Neverwinter Forest ol’ mcdonald
32 Posts
Ooc — nami
Random Event 
another puppy meeting! if more than 4 players join, we’ll do rounds every 3-4 days
attn: @Haoming @Luli @Xiaoqing @Asmoses @Caerus @Finín @Ciarán @Nuala @Miwa @Sotiris

naoyuki knew that they weren’t home anymore. he didn’t know why they’d left, or where they’d ended up, but he didn’t mind the change. it felt good to refresh his senses with something new.

he kept close to his mothers more often than not, choosing to socialize with his family instead of strangers, but he decided to take a risk and wander just out of earshot for the day.
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great bear wilderness · closed for threads (0/5)
❝The object of the superior man is truth.❞
124 Posts
Ooc — summer
nüwu didn't fully understand why mama had moved them. wasn't the island okay? the place was so unfamiliar, and it smelled of strange wolves, and the trees were a different sort... she didn't necessarily dislike it, but change was scary, and nüwu felt unsure.

now that the sandy girl was growing older, she could wander the territory more comfortably without the supervision of an adult. though of course mama watched her when she could, nüwu was a submissive and generally well-behaved girl, and without the ocean nearby, there was little risk for her to hurt herself. upon her wandering, she encountered one of the other babies from her pack- she could tell, he smelled like the salt winds- and she settled on her haunches before him, mumbling a little 你说中文吗? for she was learning that while some did, many did not.
108 Posts
Ooc — nami
strangely enough, huojin might have been the only coastal wolf that didn’t mind their move inland. he didn’t want to leave pride rock behind, but the thoughts of being away from the water (if only for a little while!) was equally as comforting. 

the strangers, though, he could do without.

huojin broke from his mother’s side and began to explore, trying to keep himself from being noticed by the outside wolves. it wasn’t until his noticed nuwū’s distant frame that he sped up to meet her.

我做, he told her with a nod. his common was improving, but it still wasn’t very good. the other little boy his cousin had been talking to squirmed oddly and turned his head away, confusing huojin in the process.
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great bear wilderness · closed for threads (0/5)
137 Posts
Ooc — nami
there wasn’t anything good; nothing good was left. liliana didn’t understand much of what was happening, or why it had to happen, but she knew that each of these new people being thrust into her life meant to hurt her in one way or another.

she carefully avoided the adults, trying her best to remain unnoticed whenever possible. however, she couldn’t help her natural curiosity about the new pups, as had been evident with her early meeting of the rosy girl.

more of them were gathered near the rendezvous, none of whom she’d ever seen before. what were they doing? hi, yana called out, mostly to the dark, speckled girl, lili. her tail was gently tucked, but she’d assumed a much calmer stance than she might have otherwise.
great bear wilderness · open for threads (2/5)
208 Posts
Ooc — summer
just a cameo so he doesnt ruin the fun, also hes an emo preteen rn lol

Caerus was following the earth, looking for some scent to track, any sort of prey that could fill a cache or his stomach. Instead he found one salty scent, and another, and Liliana... and he followed them idly, brushing past the clearing where they chattered.

Caerus did not bother hiding himself, just cast an unreadable gaze over all of them, making eye contact where he could. These days it seemed all the children of the world were his happy little siblings- and though they looked and smelled different, Caerus still assumed the same. More of dad's kids. It felt strange to think of them as siblings when he felt so divided from them. 

He had no interest in joining this rag-tag band of bonding children, in spite of the fact that it could be a chance at friends. He didn't want them. And so after that moment, Cae continued past them, setting his nose back to the ground to hunt.
29 Posts
Ooc — Hela
Nuala wasn't really afraid of anything yet; she really had no reason to be. Today was the first day she had ventured this far from her parents and siblings, but she was curious and the scents of wolves outside her immediate family intrigued her enough that she clumsily traipsed through the forest to find them. 

She saw the group of three kids and then one other kid off in the distance with a strangely blank look on his face. She decided she would definitely pester him later. Right now, she was more interested in the other three puppies. She skipped over to them and sat down. Mine, she said, although it was probably unclear to them what she was stating to be hers, she was referring to the forest—it was hers and she wanted that them to know it. Mine was one of the few coherent things she could say, along with no, nu-uh, go, mama, and papa. Most everything else she said, never quite made sense, but she was getting there. 

