BUH!!Caerus shouted to no one in particular. He stood just outside the entrance to the den, big blue eyes gazing up at the sky that reflected them. He was completely in awe of that vast expanse for now. No matter where he turned his head, it was everywhere! How could such a thing exist? How far away was it? Could he touch it?
wuh...came the expression of his wonder, as he fell back onto his haunches to continue looking upward until something else came along to distract him.
April 01, 2020, 08:29 PM
Lenny hadn't really expected to come across the pup today. She'd heard that there was one in the pack, but it wasn't like she knew where to find it. So it came as quite the shock when, during a walk around the territory, she was halted in her tracks by a loud, squeaky, and also very adorable, "BUH!"
In Torbine, there were many pups, so it wasn't like the girl hadn't seen one before. But this one was spotty, brown and white, and her mind made the obvious connection to Mal - the only other spotted wolf she'd ever seen. Who coincidentally also led this pack.
The little creature was looking up at the sky, and Lenny smiled as she walked over, popping her head above the little guy so he could see her face. "Hi there, squirt," she greeted, tail waving behind her.
April 01, 2020, 08:41 PM
Dad? Dark and bigger than him- that was what dad looked like, right? No- this wolf had different color eyes. Caerus didn't know what color that was- but it wasn't like dad's. He had yet to see dad's color anywhere else in the world.
The wolf blocks his vision of the blue sky, and he frowns momentarily, wiggling his head this way and that as if to try and see it again. But soon the stranger is speaking, and recalling his interaction with Mal the other day, he was happy to engage.
The wolf blocks his vision of the blue sky, and he frowns momentarily, wiggling his head this way and that as if to try and see it again. But soon the stranger is speaking, and recalling his interaction with Mal the other day, he was happy to engage.
Hai!He agrees, without really knowing the meaning. One word piqued his interest the most-
April 01, 2020, 08:51 PM
A bright smile crossed the girl's maw, chest warming up immediately in excitement. "Hey, that was close!" she encouraged, dark tail waving in a banner above her back. Lenny dropped down onto her chest so that she was more eye-level with the tiny, splotched creature and tilted her head to the side as she studied him.
He wasn't like an Archer pup - not dark-furred and certainly didn't smell like salt water. This one smelled warmer, like the trees around them, and still like mother's milk. "I'm Lenny!" she introduced enthusiastically, even though she knew he wouldn't understand her. "Were you looking at the sky?"
He wasn't like an Archer pup - not dark-furred and certainly didn't smell like salt water. This one smelled warmer, like the trees around them, and still like mother's milk. "I'm Lenny!" she introduced enthusiastically, even though she knew he wouldn't understand her. "Were you looking at the sky?"
April 01, 2020, 09:26 PM
She smiles. Just like Mal had!! That excites him, and his stubby tail wags back and forth as he does a little dance on his front paws, lifting each in turn. She drops down, looking him eye-to-eye now. This wolf's voice was higher in pitch than Mal's and Cupid's alike- that was interesting.
Hey!He mimicks, voice higher than any of them. A smile grows on his face without him having to create it; it comes to him naturally.
Renee... skei?He tries his best, and then tail wags proudly with his perceived accomplishment.
April 01, 2020, 10:00 PM
Aww, he was copying! That was so cute! Lenny was reminded of her siblings and cousins back at home, smile and gaze softening as she wagged her tail. God, he was so cute. Did she want kids?
"Good job!" she praised, ears angling toward the baby. "Do you know your name? Huh?" She didn't know his name, either, so she was really hoping he did.
"Good job!" she praised, ears angling toward the baby. "Do you know your name? Huh?" She didn't know his name, either, so she was really hoping he did.
April 01, 2020, 10:08 PM
He had no idea what good job meant, but her tone was enough to tell him he did something right. He lets out a couple of excited yaps, before she begins to say something else.
Now, a wonder baby might've sat up right then and there and told her their name. But Caerus was no wonder baby, not even a month old. He had no grasp on language- his best attempts were only imitations of what others said. So until the word Caerus had been hardened into his brain, he was still just a parrot.
Now, a wonder baby might've sat up right then and there and told her their name. But Caerus was no wonder baby, not even a month old. He had no grasp on language- his best attempts were only imitations of what others said. So until the word Caerus had been hardened into his brain, he was still just a parrot.
Huh?He replies. Now that was a word he was becoming quite familiar with- both Lenny and Mal had used it. If they used it too much, the poor boy would likely get it mixed up with his own name!
April 01, 2020, 10:11 PM
Yeah, that was pretty stupid of her. The poor boy was little, probably around three weeks or so, and would have no idea what she was asking of him. Moonstone eyes crinkled with a smile and she settled onto her belly, tail swishing over the cold ground. "That's okay. You've got all the time in the world to learn that, buddy. No rush."
Instead, she gestured back up to the sky overhead, eager to help teach the baby. "See that? The sky?" she enunciated clearly, to let him copy easier.
Instead, she gestured back up to the sky overhead, eager to help teach the baby. "See that? The sky?" she enunciated clearly, to let him copy easier.
