Two Eyes Cenote another sunny day
88 Posts
Ooc — bon
All Welcome 
a new, big day. the young fellahin begins work with a howl, a cry for milk.
her duties include stomping through the palace, rubbing against the walls to scratch an itch, get mad at her siblings for being no fun, and sleep.

right now, she waddles out from the nursery as confident as ever. especially now that her legs are better at keeping up with her mind, thank you.
the only thing is.. now what? she patrols the halls for someone to speak with, something to do.
music will tie what's left of me
50 Posts
Ooc — orion
As the days flew by, the young fellahin found himself glued less and less to his mother's side. While his nights were spent curled in the crook of her arms, when the desert sun bathed Muat-riya's halls in sapphire blue, he would roam the nearby halls seeking one thing in particular: the Red Palace.

Inji's stories kept his curiosity alight and he was utterly determined to find it. Emerging from the nursing chambers, Kheti picked a direction that was definitely north and began his journey's march. Left, right, he wound his way through blue corridors until he turned a corner and almost collided headfirst with his sister with a surprised squawk.
experimental character, may sound clunky!
88 Posts
Ooc — bon
something big and ugly hit her square on the head!

she's knocked back onto her rump, and tiye stares stupidly at kheti before suddenly bursting into a flurry of wails and tears. her head rocks so far back it nearly knocks her onto her back next as she screams to the heavens of her brother's injustice.
music will tie what's left of me
50 Posts
Ooc — orion
They made contact with a heavy thump.

Being the bigger of the two had certainly had its advantages, unfortunate as it was for poor Tiye. The boy stumbled slightly but otherwise remained upright, blinking in shock for just a moment as the air around them held its breath.

Until the young fellahin found himself watching in horror as she sank to the ground and began to cry. "Teeee!" he squeaks, rushing to comfort her with a hasty nuzzle. Was she okay? He hadn't meant to hurt her! Oh, if only he'd been more careful.

"S-sorry, sor- Tee, 'kay?" Between guilty hiccups, he placed a lick upon her head as if to kiss the bump better. Since the feather incident, her dramatics had begun to pull on invisible heartstrings that brought with it an unavoidable urge to protect her.
experimental character, may sound clunky!
88 Posts
Ooc — bon
he suffocates her after the bump, the kiss to the head did nothing for tiye other than suppress a tantrum. she huffed out.
no. and shoved kheti away, no matter how futile it was. things used to be a little more equal when they were. well. born.

back to her feet, she rises with a pout, unsure what to do now that her tantrum had been interrupted, but anger still swelled. thinking, she stares at a wall before a smirk curls her lips. one slow look at tiye, and she bounds onto her hindlegs to "attack".
music will tie what's left of me
50 Posts
Ooc — orion
A force to his chest sent him stumbling back, tripping over too-clumsy feet until he landed on his rump with a dumbfounded expression. "I sorry, Tee. 'Bout Saf'ya too," he tried to explain, watching in confusion as a smile curled it's way onto Tiye's lips. Was she okay, now? Why had she pushed him away? His lip quivered, none of this made sense!

Until she careened cat-like towards him and collided gently with his shoulder. This was another one of her games, wasn't it? Mind blurred, the boy reached out a paw to cuff her ear weakly, though his urge to play remained unusually subdued.
experimental character, may sound clunky!
88 Posts
Ooc — bon
kheti was an immovable boulder and she is not unstoppable, unfortunately. he tugs her ear, quietly asserting his victory and the girl slumps. only now does she pay mind to his apology.

she isn't all that mad at kheti. no, he didn't do much of anything.
safi say sorry. you no. she huffs. safi bad.
music will tie what's left of me