Firefly Glen [m] oh i was sure
114 Posts
Ooc — Van

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Though the sun was not visible, it would be clear to most animals that sunset was fast approaching. The dark sky seemed held aloft by a band of overcast light, the dregs before the night. But it didn’t matter what time of day it was: River was going to carry her scent proudly – flaunt it for every nose she could reach.

She ranged far and wide, this time weaponizing her temperamental desire rather than hiding it. She had hidden it too many times, and now it had come with the fury of a need long scorned. She bathed in all the attention, all the affection, then she would simply wash it all away each time, letting the coldness of her namesake rush over her before pressing on, ceaselessly, just as the riverwaters did.

Every encounter thus far had been exhilarating – even when they were negative – and she had yet to tire of the battle. She still wanted, wanted, wanted. It felt unending.
90 Posts
Ooc — Twin

initially, he'd gone out only to hunt.
he thought of the pretty girl back home, galana; he wanted to bring her something nice, as if to say thank you for tolerating me. ajei had left, and with her she had taken a little, tiny piece of his scorned heart; as a result, peregrine became cranky.
he is hasty as he thuds through the glen, on the trail of a pheasant that had been evading him for at least the last thirty minutes. impatient and perturbed, his tongue lashes out over his upper lip as a fine layer of saliva now coats it. but then —
perhaps there was something better waiting for him out here.
a scent that could be recognized by anyone based on instinct alone, the boy begins to posture as he follows it; when he locates the source, he is wordless, greeting her only with a silent wave of his tail.
114 Posts
Ooc — Van

The gloom deepened and the fireflies began winking alive. River had nearly given up on her dream of being pounded until she was jelly-limbed that day, when a wolf appeared. She fixed him with a faultfinding stare.

Dark-cloaked, honey-cheeked – both of the face and back end – he looked to her like a delicious, nougaty snack. Though not quite as tall or muscular as she’d found previously and would have preferred, he did have the strong lean legs of a long-distance runner. Which meant that he might have it in him to stay mounted until he was told he could crumble…

She wanted to test him, demand a show of his hunter’s skill, but her appetites did not correlate with food this evening. Instead, she would test his mettle. River tipped her head at him, a ripple traveling along her spine like a wave.

Come closer, if you dare.
90 Posts
Ooc — Twin
and dare he does.
the siren call of the mauve-painted stranger pulls him in like a trance, or perhaps a high he ought not to chase; but he saunters closer to her anyway, approaching her from the flank. she is older, perhaps older than he; strong, earthen. not his usual type either, he thinks, but who was he to complain when a free meal was offered to him?
that is, if she would accept his advances. a low rumble purls from his throat in instinctive greeting, and he reaches out with the hopes of meeting his face to her nape in order to exchange scents.
114 Posts
Ooc — Van
His advance was met with a curled lip but little else to indicate that River wanted something other than him. She stood to receive him, bristling with divine warning, even as she tail-waved her scent his way. Intoxicated by hormones, her body simmered, enveloped in an aura of desire.

Eyes of molten silver cooled over him, pouring over his every line and appreciating what she saw.

He was even better up close; maybe her taste in men was evolving.

Allowing his touch, she reached for him in the same way, inhaling his packscent, his virile blood. He was of age and could make a fine offering to her womb.

Can you dance? she coaxed, circling him. He'd passed the first test with flying colors, now all she needed was to see his confidence in himself, even if he lied. Nothing more would need to be said if he proved this.
90 Posts
Ooc — Twin
he was no stranger to this, having stumbled his way into the pants of many a woman and man during his time away from home; but it had always been out of season. never before had there been risk to it in this way. even still, he is not afraid.
he rumbles as his teeth find her chin, her ear, her pulsepoint, making his way down in a teasing, sultry way. his breath beats up against her nape, spurred on by the same wild instinct that trapped many a man in the black widow's web for centuries.
how do you like it, sweetheart? his lip curls into a smirk, serrated as a knife. you show me. it's all about you.
114 Posts
Ooc — Van
She wished he’d shut up, left it at the affirmative, but his touch had brought heat to her veins, her eyes, her mouth. She felt fire, saw fire, tasted fire. And where she might’ve rebuffed him any other time, she could now only look at him with intense want – herself unquestioning in this unfettered appetite, the need to sate her bodily desires.

But even without the hormones, she found the shyster’s sharktoothed grin absolutely devastating. Her naturally devilish tastes found this to be a handsome trait she would like to see in her children.

I’ll show you. A purr. A kiss. A proper stance.

* * *

When they came undone, River melted to the ground and languished in the soreness radiating through her. She had been eager to know his strength, and he had proved himself well, yet again. He was full of surprises, it seemed.

Lying on her side, breaths slowing, she lifted her head to regard him approvingly in the afterglow, committing his features to memory.
90 Posts
Ooc — Twin
an intoxicating temptress; peregrine was lit entirely aflame as he cast his strong limbs around her hips, pressed his chest to her back. he'd almost forgotten what this was like, this dance. he let her lead him to where she wanted him, following her commands with the vigor of a firecracker, the power of a lightning strike.
and it felt as if he'd been waiting his whole life for this.


he sprawls out at her side as his breath heaves deep in his chest, tender limbs splayed out across the bed of moss beneath them. she looks at him and he melts all over again, though all she is greeted with is a lazy grin and half-hooded eyes. cool yellow flushes across his face as little lightning bugs begin their dance.
he says nothing else; there was nothing to say unless she wished it from him. for now, he will enjoy this pleasant dizziness until the inevitable swirl of regret comes for him yet again.