Despite her proprietary declaration, she still looked to each child with a pleasantly curious expression. She wondered what they were doing here.
32 Posts
Ooc — nami
there’s still only three of us here! i’m going to post to keep things moving, and we’ll do rounds every 72 hours. this post will be for all three of my characters. :)
attn: @Asmoses @Haoming @Xiaoqing @Luli @Miwa @Sotiris
you’re all still welcome to join!

naoyuki could sense their group growing, though he didn’t have an exact count of how many there were. it was difficult to track everyone’s breathing with the constant beating of rain against the canopy acting as sound traffic.

he decided to use voices instead, and could count four distinct children. two of them spoke a language that he hadn’t heard before — 浩明在哪里? huojin asked — while the others spoke in single words of common.

he blinked his eyes, using the sparse sunlight to count what shadows could be distinguished. near him sat the smallest blob, whom he might have assumed was miwa if not for her voice; across were two slightly offset figures, with one standing just behind the other, and to his right was the final participant. the fleeting silhouette of caerus could hardly be distinguished, with how quickly he moved.

the farthest child spoke, allowing him to place a position to its voice — who are you? the girl asked, slowly inching forward. naoyuki had to assume that the question was directed toward him, and so he enthusiastically replied, nao - nao! liliana smiled, and awaited the other childrens’ answers.
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great bear wilderness · closed for threads (0/5)
❝The object of the superior man is truth.❞
124 Posts
Ooc — summer
yes other babies join plz

when huojin arrived to explain that he did speak her language, nüwu giggled. 我知道。妈妈说我们是家人。 nüwu explained, in case his mother had not taught him the same. of course, she did not know that some of her relatives did not speak her language, but for now she had no reference to go by. she had scarcely met baba, after all (it was besides the fact that he was not even her real baba- she would never meet that man). 

soon more children arrived, though her original question was not yet answered by the dark boy. still, she had little time to focus on that- this new grey girl said 'lili'. did she mean luli? or was this... it wasn't any other recognizable word that she knew of. perhaps it was a name, too. caerus went entirely unnoticed, and then there was the smallest girl- who only mustered a single word. nüwu knew that word, but she wasn't sure what the girl meant by it in this context.

she stared at her silently for a moment, and then shifted her gaze back towards huojin. 现在,我不知道。 she offered with a shrug. then lili was asking who they were- and the boy from her home introduced himself as nao-nao, in the other language. nüwu didn't understand why a boy would be named 脑脑- brain brain- but didn't feel inclined to judge. instead she offered a gentle smile to lili, i am nüwu jiang. um, hi. she managed awkwardly, ears flattened shyly to her head.
70 Posts
Ooc — Van
she's so mean i'm so sorry

Haoming did not like the move. This sucked. This forest was stupid and she was angry. There were lots of stupid babies here - not like her siblings, who were super smart, or Huojin, who was also a genius. These babies were dumb. She hated them. 

There was one kid who wasn't dumb though. The one who didn't join the group - an older boy, spotty, with red eyes that matched one of hers. She huffed grumpily at him, but it was more of a sound of recognition, before stomping right past one of the pups from this pack and straight up to her sister and Huojin. They were the only reason she was even at this stupid meeting place. 

The dumb baby from the new pack claimed ownership of... something. Haoming didn't like that. So she bumped her shoulder against Nuwu's and placed a paw on Huojin's back, narrowing her multicolored gaze at the tiny creature who dared claim anything. 

"Here," she announced, taking her paw off the ginger boy and sitting down, fur ruffled and clearly unhappy. But she had family here, so that was good enough reason for her to stay. "Haoming," she introduced. Keeping her vocabulary limited to one-word responses helped ease her stutter, she found.
137 Posts
Ooc — nami

everyone spoke differently from her family, either because of accents or entire languages. not being able to understand what they were saying made liliana equally curious and uncomfortable. she understood well enough to get everyone’s names, and that was the important part.

caerus passed by, causing her to flinch. sorry, she would mutter to anyone watching. huojin, the fiery boy said, hi, haoming. liliana’s attention flickered to the circle’s new entry, whom she offered a small smile. she became more comfortable with each passing moment, a nice change of scenery compared to what had been.

where you guys come from? yana asked, this is nuala. and there’s fini, and sully, and ki - ki. and this is called never - winner. the little blind boy giggled, opening his mouth to parrot: newiner!
great bear wilderness · open for threads (2/5)