Northstar Vale Newspapers in your shoes
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Ooc: hey I'm replying while on my phone, on the bus! Ignore any autocorrects or typos /weeps

Slowly the adventure was starting to turn. What had turned out horrific and lonely, and had become and adventure was turning sour. Her belly cried and twisted in a growing pain, mice and the occasional rabbit weren't enough. She missed the pack, she missed home where father and the men would bring back enough food to feed everyone.

These lands were barren in a comparison to home, the rabbits were few - but oh, the sweet smell tickled her nose and begged her to follow.

The scent of a kill was near, small by the smell of blood barely lingering in the air, but enough to taunt the young snow caped damsel. She trotted at a steady pace only to quickened as she grew near, leaping out of the bush with excitement for even carion, a smile on her face and tail wagging behind... She froze, digging her paws into the dirt to halt the movement and even breath didn't dare make her move. 

"Sorry... I thought it was left." She muttered
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

Messages In This Thread
Newspapers in your shoes - by Ezekiel - June 15, 2016, 07:55 AM
RE: Newspapers in your shoes - by Reiko - June 15, 2016, 08:32 AM
RE: Newspapers in your shoes - by Ezekiel - June 15, 2016, 08:57 AM
RE: Newspapers in your shoes - by Reiko - June 15, 2016, 09:37 AM
RE: Newspapers in your shoes - by Ezekiel - June 15, 2016, 09:59 AM
RE: Newspapers in your shoes - by Reiko - June 15, 2016, 11:23 AM
RE: Newspapers in your shoes - by Ezekiel - June 15, 2016, 12:00 PM
RE: Newspapers in your shoes - by Reiko - June 15, 2016, 01:24 PM
RE: Newspapers in your shoes - by Ezekiel - June 15, 2016, 02:02 PM
RE: Newspapers in your shoes - by Reiko - June 15, 2016, 02:27 PM
RE: Newspapers in your shoes - by Ezekiel - June 16, 2016, 06:56 AM
RE: Newspapers in your shoes - by Reiko - June 16, 2016, 04:56 PM
RE: Newspapers in your shoes - by Ezekiel - June 17, 2016, 06:50 AM
RE: Newspapers in your shoes - by Reiko - June 17, 2016, 07:35 AM