April 01, 2020, 10:26 PM
He was entranced for a moment by the odd color of her eyes, until she gestured back up to the sky. Oh yeah! He totally forgot about that! Blue eyes shift upward, to gaze once more at the expanse. Without looking back to her, he copied
Suddenly something new caught his attention. It was big and white and round on all edges, wholly soft looking. Was it snow? Why was there snow all the way up there? Did that mean the sky was cold, too?
skuh.. ai..slowly in his little squeak of a voice.
Suddenly something new caught his attention. It was big and white and round on all edges, wholly soft looking. Was it snow? Why was there snow all the way up there? Did that mean the sky was cold, too?
wuh...was all he could murmur at the sight, as his gaze slowly followed the path of the massive moving thing.
April 01, 2020, 10:57 PM
Was this really happening again? Did anyone around here realize that they should stay ten feet away from this den at all times? Cupid was getting fed up with these sudden visits.
If it was Mal who was out there with his wandering kid, he'd be little more than annoyed. But he had absolutely no clue who this was and that made him irritated.
Cupid emerged from the den with his tail up and a frown on his face.
If it was Mal who was out there with his wandering kid, he'd be little more than annoyed. But he had absolutely no clue who this was and that made him irritated.
Cupid emerged from the den with his tail up and a frown on his face.
Who the fuck are you?he grumbled,
Who let you come over here?
April 01, 2020, 11:07 PM
Oh. Right. This was not Torbine, and this was not a pup who was related to her in any way, shape, or form. Lenny had kind of forgotten that in most circumstances, the mother - or father, in this instance - was not at all okay with another wolf coming near their den.
Having been about to respond to the pup, Lenny shut her mouth and looked up with wide silver eyes as the parent exited the den. Her tail stopped swaying and instead fell still, and she backed away a few steps. "Sorry! I'm Lenny, Vallkyrie's sister. I was just on a walk and heard him yelling, so I went to check if he was alright, and then he was so cute and he said sky," she explained poorly, offering the understandably furious parent a sheepish smile and a submissive lowering of her head. "I really am sorry - I did this with my little siblings back home all the time. I just didn't think about it."
Having been about to respond to the pup, Lenny shut her mouth and looked up with wide silver eyes as the parent exited the den. Her tail stopped swaying and instead fell still, and she backed away a few steps. "Sorry! I'm Lenny, Vallkyrie's sister. I was just on a walk and heard him yelling, so I went to check if he was alright, and then he was so cute and he said sky," she explained poorly, offering the understandably furious parent a sheepish smile and a submissive lowering of her head. "I really am sorry - I did this with my little siblings back home all the time. I just didn't think about it."
April 01, 2020, 11:25 PM
Dad was here! He didn't seem particularly excited, no smile on his face, but that didn't stop Caerus from greeting him with a loud exclamation of
Then he watches on as his former playmate droops at the words of his father, eyes widened and tail lowered. Head lowers too, and Caerus turns to gaze up at dad with big blue eyes- curious as to what was happening, and yet wholly unable to understand.
DUH!!as he scampered towards the man on tiny paws. He settled himself between dad's feet and listened to his babbles. Should he imitate again?
fug!!He chirps, and his tail wags proudly once more.
Then he watches on as his former playmate droops at the words of his father, eyes widened and tail lowered. Head lowers too, and Caerus turns to gaze up at dad with big blue eyes- curious as to what was happening, and yet wholly unable to understand.
Little Caerus. Always happy, always naive. The boy greeted him with a squeak and ran right between his paws. Cupid's eyes widened when Caerus parroted his cursing. Oh fuck, that wasn't good was it? That was funny, but that definitely wasn't good. Babies shouldn't be cursing. Alright, alright, he had to focus. Gotta get rid of this woman.
She went on and on. Blah, blah, Vallkyrie. Something, something, sorry. He didn't care about any of it. Cupid narrowed his eyes.
She went on and on. Blah, blah, Vallkyrie. Something, something, sorry. He didn't care about any of it. Cupid narrowed his eyes.
I don't want your apology. I want you to leave.His lips quivered as grew more irritated.
April 03, 2020, 01:36 PM
Lenny's exit <3
A surprised snort escaped her when the pup echoed his parents' curse, and Lenny had to fight to keep the smile off of her maw. This was a serious situation, kind of, and she didn't want to anger the dark wolf further.
"Right, yeah, going," she told him, tail wagging sheepishly as she backed up. Maybe later they could meet under better circumstances, but now was not the time. She called a quick "Sorry again!" over her shoulder as she turned to leave.
April 03, 2020, 02:06 PM
dad can carry him inside and we can fade here?
Dad says something, and then the girl is backing up, tail wagging all the while. He didn't get any of it. Soon she was gone, but he wasn't really bothered, because Dad was next to him now.
DUH!!he shouted at Cupid, wrapping around one of his legs like an adorable little snake. Big blue eyes look up to his father, awaiting play, milk, sleep, whatever the adult could offer the little parasite.
April 10, 2020, 10:28 AM
sounds good!
Making the woman leave isn't much of a struggle. He tells her off, she quickly makes an exit. It's a bit shocking. Things like this aren't as easy to do as a loner. There are some stubborn motherfuckers out there, he was expecting the same of these neverwinter wolves. But no, getting her to leave was as simple as three words. Cupid wasn't complaining.
Now that she was gone, he could put the little escapee back where he belongs; in the den next to Duh.
C'mere you little rascal. You can explore when you're older.Cupid leaned down and picked up the boy by the scruff and carried him off.
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