. Spring would soon come, before too long, and the green of the earth would come out once more, gracing the world with it’s presence. So too, would new life. The future seemed brighter than the sun, and as vast as the oceans.
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